
Ch-64 < Exploring quantum sea >

Kevin now stood at the precipice of the Quantum Sea, the vast, iridescent expanse of liquid-like space shimmering around him.

The Rainbow Road beneath his feet felt fragile, a delicate bridge suspended over the abyss, its surface shifting and changing colors with every step he took. As Kevin cautiously made his way across, his wings rustled softly in the quiet air, the latent energy of the sea humming around him.

The Sea of Quanta stretched infinitely in all directions, an endless expanse that defied the laws of reality.

Bubble universes floated lazily nearby, each one a fragmented echo of some distant world. Some were stable, their edges sharp and clearly defined, while others wavered and flickered, dissolving like half-remembered dreams.

Kevin's eyes scanned the horizon, taking in the surreal landscape. He glimpsed familiar places—a city skyline, a cherry blossom grove, a desolate wasteland—all of them overlapping and merging in this strange space.

"What peculiar worlds..." Kevin murmured as he continued his journey deeper into the sea.

He came across strange objects resembling trees, though they weren't plants. They looked more like quartz-like minerals, emerging from the desert-like surface. These structures shimmered softly in the dim light of the moon-like glow overhead.

Kevin knelt beside one of the crystalline formations, running his hand over its surface. "Quantum ores..." he muttered.

"Stronger than anything the system has provided so far." He quickly began mining several thousand of them, recognizing their immense value. As he worked, strange creatures approached him. These beings, with sturdy front limbs, were digging through the rocks and consuming them. Kevin kept his distance, observing them, but soon, a larger threat arrived.

A massive, opaque shadow loomed over him, its dark body covered in white spots that sparkled ominously. The beast began gathering quantum energy, forming a pulsating ball of energy that it shot directly at Kevin.

Reacting instantly, Kevin raised his hand, and as the energy blast made contact with his body, he utilized Gluttony to absorb the attack entirely.

"Not bad," he said, his voice calm. He then drew the Key of Destruction, its blade shimmering with energy. With a single swing, the massive shadow beast was cleaved in two, its form dissipating into the quantum ether.

The commotion attracted even more quantum monsters, each more grotesque than the last. Tentacle-like creatures slithered toward him, and beasts with robust outer shells but soft, vulnerable interiors charged from every direction.

Kevin's senses heightened, and he moved with blinding speed, using instantaneous movement to dodge and counter their attacks.

One of the crab-like creatures fired a barrage of energy waves toward him, but Kevin was ready. He leaped into the air, spinning gracefully before unleashing a massive fire blast that incinerated the creature and several others in its vicinity.

More monsters closed in, their shadowy forms rolling and spinning toward him, their intentions clear: devour him whole.

Kevin remained unfazed. With a flick of his wrist, he released a series of blood and ice projectiles, each one precisely aimed at the incoming creatures. The projectiles struck true, piercing through the monsters and tearing them apart.

The fight raged on, with quantum beasts falling left and right. Each time Kevin defeated one, he absorbed its essence, gaining new powers.

By the end of the battle, he had acquired the ability to manipulate quantum energy itself, a power that would prove invaluable in this strange, ever-shifting dimension.

As Kevin stood amidst the remains of the defeated monsters, he took a deep breath.

The Sea of Quanta was unlike anything he had ever encountered, a place where the laws of reality held no sway, and danger lurked around every corner.

Kevin then continue to ventured into the Quantum Sea, he scanned the area. He felt the rippling presence of stronger entities closing in on him.

The quantum landscape shifted ominously, indicating the approach of formidable foes. With a slight smirk, he knows that this was an opportunity to test his growing mastery of quantum manipulation.

Suddenly, the air grew thick with malice as 5 massive figures emerged from the distance

Void Hellion and Void Taurus. Kevin thought as he remember them from game.

The Hellion struck first, lashing out with its energy tendrils. Kevin's body blurred as he dodged effortlessly, his instantaneous movement allowing him to remain several steps ahead of the attack.

Yet, instead of simply countering, Kevin allowed the Hellion to come closer. He wanted to observe its manipulation of energy—to understand how it weaponized quantum forces.

As the Hellion advanced, Kevin initiated a rapid series of counter-attacks, channeling quantum energy into his strikes.

They're not as chaotic as they appear, Kevin mused as he blocked another swing from the Hellion. Their manipulation is little refined than others.

"Perfect," he thought. I'll have to test my control over quantum energy. He stepped forward to meet the beast's charge head-on.

The Void Hellion roared as it released a sphere of concentrated energy, designed to annihilate anything it touched by breaking it down at the quantum level.

Kevin raised his hand, focusing on his growing control over quantum manipulation.

The sphere slowed mid-air, its volatile energy held in place by Kevin's will. With a mere flick of his wrist, the sphere reversed its direction, hurling back toward the Hellion.

The explosion that followed was brief but intense, tearing at the three Hellion's shadowy form. It shrieked in agony as their bodies began to destabilize.

Two Taurus, undeterred, charged again, its body covered in a protective aura. But this time, Kevin was ready. He allowed the beast to come within inches of him before unleashing a powerful deceleration field.

Kevin's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as the Void Taurus' once-mighty form solidified into an ice-like statue, trapped in a perfect moment of time.

Kevin conjur quantum energy in his Divine Key and disintegrate then with his strike making the whole area quiet.

As he start absorbing their remains.

The usually chaotic but quiet realm around him suddenly became more oppressive, the air thick with a malevolent presence. Kevin's instincts flared, sensing something ancient and sinister lurking beneath the surface of this strange dimension.

Without warning, shadowy tentacles burst from the ground, ensnaring his legs with a vice-like grip. Kevin reacted swiftly, summoning his Divine Key to sever the dark tendrils, but more emerged, pulling him deeper into the abyss.

Kevin didn't got the chance to unleash his seal which prevent released of his immense energy from core.

Despite his resistance, Kevin was dragged downward into the dark depths of the Sea of Quanta. The world around him twisted and distorted, the boundaries of reality becoming increasingly unclear as he was plunged into an unknown region within this vast, enigmatic space.

Finally, the descent stopped, and Kevin found himself in a place where the very concept of light seemed to falter—a realm of endless shadows and swirling mists. In this realm, the oppressive energy was palpable, a dark force that seemed to consume everything it touched.

And then, she appeared.

A/N ~ 😃 and 😭. Thanks for support.

Around 65% of part-I is finished.

Next chapter