

- First of all, I am Ethan Asina Lenistark, and this is my autobiography. Initially, you, the reader of this book, will probably have many preconceived notions or biases about me, or at the very least, you will have an opinion. It must first be stated that this is quite normal, but I'm sure that as you read my autobiography, you will at least develop more genuine views about me. The reason I am writing this book is, first and foremost, to provide information about myself to your future generations and to guide future rulers. Of course, it's understandable that as I write these sentences, I am a mere eighteen years old, young and inexperienced. But as you progress through the chapters, you will probably come to see that despite my youth, I possess sufficient knowledge and maturity, and as I recount the things I will do in the coming years, you will probably learn to respect my intellect. First, I will fill these pages with as objective an account as possible about my childhood.

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