
Ch-75 < Before the disaster >

The tension had been steadily growing over the past three months, an uneasy calm settling over the world.

Kevin could feel it in the air, a sense of impending doom as the Honkai energy spiked, growing stronger day by day.

It was as if a new Herrscher was about to be born, yet there were no readings, no signs of where or when it would emerge. It was this uncertainty that gnawed at everyone, a constant reminder that their battle was far from over.

In the meantime, the team had been hard at work, making final preparations for the inevitable conflict.

Most of the Divine Keys were now ready, their immense power a beacon of hope against the coming storm.

Only Divine key from Binding Core is left.

Mei had been particularly focused on upgrading her new weapon, the Key of Blankness, which had been infused with the Herrscher of Blood core fragments. The enhancements it provided were nothing short of miraculous:

-Hemostasis: The ability to stop or slow down bleeding, a crucial skill that could turn the tide in battle.

- Adrenaline Rush: A temporary boost to her stats, increasing pain resistance and giving her the strength to push through even the toughest fights.

- Regeneration: The power to heal and balance her body functions, allowing her to recover from wounds that would incapacitate others.

As Mei tested the capabilities of the Key of Blankness, Kevin couldn't help but be impressed by the seamless integration of these abilities.

He asked to make him a same suit which can host a herrscher gem.

Su, on the other hand, had been tasked with the Key of Infinity, his mission to search for another universe and analysis all possible situation and outcome to counter the Honkai.

Meanwhile, under Vill-v and bronya direction, the team had created several new satellites equipped with Soulium, enhancing global connectivity.

All of these satellites were linked to the Divine Key satellite, ensuring that they could communicate and coordinate their efforts no matter where the next battle took place.


Vita's revelation about Finality's ability to control time had sent shockwaves through the team.

If the Final Herrscher could truly manipulate time, their chances of victory seemed slim.

However, Vill-V, Bronya, and Mei had quickly turned their fear into action, working together to develop a cryosleep container designed to resist the effects of Finality's powers.

"This will be our last resort," Mei explained during one of their meetings. "If all else fails, these cryosleep containers will preserve us until the impending will be gone".

Kevin nodded, appreciating the gravity of their situation. "We'll only use them if we have no other choice. But first lets give our all."

Amidst the preparations, Kevin found himself grappling with a difficult personal matter.

He had tasked Aponia with taking care of Griseo and Rin, knowing that her calm and nurturing nature made her the best person for the job.

"Aponia, I'm entrusting you with their care," Kevin said during a private conversation. "Griseo is young and innocent, and Rin… she's sakura sister. Her sister is mostly busy with mission"

Aponia smiled softly. "You have nothing to worry about, Kevin sama. I will ensure they are safe and well."

Kevin hesitated, his thoughts turning to Rin. He knows that the Herrscher of Corruption could be Rin, but Kevin refused to accept that possibility.

the last thing he wanted was to see Sakura fall into despair, possibly even taking her own life if this situation became true like cannon.

With a heavy heart ,Kevin strolled into Mei's lab.

Mei was deeply engrossed in her work, tinkering with an earring under a magnifying lens, while Vill-V was fussing over a newly created Divine Key, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Yo. Whatcha doing?" Kevin's sudden greeting echoed through the lab, causing both women to jump in surprise. Mei nearly dropped her earring, her usual calm composure momentarily shattered, while Vill-V's tools clattered to the floor.

Vill-V was the first to recover, flashing Kevin a grin that was a mix of anger and excitement

"Look! We finished the 8th key. It's called the Key of Sentience. Pretty cool name, huh?" She puffed out her chest, clearly expecting praise.

Mei sighed, trying to regain her dignity.

" Name something else "

Kevin, intrigued, took the Key from Vill-V's outstretched hand. It was an elegant piece of work, but as he felt the power within it, an idea began to form in his mind—one that he knew he wouldn't be able to resist.

"This Divine Key can give unending illusions and dreams to the target. If they don't have enough Honkai energy or resistance, they'll be trapped forever. And whatever happens inside, translates to the real world, so you could kill someone with this." Mei explained eagerly, but Kevin was only half-listening, his mind already set on a more… mischievous application.

"Interesting," Kevin muttered with a smirk.

Before Mei could react, Kevin had already activated the Key, directing its power toward her.

Mei blinked, confusion clouding her features as the lab around her suddenly morphed into a luxurious ballroom. The sterile scent of the lab was replaced by the heady fragrance of roses, and soft music played in the background.

She looked down, realizing with growing horror that she was now wearing a frilly pink ball gown, complete with sparkly slippers.

"Wha—Kevin?! What is this?" Mei's voice rose in pitch, her cheeks flushing crimson as she spun around, trying to make sense of her ridiculous outfit.

Her discomfort only deepened when she saw her reflection in a nearby mirror—her hair was done up in an elaborate style that would have made any Disney princess envious.

Kevin, who had also donned a ridiculously over-the-top suit complete with tails and a top hat, appeared beside her, offering her a deep bow. "May I have this dance, milady?" he asked, his tone dripping with mock formality.

Mei's eyes narrowed dangerously, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the way her dress poofed out as she crossed her arms. "Kevin, you better stop this right now, or I swear—"

"Or what?" Kevin teased, spinning her around before she could finish her threat. "Are you going to threaten me with your pink slipper?"

Mei sputtered, her face turning an even deeper shade of red. "Vill-V! Help me out here!"

But Vill-V, who had somehow procured a bag of popcorn, was leaning against a pillar, watching the spectacle unfold with undisguised amusement. "No way! This is better than any of the movies we've got on base."

"Kevin, you idiot!" Mei finally snapped, trying to storm off in her gown, only to trip over the ridiculous amount of fabric. She tumbled into Kevin's arms, her flustered expression only making her look more like a damsel in distress.

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Alright, alright," he said, still chuckling as he deactivated the Key.

But that was just acting Kevin couldn't resist pushing the joke further.

With a mischievous grin, he flicked the Key of Sentience again, casting Mei into another illusion before she could recover from the ballroom debacle.

This time, she found herself standing in front of a mirror wearing an outfit that left her utterly speechless—a revealing bikini that sparkled in the imaginary sunlight of a beach.

Her face turned bright red as she stared in horror at her reflection, unable to believe what she was seeing.

"Kevin!" Mei's voice was a mix of shock and fury, her hands instinctively moving to cover herself, even though the attire was just an illusion.

Kevin chuckled, clearly enjoying the reaction. "You know, this is the latest fashion on the summer beaches. Thought you'd like to try it out."

Mei glared at him, her eyes blazing with embarrassment. "This is beyond ridiculous! Turn this off right now!"

But Kevin wasn't done. With another flick of the Key, the swimsuit was replaced by an even more outrageous outfit—a maid's uniform, complete with a frilly apron and stockings.

Mei's jaw dropped as she took in the sight of herself in the mirror, and she could practically feel the steam rising from her head.

"Seriously, Kevin? A maid?!" She was now thoroughly mortified, her hands trembling as she tried to keep her composure.

Kevin's grin widened, finding her flustered state far too amusing. "You always did say you wanted to help out more around the base. Just thought I'd give you a head start."

Mei, now redder than a tomato, tried to back away from the mirror, but Kevin had already switched her outfit again—this time to an over-the-top magical girl costume, complete with a short skirt, sparkling wand, and ridiculously high heels.

Mei gasped, her voice almost a squeak as she turned to Kevin, completely mortified. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?!"

"Maybe," Kevin replied with a wink.

By this point, Vill-V was on the floor, laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face. "Kevin, you've outdone yourself! I didn't think Mei could get any redder!"

Mei shot her a look that could have frozen lava, but the effect was somewhat ruined by her current outfit—a revealing bunny costume that made her look more like a nightclub performer than a soldier.

Finally, Kevin, sensing that he might be pushing his luck, deactivated the Key, returning Mei to her usual attire.

But the damage was done—Mei's face was still bright red, and she was breathing heavily, trying to recover from the series of embarrassing illusions.

"You're dead ,"she muttered, her voice filled with exasperation and she went to prepare her weapons.

Kevin chuckled "You've got to admit, it was a pretty effective test."

"Effective? That was humiliating!" Mei retorted while still loading her weapons.

Vill-V finally managed to get to her feet, still giggling. "Mei, you should have seen your face! But hey, at least now we know the Key works perfectly."

Mei quickly patted all over herself to check if there was something wrong. "That key is quite something." She murmured.

"Yosh. I'll hold on to this for now, or someone might misuse it." He winked at them.

"You..." Mei's voice seethed with rage. "Come back here!"

She chased him all over the workshop with her Key of blankness and chasing Kevin all over the place with different weapons in her mind.

Next chapter