
Chapter 2: not just the Harry Potter.

As i walk to Diagon alley I notice it isn't 1991, it's 2008. Smart phones, newer vehicles, it's an A.U. I shake my head and go to the leaky cauldron. Just to see Hagrid there but instead of Harry Potter, there's a girl there in his place.

Messy , straight black hair framing her emerald eyes that's behind broken cheap plastic glasses, her pale skin hidden by a large sweater that looks like it should belong on a baby whale. I could tell she's uncomfortable with the attention, so I bump into her and head towards the entrance to Diagon alley. Many of the people around her stop bugging her to look at me and she decides to use this opportunity to escape unnoticed.

Diagon alley was as magnificent it is in the movies, sure going to the wizarding world theme park had its perks ,it's just the ambient magic in the air that makes it more . Because of this ambient magic my senses are going wild the smells and sounds were already enough outside to cause me a headache but here in the alley it's nauseating. I decide to continue to the wizards bank Gringotts. As I approach the doors I see the goblin guards shaking in place one actually runs inside, while the other looks like he's about to faint. I enter the bank and walk to a teller and ask," who do I see about claiming my vault?"

" Well Mr. Black you have take an inheritance test to see if you say who you are." Says the goblin. I nod my head and follow him into a private room where the test is conducted.

Kyros Black

House heir

-Heir to the most ancient and most noble house of Black by father Sirius black

-Heir to the noble house of lestrange by godmother Bellatrix lestrange by contract marriage

-Heir to the noble house malfoy by Godmother Narcissa by contract marriage

Contract marriages

-Helena Potter signed by Lily Potter, James Potter ,and Sirius black. Terms: must be married by their 17 birthday.

- Nymphadora tonks signed by Andromeda tonks nee black. Terms: must be married by the males 17 birthday

- Bellatrix lestrange. By right of house head

Terms: forced to marry into the noble house of lestrange by terms of the most ancient and most noble house of black the contract is null and void and the noble house of Lestrange is owned by The most ancient and most noble house of black.

-Narcissa malfoy. By right of house head

Terms: forced to marry into the noble house of Malfoy, by terms of the most ancient and most noble house of black the contract is null and void and the noble house of Malfoy is owned by The most ancient and most noble house of black.

- Daphne Greengrass. Terms: to settle blood fued by the ancestors of the noble house of greengrass.

- Tracy Davis . Tems: due to life debt owed by house of Davis.

- Susan Bones. Terms: due to life debt owed by the most ancient and most noble house of bones

Special traits

-Sacred gear : divine forge of equality : able to forge blades and armor of divine, holy, and demonic nature's

- power of destruction

- the concept of multiplication

-the concept of dividing

Well fuck, I'm in danger. Good news is plenty of hot waifus bad news is a psychopath that just wants to destroy the world so he could do whatever is out there. Not to mention the ExE gods that can bitch slap the supposed strongest with their weakest member. Also how the hell does a person gain power ups via boobs. Then again boobs are nice but I'm a thigh man.

One hour later

After my Gringotts visit where I cleared the vaults I own except for the Malfoy vault I go through the memories I have. All the marriage contracts are disturbing but nice. Let's see there is the main character(Helena), the crazy one(Bellatrix), the elegant lady(Narcissa), the cool one(Nymphadora),the iconic couple (Daphne and Tracy), the red head (Susan).

According to the goblins these contracts are Magically binding and almost unbreakable, thankfully there is a process to break them but fines and fees by the bank and the wizard's court to be paid. So I have seven wives so far and this being dxd mixed in I have a long list of waifus, very long.

I see Helena exit the bank and walks off from Hagrid as he leaves, most likely to get a pick me up, she goes to madam malkins store and enters. I follow shortly and see Helena starting to be fitted with a robe as well as a red head girl.

" Hello my name is Susan Bones," says the red head," first time at Hogwarts?"

" Yes it is , I'm Helena, it's nice to meet you" says Helena. Susan turns toward me and frowns. " Oh if it isn't the son of a traitor" says Susan," whatch out of for him Helena his father betrayed his Best friend and his family ,the potters, getting them killed"

Helena looks shocked and glares at me," thank you for telling me."

I shake my head at the comments and glare before finishing my shopping. As I return home I think of Hogwarts and how the life will be already not liked by the majority of the staff and the future golden trio. After purchasing my wand , Sakura and Dragon heartstring, I arrive home a little bit after dusk , eat my dinner prepared by tizzy, and go to bed. Tomorrow I'll work on my sacred gear and powers, never to cautious in this world.

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