

Ethan's POV

What is the purpose of life? Most people who attempt to answer this question are not entirely honest. But when night falls, and one is left alone, there is no choice but to be truthful with oneself.

Some people search for a higher purpose, while others claim it's simply happiness. But there's no definitive answer. Perhaps the confusion surrounding this question is not life's fault, as often blamed, but rather the individual's. After all, for someone to ask, "What is the purpose of life?" they must first feel a void or a lack in their life. If such a void doesn't exist, how logical is it to search for meaning?

In my opinion, the most meaningful aspect of life is the presence of people who love you. Yes, it's a cliché and a simple goal, but unless I betray myself, my view is unlikely to change. Among those who love and value me, there was one woman who held a special place in my heart. Luciana…

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