
[System abuse]

"Just open you eyes, for fuck's sake."

Mori's patience was at a limit, but as he kept complaining she eventually hit it by chance.

The skeleton dropped kindle, and bone dust.

"I'll take the bone dust," said Mori.

"Sure, I don't even know what it's good for."

[Level up!]

"Oh, I leveled up," said Aleesia.

"Same, apparently."

He opened his profile.

[Memento Mori] [Level 3]

[Class: Cursed Sovereign]

[Cursed Path: Fateweaver 1879892/2,216,838]

[Health points: 15/15]

[Cursed Energy: 0/1477892]

[Magic: 30]

[Strength: 9]

[Defense: 6]

[Agility: 3]

If I could harvest hexes while waiting for the next room to open, it would at least be worth my time.

"Do we wait for the next room?" asked Aleesia who was done looking at her own profile.

"No, I'm done with this floor. I'm moving on to the next level."

Next chapter