
No matter what happens

I had successfully managed to pull the army back to the defense line. At the same time, I quickly assigned a trusted soldier to inform the main coalition army that Alpshar was here. During the retreat, although a few of my soldiers were wounded from some attacks from the city, which were no longer under siege, overall, the situation of the army was good... Or rather, physically they were fine, but morale was gradually decreasing with every passing second. And since Alpshar had deployed his army about a kilometer from my position about an hour ago, seeing the size of the enemy forces further diminished their morale.

As I rode along, I was reviewing the state of the army. The retreat had been complex and swift, but that was why the army's spirit was sinking more and more with each passing moment. There was concern and exhaustion in my eyes, but I knew I had to remind them of how important morale was when facing such a large army.

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