
An Exclusive Interview

Time always flies by unnoticed.

Just as people began to sense the arrival of spring amidst the lingering cold, delighting in the golden strings of forsythia blossoms, the magnolias standing tall along Chang'an Avenue and in courtyards large and small, and the vibrant clusters of peach blossoms like brocades, they suddenly found willow branches swaying low, catkins drifting through the streets, and the sun starting to flaunt the power it had been deprived of all winter.

Beijing's spring is so fleeting that people barely get a touch of its garment before the warm early summer sunlight begins to shine on the earth.

Nearly half a year had passed since Murong Feng had returned to Beijing from Hangzhou.

"Ye Zi, I have to go to Huayou this afternoon. After that, I'll pick you up at your company. Can you accompany me to a dinner party tonight?" Murong Feng said as he walked out of the elevator and headed towards the parking lot, talking on the phone with Ye Zi.

"Ah... Murong, I have to work overtime tonight to revise a very urgent project prospectus! I might not be able to go with you..." Ye Zi frowned slightly, looking at the new work email on her laptop screen, and said helplessly.

Murong Feng paused, "Is that so... Alright then, how late will you be working? I'll bring you some supper tonight!"

Ye Zi scrolled through the email contents with the mouse, looking distressed, "Oh my.... so much to do... Murong, I'll probably be working very late tonight. You don't have to worry about me. Enjoy your evening! And drink less! ...Okay, bye."

Ye Zi hung up the phone and turned her gaze to the little pig plushie on her desk. She extended her slender fingers to gently press the pig's head, making it bob up and down on its spring, as if nodding.

She spoke to the plushie, "Murong, why do you have so many dinners and parties to attend now? ... Remember to be good at the event tonight and don't pay attention to other women... Good, nodding means you'll be good!" Her delicate face showed a hint of sadness.

She couldn't help but think back on the past six months and the sudden changes in her life.

Over the past six months, Ye Zi's project was completed, ending her nearly three months of business trips and reuniting her with Murong Feng in Beijing.

Huayou Pictures successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States, becoming the first privately-owned media company in China to successfully list overseas since the financial crisis. The initial public offering price was $15, opening at $19.5 and closing at $20.9 on the first day, a 40% increase from the IPO price, raising $109 million and valuing the company at $2.18 billion.

In the IPO, Murong Feng sold 160,000 shares, equivalent to 7% of his holdings, retaining a 6.8% stake in Huayou, making him worth over $100 million. However, the remaining shares would be subject to a six-month lock-up period.

Together with the major shareholders, the Wang Lei brothers, whose net worth soared to nearly $500 million, Murong Feng became a new financial star. His youth and success through intellectual capital made him a hot topic in today's economy, representing the wealth dreams of countless young people in the new economic era.

Murong Feng remained low-key and reluctant to interact with the media, but eventually agreed to an interview with "Financial Weekly," the most influential financial magazine in China, due to Wang Lei and others' pressure to promote Huayou Pictures. This was his first direct media appearance.

This afternoon's trip to Huayou was for the scheduled interview.

Huayou Pictures's office building was located within the Nokia Building compound near Xiaojieqiao on the Second Ring Road. The nearly 4,000 square meter warehouse, with a height of 7.8 meters, had become the most famous dream factory in China's film industry.

Anyone entering the Huayou Pictures office for the first time would be bewildered by the seemingly chaotic horizontal and vertical lines, the indistinguishable spatial transitions, the brightly colored stripes on the walls, the bewildering visual effects from various angles, finding it difficult to tell direction.

The entire office space, with its gray warehouse foundation, featured ubiquitous steel structures, silk-screened glass covered with logos, slogans, and patterns, simple wooden floors, a wall with dense stripes, and large areas of minimalist seating, creating a dreamlike landscape with large areas of exposed original-colored walls.

What truly made the space vibrant were the striped walls, distributed throughout the area. The office area was predominantly tranquil blue and green, while the rest area, small bar and lively corners adopted a passionate red theme. The combination of restrained blue, passionate green, and fiery red made the entire dream factory extraordinarily colorful.

Murong Feng was to be interviewed in the VIP area on the second floor. Designed with black-themed modular sofas surrounding "flower drums" used as coffee tables, the area exuded a mysterious aura amidst tranquility.

Murong Feng frequently visited here for meetings before the listing, earning the respect and admiration of the company's beauties. As he walked into the company entrance, a long-haired beauty at the front desk stood up with a sweet smile and said, "Mr. Murong, the reporter from Financial Weekly is here and waiting for you in the VIP area on the second floor."

Murong Feng nodded and smiled, "Got it, thank you."

He ascended the steel staircase to the second floor and approached the VIP area near the floor-to-ceiling windows. He immediately recognized the reporter, elegantly seated on the sofa in a black suit and knee-length skirt, with a white shirt and black-framed glasses. Her sophisticated makeup and large wavy hair tied up neatly reminded him of the person he had briefly encountered at the Huaxia Group clubhouse bar half a year ago—Xiao Qiang. He paused, feeling a momentary hesitation.

Mentally shaking his head, he thought, how could I forget that she's a reporter for Financial Weekly? No wonder when Wang Lei mentioned the magazine it sounded familiar earlier.

Seeing him approach, Xiao Qiang's eyes lit up, and she stood up gracefully, smiling, "Mr. Murong, hello! We meet again!"

Murong Feng snapped back to reality, walked forward, and shook her hand, smiling politely, "So it's Miss Xiao Qiang, pleasure to meet you!"

After they sat down, Xiao Qiang smiled, "First of all, congratulations on Huayou Pictures's successful listing on the NASDAQ, the first privately-owned media company in China to list overseas in recent years. You must be very happy now."

Her demeanor was poised and professional, a stark contrast to the alluring charm she had displayed in the bar that night.

Murong Feng glanced at her in surprise but welcomed this professional manner of conversation. He smiled and replied, "Yes, I am very pleased. Huayou Pictures is the largest privately-owned media entertainment company in China, always a pioneer and leader in the private media sector, with extensive media operation experience, talent, strong distribution channels, top-tier advertising clients, and the most valuable audience. I have always been confident in Huayou's success in going public, and this has been proven true..."

Murong Feng's confident response, his composed and dignified demeanor, greatly impressed Xiao Qiang. She had anticipated nervousness or discomfort from Murong Feng, who had consistently declined media interviews and kept a low profile. To her surprise, his performance was that of a seasoned business figure accustomed to such situations.

As a top financial reporter, Xiao Qiang was not satisfied with the prepared promotional material for Huayou. Her expertise lay in uncovering the substance behind financial events and identifying captivating points.

Shifting the topic, she asked, "Mr. Murong, according to the IPO disclosures, you own 6.8% of Huayou Pictures. Based on today's share price of $25.2, your net worth exceeds $150 million1. The newly released 'Forbes China Rich List' places the threshold for the top 1,000 at 700 million RMB2, ranking you within the top 600. How do you feel about being one of the 600 wealthiest individuals in China?"

Murong Feng saw the gleam in her eyes, smiled, and spread his hands, "As you know, these are paper riches. Unless I sell all my shares, these are just numbers. I have great confidence in Huayou's future and growth prospects, so I'm not considering selling my shares anytime soon. In other words, I'm not really a tycoon yet."

Xiao Qiang didn't believe his modest response. Murong Feng held a board seat at Huayou but no other internal roles, making him a pure investor. His evasive answer did not satisfy her.

Before she could speak, Murong Feng smiled and asked, "Miss Xiao, what is your view on wealth?"

Caught off guard, Xiao Qiang thought for a moment and said, "In modern society, wealth is one of the symbols of achievement. It includes both material and spiritual wealth. Materially, wealth refers to items that meet people's production and living needs, mainly money. Spiritually, wealth is anything that brings joy and comfort."

Murong Feng smiled, nodding, "Indeed, Miss Xiao. So, in my view, money is not the most important thing. What matters are the experiences gained, the things that move us in the process of creating wealth. That, to me, is true wealth—experiences. I long to continually experience new things, do what I love. The ability to freely choose one's way of life is real wealth."

Understanding his perspective, Xiao Qiang smiled and didn't press further on his net worth.

 Instead, she asked, "Mr. Murong, besides being a board member of Huayou Pictures, you also run TOM Beijing Media, Fengxing Wireless Entertainment, and Hangzhou's Ayu Games. Do you foresee these companies achieving similar success and going public like Huayou?"

Murong Feng laughed and shook his head, "Miss Xiao, you know a lot about me. It seems you've done your homework. Well, since I'm giving this exclusive interview, I'll be frank. I certainly hope that once these companies reach a certain stage of development, they can go public to enhance and strengthen their competitiveness through international financing. However, this requires much more effort and work. Currently, these companies are far from meeting the standards for an IPO."

The nearly two-hour interview went very well. Murong Feng's intelligence, responsiveness, and sincere attitude left Xiao Qiang impressed. As they concluded, she shook Murong Feng's hand, smiling, "Mr. Murong, you are the most unlike a businessman among all the business people I've interviewed, yet one of the most clear about what you want to achieve."

Outwardly smiling, Murong Feng inwardly sighed, "I know what I want? I didn't want this interview, but here I am. Knowing is one thing; achieving is another."

As he saw Xiao Qiang off, shaking hands at the door, she gave a mysterious smile and said, "Mr. Murong, I hope we meet again soon." Murong Feng responded politely, "I hope so too. Goodbye!"

Murong Feng intended to visit Wang Lei's office for a chat but was informed by the secretary that Wang Lei was out. Remembering the "Thanksgiving Gala - Celebrity Charity Night" organized and co-hosted by TOM Beijing tonight, which he had to attend as the company's boss, he drove home to change clothes.

Tonight's gala was the highlight of the ongoing Beijing International Private Auction Exhibition at the China World Trade Center. The idea for this charity dinner came from a remark Murong Feng made during a meeting with Ouyang Lanruo and Doris.

Holding the event brochure filled with luxury cars, private jets, yachts, jewelry, watches, fine wines, cigars, and real estate, Murong Feng felt a surge of emotion.

Leaning back in his chair, tapping the brochure, he remarked sarcastically, "How many ordinary people in China can actually afford these items showcased in this exhibition?"

Ouyang Lanruo and Doris were speechless, thinking how could a young millionaire, who had just surpassed $100 million in net worth, say that? His attitude seemed provocative...

Murong Feng smiled and continued, "I've been thinking these days. After wealth helps people create a quality life and achieve personal dreams, what more can it bring? How do we prevent increasing wealth from becoming cold numbers in the bank? As media, shouldn't we instill a new fashion concept in today's urban wealthy class? For instance, gratitude and charity?"

The image of Ye Zi crying while watching a late-night CCTV documentary about the plight of women and children in impoverished areas flashed through his mind.

Ouyang Lanruo and Doris applauded. Doris, amazed, said, "In Hong Kong, charity has always been an essential part of the fashion spirit. Many luxury brand events include charity galas to help those in need. Mr. Murong, your idea is fantastic!" Ouyang Lanruo then coined the theme, "Let China feel the sincerity, goodwill, and gratitude of world-class brands."

After Doris communicated with the exhibition's organizing committee, they were surprised and appreciated TOM's theme idea. They promptly contacted the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to co-host the "Thanksgiving Gala - Celebrity Charity Night." They invited numerous celebrities and elites from various fields, along with several stars, to raise funds through charity auctions for women and children in need.

How could Murong Feng miss such a charity dinner?

He knew better than anyone the importance of gratitude, for his wealth was indeed a gift from the heavens...

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