
Bloody Rose

As everyone is preparing for extermination day Charlie and alastor Walk up to everyone and says

Charlie: OK, the next extermination days in a couple weeks we need to get an army al Said we could try and convince the cannibals to help and he said he knows the person to help

Dan Charlie and alastor goes to where the cannibal lives all three of them walk down Dan walked into an alleyway as The other two talk The woman they need to talk to as you relax a group of cannibals walked over to her, and he already knows what they want and smile and his eyes turned pitch black With red pupils, all that could be hurt, tearing and bones breaking after like an hour Dan walked out of the alleyway with an all white toothpick He sees Charlie trying to convince that The Denisons after a couple hours and one song later, the Denison of cannibal city Dan Toothpick to the ground and starts to walk after Charlie but then Rosie stopped him and wants to talk about Charlie

Rosie: So you're dan right my al been told me so much about you

Dan: Interesting

Rosie: You look out are you OK?

Dan: No, it's fine. I'm just been really stressed lately. How I got down here when I got down here it's just been very stressful and I just haven't had a break in I've been down here

Rosie: I'm definitely not your mother, but I can tell you this no matter how it gets. You have to keep going. You may feel like you have to deal with Everything in the world, but you're not alone you have amazing people looking after you so let me for this again. You will never be alone. You have someone in your life, no matter who you are no matter what you are no matter how evil no matter how good no matter how stupid no matter how smart you will always have someone OK

Dan: ok

???: well, that was boring. He didn't even have sex with her.

Xavier: I don't really care to be honest you still making good progress though and did you see the way he was in the ally way when the hell did you get those powers?

???: The people were scoping out gain their power by sleeping with others. It doesn't matter, male futa Or even women as long It's a living breathing being he'll get stronger, but he doesn't know any of this

Xavier, why do you think you should Keep a close eye on Project-A

???: Just make sure to keep a close eye on him

??? Teleports away and Xavier just sits on a building watching dan

Chapter end next chapter extermination day

Hey guys, could you leave more comments underneath the chapters because I want to know what you guys want from the series and how you want this to go because I’m seeing A decline and read account. I don’t know if it’s because the chapters are becoming too long. You don’t feel like the stories being flashed out correctly or you think.dan Is a bad main character I just need to know what you guys want that would be a great help please

and the reason why I made this chapter so short was because I’m kind of losing passion for this because I’ve been seeing a great incline but then a slow decline and I’m thankful for all the people that read my book because this is something that I only did for fun at first some of y’all I would’ve probably just kept making pure mindless porn but I’m actually trying to make it like a bona fide story but yet again, I can’t force you to stay and read my book. I thank you all. for all of your support

Sinner_Adamcreators' thoughts
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