
do you know why the dead receive more flowers than we do?

".... And now, I want to help you, Fiona," I said, looking into Fiona's eyes.

I could see the indecision in her eyes, and the tears falling from them were because she was on the verge of making a difficult decision. "But what are you asking me to do?" she asked.

"Fiona, if I hold Liam's newborn son, I can protect both you and my own family. I promise nothing will happen to the baby, and I'll even arrange for you to visit him secretly when you want, but I swear, no harm will come to the baby. This is the only way I can stop Liam without killing him, Fiona," I said, gently stroking her arm.

"But... But you're asking me to betray my son! How can I do that?" Fiona's trembling voice reflected the dilemma and conflict in her heart. It was impossible not to understand how hard this decision was for her. In these moments of complexity, I needed to reassure her.

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