

~Ezra's Pov, A week Later~




"HAAAGHHH!!!!" I must have been doing this for days straight at this point. I've been training relentlessly for the past week to get my mind off my short-term relationship. At times like these, I hated how vivid my memory was. I'd likely hate it even more for potential things I'd have to remember in the future.

[Master, your anger is manifesting physically again...]

I gritted my teeth, continuing to push my body to its limits... 'This again, ECHO?' I was getting tired of this.

[Your heart rate has increased by 20.22%. Adrenaline levels are elevated. Muscle tension is at 35.53% above normal. Your breathing is also erratic, and you're expending more energy than usual for these exercises.]

'I get it, ECHO. I'm angry. You don't have to remind me every second.'

[...Understanding your physical symptoms can help you control them, master. Acknowledge your emotions and feelings, but don't let them control you.]

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. 'I know you're right, ECHO. It's just... A bit hard.'

[It's a process, master. One step at a time... Remember that I am here for your betterment.]

I nodded, though the frustration still simmered beneath the surface. I knew I couldn't keep running from my emotions, but for now, pushing my body to its limits was the only way I could cope with it. It didn't make things any easier that what happened a week ago still felt like only a second ago...

"Could you show me my statistics please?"


Physical Age: 16 --> 17 years / 124,231.22 --> 12.39 Million years

Height: 6'1.5" --> 6'3.5" / 6'11.3"

Weight: 410.81 kg --> 454.21 (Effectively 172.39 kg)

Physical Strength: Class-P {High} --> Class-Y {High} / ♾ 

Striking Strength: Tier-6C {Low} --> Tier-5C {Low}

Physicality: Tier-6C {High} --> Tier-5C {High} / ♾

Stamina: ♾

Perception/Reaction speeds: MFTL × 2.2 --> MFTL × 15,221.3 / ♾

Movement-Speed: Relatavistic+ --> MFTL × 13.2 / ♾

Intelligence: High Genius --> Peak Genius / ♾


Advanced Tactile-Telekinesis: When in contact with an object, you can lift it 32.1 × more easily and strengthen your body as much...

Heat vision: The user can emit beams of solar energy, that can reach temperatures between 201,351-342,891 degrees Celsius.

Advanced Super-Intellect: Allows the user to process, store, and comprehend information as well as sort data, and sequences 19.32 × greater than before.

Intermediate Super Breath: The user can forcefully blow air enough to cause natural calamities...




I've been hopping in and out of the alien dimension and this dimension, and the increases were vast... The yellow sun's energy was approximately 13.2 times more potent than the red sun's radiation. Which was, interesting to say the least. 

But, it was a bit inconvenient to constantly hop between planets, but I needed one to train both my abilities as well as my physique. Still, it was also pretty rewarding. I was capable of lifting large asteroids and tough enough to resist attacks capable of destroying a moon. Not to mention the bio-electric aura that protects me from anything that's over half a dozen times stronger than my ridiculous toughness.

Stacked on top of my transformations that I had which were much more powerful now compared to before? I was nearly invincible to anyone that could challenge me in my most basic form. The only thing I had to do now was to get Omni-Man's blood. If I had that. I don't know what I would become...

At this point, me and superman were likely on the same level... He might still be stronger than I was without my forms, but I doubt he could take me with them, especially if I stacked them all on top of one another. I could confidently say, I was strong, at least enough to defend myself comfortably.

But I wasn't going to get too comfortable with this level of progress. There was always more to achieve, more to learn, and more challenges to overcome. Staying vigilant and continuously pushing my limits was the only way to ensure I was prepared for whatever came next in this shitshow of a universe.

And I have been working on just that. I had records of super planets that had levels of gravity 100s of times Earth's. But I was still working on piecing together their coordinates. Once I got those, I would train on them instead. I even heard of a purple star in this vast universe, which is likely more potent than even a blue star.

Before I lose myself, I should go get a shower... 

I've been training for a week straight anyway. I quickly opened a portal back to Earth using a portable device I had made. It consumed a lot of energy, but since I was a walking solar battery, I had that in spades, so it wasn't much of an issue to go anywhere I wanted, just as long as I knew where I was going.

Plus, all this training makes me feel hungry for nice food, even though I don't feel such a thing anymore...




[It's a good thing you bought clothing a size larger than you were initially master.]

"Tell me about it. I'll need to go shopping again though, make it a one-go trip for both clothes and food." Talking about clothing, I'll need a new costume. The materials from the alien dimension are ridiculously more powerful than anything on Earth and more malleable... That should be a fun little side project to do.

After putting on my clothes, I went out to see my car, a relatively new pick-up. There's not much to look at, maybe I could build a custom vehicle for the fun of it too? A lot of ideas out of me today.

Anyways, I should get going...





~Omniscient Pov~




"Donna, I told you I couldn't stand this. I'm just glad it'll be my last showing before the contract ends either way," Diana said, her voice heavy with frustration.

"Oh, it can't be that bad, Diana," Donna replied, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's not the modeling itself," Diana continued. "It's the constant attention. People recognize me everywhere I go, and being tall doesn't help me blend in either." Even now, she noticed the stares from passersby directed not only at her but also at her younger sister.

Donna thought for a moment, then brightened. "Why don't I take you to one of my favorite food joints here? Maybe it'll take your mind off things."

Diana waved her hand dismissively, not really considering the offer. "Ah, yeah, sure..." she replied half-heartedly.

Donna wasn't deterred. She took Diana by the arm and started leading her down the street. "Come on, trust me. This place is amazing!"

They walked for a few minutes until they reached a cozy little restaurant tucked away from the main hustle and bustle. The warm, inviting atmosphere of the place immediately helped Diana relax a bit.

As they settled into a corner booth, Donna looked around and spotted someone interesting. She nudged Diana quickly and pointed discreetly. "Hey, check him out. Isn't he... Handsome?"

"Yes... Yes, he is," Diana admitted with a clear hint of curiosity in her voice. No, he was gorgeous. It was almost as if he wasn't human... Long, yet rich red hair that seemed to go passed his back, and silver-ish eyes with hints of emerald green within them.

That wasn't all either. He looked powerful, his physique could be seen in plain sight, and it was a marvel by anatomical standards. She could see no short-comings, or muscles that needed development. He was almost, perfect in a weird sense, he was extremely over-developed, physically speaking. Not that it looked bad, it was the opposite...

And she didn't dare to give someone such a compliment lightly. It was almost, suspicious to her.

However, she rubbed her temples, a bit ashamed that she was admiring someone so much... But, being a hardened warrior, Diana had developed a super-level assessment of sorts after training others, as well as training herself for the last couple of decades. She could tell when someone was powerful naturally, and he exuded that aura in spades, in her mind she thought he had resembled the sun itself.

That thought just came to her out of nowhere... Diana quickly glanced at her younger half, realizing she was doing the same thing that she was, but she looked as if she was falling and it didn't look like she would get back up, at least for now.

Donna on the other hand smiled and turned around seeing her sister looking at her, "What?" she asked, "Nothing much..." Dinna smiled, pleased to see her sister's mood lifting as well as hers, she loved strong-looking men, and she couldn't count on her fingers on ones that looked or seemed so, not like he did, "Eh Hem! Maybe this little outing wasn't such a bad idea after all," she teased back.

Diana chuckled softly, "Maybe not. Thanks, Donna." 

As they enjoyed their meal, Both Donna and Diana's gaze kept drifting back towards him. Both wondered what his story was, and they felt a spark of curiosity that they hadn't experienced in a very long time. The more they watched him, the more they wanted to know who he was and what had brought him here of all places...

"Ah, Diana! You're gonna be late!" Donna exclaimed suddenly, breaking the spell of their shared curiosity.

Diana glanced at her watch, eyes widening. "Oh, you're right! I completely lost track of time."

She quickly gathered her things, her mind still half-occupied with thoughts of the intriguing stranger. As she stood up to leave, Donna gave her a playful nudge. "Go on, I'll handle the bill. And maybe next time, we'll get to know him a bit better."

Diana smiled, a mix of gratitude and amusement in her eyes, "Thanks. See you later."

With one last glance at the man, Diana hurried out of the restaurant, already yet unknowingly looking forward to the next time she might cross paths with him.





~Ezra's Pov~




Those women were damned strong. It was hard not to feel their strength from where I was. I knew who they were, of course, but getting involved with them would be a pain. Thankfully, I had super hearing and could pick up on what they said to some extent.

As they got up to leave, I couldn't help but observe them a little more closely... It was clear as day that they were both heroes since I recognized one as Wonder Woman, but getting tangled up with them wasn't part of my plan.

I finished my meal, deciding that I wouldn't be showing myself around here again anytime soon. It was better to stay under the radar and avoid unnecessary complications, especially with people who could sense my strength as easily as I could sense theirs.

A shame though, the burgers here were damn good...










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