

As Shinten and Kai argued back and forth on what the possible answer could be, Shido was running a number of scenarios through their head, as well as monitoring all the answers that had been given to try and find the correct answer. He had already concluded that it wasn't something that followed common sense, but the chances of it being an outragous answer that possessed zero logic was irrational.

"Or maybe that's what she wants us to say? But even then, the others that have come before us wouldn't even have had an opportunity to pass this?? This must mean that the objective of this question isn't an answer, but an action! What could she want us to do though?"

Shido was very close to discovering the answer unlike the other two brutes behind him, but there was one piece of the puzzle which was missing up until now. Instead of focusing on the useless answer being said, this time he took notice of the great reduction of people. The number of people in the court had decreased, with many of the unconscious people still being carried away, however he took notice of several others who were biding their time for when they got picked.

In one corner there were two upper-class twins who wore green and blue Haori's respectively. In another, there was a beautiful white haired girl who wore a white kimono with snow flower lily patterns. There was also a very loud orange haired boy that wore clothes from the Rukongai.

These were all the notable people that Shido could identify for now anyway.

After looking at the twins once more, he noticed that the one in the blue Haori took notice of his staring. The two made eye contact for a quick second before turning away.

The boy in the blue Haori then spoke,

"Hey brother, I think I might have figured out the solution to this game of hers."

"You took your time, I was about to make a random guess too."

"Its going to be a gamble, but since we're brothers, we will ride through thick and thin together... right?"

The boy in the green Haori nodded without showing a hint of hesitation with his brother. The brother in blue whispered something to him, before slowly approaching the stand.

"Lieutenant Ise! I would like to make a bargain with you!"

The remaining 254 candidates in the student scoffed at the idea. The fact that he said it with such confidence spoke volumes about his stupidity. But since no answer had worked up until now, then maybe he was onto something?

"And who are you, to try to strike a deal with me?"

"Shiriyu Kenzo of the noble Kenzo household. The true objective of this game is teamwork, no?"


"You said earlier that we have no right to join the academy if we can't work under pressure like this? And thus I have come to the conclusion that there is no solution! You've been pushing us this whole time to find an answer that doesn't exist so that it would force us to evolve on the spot. Utilizing the tools that we have and developing them in real time, so that we would become worthy enough to join this place. You were planning on only letting a small few of us in, until you received an answer which you found satisfactory, that being an answer which is the most creative of them all! That is the answer you're looking for!"

"Then what do you propose?"

"Since I've seen through this game of yours, how about letting everyone pass right now? After all, someone smart enough to identify your true intentions has appeared before you. That is what you've been after right? An individual like me."

Nanao raised her hand, before pointing it at Shiriyu with a face of visible disgust.

"Shiriyu Kenzo, you have failed."

A pair of Soul Reapers then quickly grabbed onto him, as they dragged him out of the court.

"What!? Why?! Where did I go wrong??! ANSWER ME BROTHER!?"

His twin brother in the blue Haori looked back at him, leaving only a sly smile.

"Sorry about this, but I needed to test something. It truly was a gamble."


"Bye! Bye!"

Nanao while still maintaining that same face of disgust, then pointed at the last remaining twin brother.

"You gave your brother the wrong answer on purpose didn't you? Since your prepared to sacrifice others so easily, you should be prepared to have to your own life taken."

He snickered at her before slowly walking towards Kai's group, all while locking eyes with Shido.

"H-hey?? What's that guy doing coming to us??"

Shido started to move away from his friends, and instead extended out a welcoming hand to the twin.

"Jinriyu Kenzo."

"Shido Tatsuya."

They shook hands all while maintaining eye contact, fearing that if they looked away for even a second, the other would be completely devoured.

"I looked around for others who had discovered the main objective, but there was no one even remotely interesting. Be glad that a Rukongai peasant like you has the opportunity to do business with me."

"This objective was meant to break the boundary between the two classes by forcing teamwork between the two in a situation where it is absolutely necessary. The Kido Corpse, Onmitsukidō, and Shinigami often need to work together so its important that we all get along. But if you act like an open maniac in front of everyone, you're going to make it quite hard. Don't you at least have any decency to tone it down a little?"

"Sorry but being passive just isn't my nature."

Nanao was extremely fed up of him. All her plans ruined by one man. Even if she did fail him on purpose, the point of this exercise had already been revealed.

"If it was up to me I would kick you out right now, but a pass is a pass and so I have no choice but to carry out my promise. The remaining 253 Candidates who are still in the school have passed the entrance exam."

Shinten grabbed onto Shido, before throwing him into the air while Kai and everyone cheered for him.

"Shido you genius! If it weren't for you then we would've failed!"

"You credit me too much, I only figured it out because of-"

He looked over to see Jinriyu, but he had already disappeared somewhere.

While they still celebrated the doors to the main building swung open, with its insides being filled with a large dark shadow. Nanao spoke into the microphone one last time before leaving,

"Once you enter through those doors, you will have made the decision to go down a path to serving Soul Society. If you wish to backout then this will be your last chance."

Shinten quickly put Shido down as he said,

"For 60 years I've been doing this entrance exam. And time and time again I've failed. No longer shall I let anyone hold me back!"

He quickly sprinted away from the others and rushed into the Academy.

"Could you at least slow down?"

Shido chased him, while a stream of people flooded into the building. The crowd was too much for him, and so Kai would be the last one to enter.

Sorry for the late upload

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts
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