
The Royal Visit

"What is the occasion?" Bowen asked as he stepped into Princess Alita's chambers. He had grown close to Alita over the past few days, so much so that she no longer felt uncomfortable when he entered her room without knocking.

Nadir was meticulously arranging a piece of clothing into the drawers. "The princess's cousin is visiting today," she said, not looking up from her task.

Alita's face lit up with excitement. "I am so excited! She is human and doesn't have wings like me. I want you all to be on your best behavior and make her feel welcomed."

Bowen smiled at Alita's enthusiasm. "We will be, Your Highness. Can you tell me more about her?"

Nadir, noticing Bowen's curious expression added, "Princess Lin Yinfei is Princess Alita's cousin from her mother's side. She is the daughter of King Redric of the Tibian Kingdom. Our princess and Princess Lin Yinfei are age mates and share a close bond. Some might even mistake them for sisters."

Bowen nodded in understanding. "I see. It must be nice to have someone so close visiting." He was happy for Alita, at least she wouldn't feel like an outcast for awhile.

"I would like to stroll in the gardens. Who wants to join me?" Alita asked, her eyes turning expectantly to Nadir.

Nadir glanced up from the task of folding clothes into the drawers. "I am busy with your clothes, Your Highness," she said, her tone apologetic but firm.

Alita nodded, turning her gaze to Bowen. "Very well. Bowen?"

Bowen smiled charmingly, a twinkle in his eye. "I am your personal bodyguard, Your Highness. Anywhere you go, I will follow."

The garden was a vibrant display of colors with flowers in full bloom. Butterflies flitted from petal to petal, and the sound of birds singing filled the place. As they walked along the paths, Alita seemed lost in thought as her brow furrowed.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Alita broke the quiet with a question. "I am curious about something. How old are you?"

Bowen was startled at the suddenness of the question. He hesitated before responding, "Why do you ask, Princess?"

Alita glanced at him, her eyes searching. "You look like you are seventeen or eighteen cycles based on your face, but your body is that of an older person. When you speak, you speak like you are much more older, like a person in their eighties who has gone through many cycles. So tell me, I pray thee, how old are you?"

Bowen chuckled softly, a mysterious glint in his eyes. "I am all of that, but I am none of that."

Alita frowned, clearly unsatisfied with the cryptic response. "What do you mean?"

Bowen's expression grew serious as he leaned closer, his voice a low murmur. "It is a riddle. If I tell you everything about me, your interest in me will go away. But if I don't give you what you seek, you become more curious."

Alita huffed, crossing her arms as she threw her face aside. "So you are the type of male that wants everyone to be interested in him? How sad!"

Bowen shook his head, staring at Alita intensely. "Just you, Princess. Only you."

Alita gulped, blinking as she met Bowen's unwavering gaze. There was a depth in his eyes and it intrigued her more than she cared to admit.

A bird screeched in the sky, breaking the silence of the garden.

Alita looked up, her eyes widening in awe. The bird had various bright colors and a long neck resembling a swan. She pointed at it, excitement in her voice. "Wow! A pergasus!"

Bowen followed her gaze, nodding thoughtfully. "Humans call it a flesher."

Alita tilted her head in curiosity. "A flesher? What is that?"

Bowen's eyes took on a distant look as he explained, "Ancient humans fed on them because they were easier to catch. They could easily be lured with just a wave of food."

Alita frowned, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Why would anyone kill a pergasus? They bring good luck because of their pure hearts."

Bowen's expression grew somber. "At that time, they were all trying to survive. Families would gather with their young ones and share the pergasuses that had been caught. One pergasus to a single family. A large family with many mouths to feed had to manage with small bites of the flesher."

Bowen smiled at the memory, though it was tinged with a hint of darkness. "Dark times indeed."

Alita narrowed her eyes at Bowen, her curiosity piqued once more. "How old are you again?"

Bowen chuckled, deflecting the question as usual. "If we ever leave the palace, I will catch a flesher and roast it for you."

Alita gasped in horror. "Don't you dare!"

Bowen's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Roasting a flesher for someone in some cultures means you have deep feelings for that person. It is a symbol of love in some tribes."

Alita shook her head, clearly baffled. "Why would anyone roast a pergasus to prove their love for a person? That is strange. Just the image of it is quite revolting." She shuddered.

Bowen smiled, noticing that Alita hadn't caught the hidden innuendo behind his words. She was the first woman who hadn't immediately been drawn to him. Then again, he was Bowen the fairy, not Bowen the conqueror.

Their conversation drifted into a comfortable silence as they continued their walk. Alita's mind was filled with thoughts of the past and the strange customs Bowen spoke of.

"Do you think those customs still exist?" Alita asked, breaking the silence.

Bowen shrugged. "In some remote places, perhaps. Traditions die hard, especially those rooted in survival. But most people have moved on to less... controversial ways of expressing affection."

Alita laughed softly. "I should hope so. I don't think I could ever eat a pergasus, no matter what it symbolized."

Bowen smiled. "I wouldn't dream of making you do something you hate, Princess.

"Have you ever been in love, Bowen?" Alita asked suddenly, her tone serious.

Bowen paused and stared at Alita, his heart racing...

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