
The Last Push: Ajax's Crucial Showdown End

In the Ajax chairman's office in the New Town district of Amsterdam, technical director Louis van Gaal and chairman Michael van Praag sat in stunned silence as Sæternes' header sailed past goalkeeper Robont. The sight left both men reeling in despair, and they sank onto the sofa, overcome by a profound sense of defeat.

Their hopes of competing in the Champions League were dashed for the season.

Tomorrow, the Dutch media would undoubtedly unleash a torrent of criticism, and the fans would be incensed. Ajax found themselves cornered with no easy way out.

Van Gaal's stern face bore the marks of deep exhaustion and disillusionment. The emotional toll of the match seemed to age him by a decade. Overwhelmed by the gravity of their situation, he was too drained to articulate his thoughts.

He struggled to believe that the players had intentionally undermined his efforts as technical director, despite his ongoing disputes with Ibrahimović. Such actions would only serve to harm the team rather than aid it. The burden of expectation had proven too heavy for Ajax to shoulder.

The errors from the first five games had culminated in tonight's catastrophe. The team needed to seriously reassess their decision to release Van der Meyde and the absence of a competent replacement on the right wing, which had disrupted their initial tactical plans. Van Gaal acknowledged his responsibility for these strategic missteps.

The team's financial woes were inconsequential at this moment. The focus was squarely on the defeat to Brugge and Ajax's elimination from European competition—a significant setback to their ambitions of winning the Eredivisie this season.

"Why is this happening?" Michael van Praag murmured in bewilderment. Despite having a seemingly stronger squad on paper, their performance was a far cry from expectations.

Van Gaal gently tapped the chairman on the shoulder, a gesture of solidarity amidst the harsh realities of professional football. At that moment, words seemed woefully inadequate.

Sæternes' goal in the 84th minute had been a devastating blow to the team's morale. The damage was done, and nothing could mend it.

"Don't worry, Michael. I'll handle the media and the fans tomorrow morning," Van Gaal said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a weary sigh, he rose from the sofa, turned, and walked out of the chairman's office. He needed to return to his own office to gather his belongings and leave this place of crushing disappointment and frustration.

Van Gaal had come back to Ajax more than six months ago with lofty aspirations, but now he faced a period of profound reflection on his decisions and the challenges he had encountered.

Michael van Praag watched as Van Gaal's desolate figure receded through the door. He extended a hand as if to call him back, but no words emerged. All he could do was watch in silence as Van Gaal departed.



Jan Breydel Stadium, Bruges, Belgium

As Sæternes' header rippled the back of the net, Ronald Koeman buried his face in his hands and sank to the ground beside the pitch. A torrent of guilt, frustration, and despair overwhelmed him.

He was devastated beyond measure.

After over an hour of relentless attacking, Ajax had been unable to penetrate the Club Brugge defense and were punished by a counter-attack in the 84th minute. What could he do now?

Koeman could sense the collective frustration of his players on the field. The goal had thoroughly demoralized Ajax. Despite making two crucial substitutions—bringing on veterans Litmanen and Soetaer—he had been unable to alter the course of the match. Instead, their counter-attack had sealed Ajax's fate.

He felt a profound sense of helplessness.

With only one attacking option left on the bench, 17-year-old Yang Yang, Koeman faced a difficult decision. He had pledged his support to Van Gaal, but he had not anticipated needing Yang Yang in such dire circumstances.

Van Gaal had once remarked, "If there is only one player left on the pitch at the end, I believe it will be Yang Yang."

"Ronald, there's no time," Ruud Krol reminded him urgently.

Koeman glanced at the scoreboard. The game was in the 86th minute, and time was rapidly running out.

Determined to honor his commitment to Van Gaal, Koeman resolved to make the final substitution.

"Send on Yang Yang," Koeman instructed. "Take De Jong off and put him on the right wing."

Ruud Krol swiftly relayed the order to the bench. "Yang Yang, get warmed up quickly!"

Initially stunned, Yang Yang leaped to his feet, shed his training gear, and responded, "I'm ready. Let's go."

Encouraged by Krol, Yang Yang made his way to the touchline.

The stadium erupted in deafening cheers. The home fans were already celebrating their impending victory. Sæternes' goal had not only secured three points for Club Brugge but also guaranteed their place in the UEFA Cup.

Yang Yang felt a mix of embarrassment and disbelief. He barely registered how he had ended up next to Ronald Koeman. The head coach grabbed his shoulders and leaned in to shout over the roar of the crowd, "Do you know why I brought you in?"

Yang Yang's mind was still in a daze. He shook his head, struggling to clear the fog. The reason for his inclusion in the 18-man squad was a mystery to him, and he couldn't understand why Koeman had placed such trust in him—a rookie—at such a crucial moment.

"It's because of Louis."

"Louis?" Yang Yang asked, thinking of Van Gaal.

"Yes, Van Gaal. He told me that the only person he trusts in these final moments is you!"

Koeman's words left Yang Yang stunned.

He and Van Gaal were friends, and Yang Yang felt deeply honored by Van Gaal's trust, but he had never realized the extent of faith the technical director had in him.

"He decided to make this move," Ronald Koeman said firmly.

"I understand," Yang Yang replied.

Koeman was momentarily surprised; he hadn't anticipated Van Gaal sharing such a secret with Yang Yang.

Of course, Koeman had no insight into Van Gaal's exact plans, nor did Yang Yang.

But there was no time to dwell on such uncertainties.

"If we lose this game, if we don't qualify for the Champions League group stage tonight, Van Gaal will take full responsibility and will be forced to leave Ajax," Koeman explained.

"What?" Yang Yang was visibly shocked.

Koeman could see the disbelief in Yang Yang's eyes. The young player was evidently unaware of the gravity of the situation.

"Van Gaal told me that if there's one person in this team who will fight for him to the very end, it's you. If things reach a point where everything seems lost, he hopes you'll be the one to give him that final push," Koeman said, his voice laden with urgency.

With red-rimmed eyes and a resolute expression, Koeman grasped Yang Yang's shoulder tightly. "You are our last hope, boy. You can save both the team and Van Gaal. Only you."

Yang Yang was deeply moved.

Since joining Ajax, Van Gaal had purposely kept his distance from him, likely to avoid any appearance of favoritism. Yang Yang had always considered this standard practice. He had never imagined that Van Gaal's most trusted player could be him.

Uncertain whether Koeman's words were a motivational tactic or a genuine plea, Yang Yang recalled how Van Gaal had supported him during tough times, including the incident at Almere Skate Park.

Van Gaal had faced numerous setbacks and was on the brink of collapse before. If he were to be dismissed again, Yang Yang could only imagine the toll it would take on his own career, given his stubborn nature. Van Gaal's coaching career itself could be at risk.

More importantly, Van Gaal was the first to place such unequivocal trust in him. Since Almere, Van Gaal had consistently believed in his potential.

Regardless of the outcome of the game, Yang Yang was determined to prove to Van Gaal that his faith was not misplaced.

"I understand, boss," Yang Yang said with steely resolve.

It was a straightforward reply, but Koeman could see the unwavering determination in Yang Yang's eyes.

With less than ten minutes remaining, Koeman had no other option. Yang Yang was his last and only chance to honor his commitment to Van Gaal.

Could he perform a miracle?

Ruud Krol guided Yang Yang to the touchline, completed the substitution paperwork, and offered a few words of encouragement.

Yang Yang remained silent, his gaze fixed firmly on the pitch. His only thought was to secure a victory.

In the eighty-seventh minute, a stoppage in play allowed for the substitution. The referee signaled Ajax's final change: De Jong off, Yang Yang on.

The announcement over the stadium's public address system elicited a gasp from the crowd. The sight of the number 99 shirt was indeed unusual.

De Jong, who had struggled throughout the match, trudged off the pitch, giving Yang Yang a brief pat on the back and a nod of encouragement before leaving.

As Yang Yang stepped onto the field, he took a deep breath, pushing all distractions from his mind. The only focus now was on winning.

Not just for Van Gaal, but for himself.

Maxwell raced past Yang Yang and gave him a quick nod. As he moved by Ibrahimović, the Swedish striker offered a supportive hug and whispered, "Show them what you've got!"

Yang Yang nodded with determination, sprinted to the right, and glanced at the scoreboard. The clock read eighty-eight minutes.



Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant, Almere, Netherlands

Even though it was well past dinner time, the Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant remained bustling with activity.

As a satellite town of Amsterdam, Almere boasts a large population of Ajax fans. Tonight's crucial away game against Club Brugge had naturally drawn significant attention from the local supporters.

The excitement was heightened by the inclusion of the restaurant owner's nephew in Ajax's 18-man squad. Yang Yang, who had risen to prominence since joining Ajax's youth academy, had become a local sensation in Almere. Consequently, Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant had become a popular gathering spot for Ajax fans, often frequented by players from Almere.

This evening, more than a dozen Almere players, including head coach Johnny Rep and assistant coach Dick Vanpoer, had assembled at Shen Ji to watch the match. Their presence persuaded many fans who had initially planned to leave after dinner to stay and follow the game.

The match began with high hopes, but Ajax struggled to penetrate the Brugge defense and conceded an early goal. Although Wesley Sonck managed to equalize with a penalty, Ajax continued to falter in attack. In the 84th minute, a substitute striker for Club Brugge scored, putting the home side back in front. The goal had a shattering effect on Ajax's morale and left their fans disheartened.

"What the hell is wrong with their performance?" 

"Why do they seem incapable of playing football?"

"Are they really going to be eliminated?"

"Even the UEFA Cup seems out of reach for this Ajax side…"

Head coach Johnny Rep could only shake his head in frustration. "The pressure is overwhelming. Their tactics are well-targeted, and their counter-attacks are highly effective."

Despite his analysis, it did little to alleviate the fans' disappointment.

Commentator's POV

"Ajax head coach Ronald Koeman has promptly made his third substitution.

"This time, he has brought on a young player wearing the number 99 shirt—quite an unusual sight. This player is Yang Yang, a Chinese talent. As far as I can recall, no Chinese player has ever featured in the Champions League, making him a notable first."

"Yang Yang is just seventeen years old, having celebrated his birthday this October. Promoted from Ajax's satellite club Almere this summer, he has been competing with the second team under Van Basten. This marks his debut appearance for the first team.

"We must commend Ronald Koeman for his bold decision, but we also need to consider whether the introduction of a teenager like Yang Yang at such a critical juncture represents a strategic shift or a concession to the game."


The commentator's voice on the TV was soon drowned out by the jubilant cheers in the Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant.

Yang Yang's appearance on the pitch was the highlight of the evening for the patrons at Shen Ji. His debut was a significant moment for the fans, who were thrilled to see the young player come off the bench.

Johnny Rep, observing the scene, was also pleased by Yang Yang's introduction.

"He's finally come on," he remarked.

"But the situation isn't looking promising."

"Indeed," replied his companion. "With the team trailing by a goal and the pressure mounting, it seems like his role is more about filling in than making a real impact."

"It's possible Ronald Koeman has already conceded defeat," was the rueful response.

The prevailing mood among the supporters was one of skepticism. With the game in such a critical state, few held out much hope for Yang Yang's ability to make a difference.


Commentator's POV

"All right, let's take a look at this Ajax attack."

"Sneijder plays the ball to the right, where the teenager Yang Yang, just brought on, makes a run to receive it, facing off against Van der Heyden..."

"Nice move!"

"Yang Yang skillfully fakes out Van der Heyden and accelerates down the right flank."

"His pace is impressive, and Ibrahimović is making a run into the box."

"Let's see how this develops."

"Yang Yang delivers a cross from the right..."

"Ibrahimović gets the first touch..."

"Oh... The Swedish striker managed to reach the ball but missed his final attempt."

"He looks visibly frustrated, repeatedly slapping the turf, but who can blame him?"

"Yang Yang's debut was highlighted by a fantastic run and an accurate cross. Unfortunately, Ibrahimović couldn't convert, and Ajax missed a crucial opportunity."


As Ibrahimović's shot missed the target, the mood in the Chinese restaurant shifted to one of disappointment and regret.

"What a missed opportunity. That could have been the game changer."

"Ibrahimović's finishing needs to be sharper."

"True, but Yang Yang's pass was excellent."

Henk Dimer's eyes widened in surprise. He had not anticipated Yang Yang's progress to be so remarkable.

Just eight months ago, at the beginning of April, Yang Yang was regarded as an underachiever in the Almere youth team. Yet in such a brief period, he had made substantial strides, leaving Dimer in awe.

Yang Yang's flick and subsequent acceleration down the wing showcased his burgeoning confidence and skill. The quality of his pass underscored the remarkable development he had undergone in recent months.

In the three months since joining Ajax, Yang Yang's progress had been nothing short of impressive. His performance in the Champions League contrasted sharply with the player he had once been, eliciting a blend of envy and admiration from his former teammates.

Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer were similarly astonished. They hadn't anticipated Yang Yang's rapid improvement at Ajax. The speed of his advancement was almost unbelievable.

"Is this still the Yang Yang we used to train?" Johnny Rep mused, glancing at Henk Dimer.

Rep reflected on what might have been had Dimer also joined Ajax. Perhaps he too could have experienced such a swift rise.

By staying in Almere, Dimer's opportunities were limited compared to those at Ajax. The training, competition, and guidance available at Ajax far surpassed what Almere could provide.

Yang Yang's journey from Almere's second team to Ajax's first team, and now to the Champions League, was a testament to the opportunities Ajax offered. It was a chance many young players could only dream of.

Of course, Yang Yang's relentless hard work and rapid progress were crucial to his development.

But the lingering question remained: could he truly pull off a miracle tonight?



As Bruges prepared to take the kick, Yang Yang sprinted back to his position.

It was then that he noticed Van der Heyden looking visibly fatigued. The relentless battle with Sonck and the frequent attacking runs had clearly taken their toll. Despite his experience and physicality, Van der Heyden's stamina was waning. Yang Yang saw an opportunity; if only Ibrahimović had been sharper earlier, Ajax might have equalized.

The Swedish striker was clearly disappointed but quickly regained his composure and began repositioning himself. He offered a nod of encouragement to Yang Yang.

Eighty-nine minutes had passed.

Time was slipping away.

The Bruges goalkeeper, deliberately slowing the game down, was forced to kick under pressure from the referee.

Escudé played the ball back to midfield where Litmanen found Heitinga. Heitinga crossed to the left, locating Maxwell unmarked.

The Brazilian left-back advanced with the ball and saw Ibrahimović suddenly pull back and signal for it. Maxwell quickly played a diagonal pass to the Swedish striker.

Ibrahimović used his body to shield the ball from defenders, trapping it against his chest before deftly curling it behind the Bruges defense with his right foot.

Out of nowhere, Yang Yang appeared in front of the defensive line. He sprinted past the center-back and Van der Heyden with remarkable speed, closing in on the ball.

"Ajax with a brilliant combination!"

"Yang Yang, once again!"

The sudden turn of events stunned everyone in the stadium. No one had anticipated that the teenager, just off the bench, would not only be so fast but also so well-coordinated with Ibrahimović. Van der Heyden was caught off guard by their slick interplay.

Yang Yang reached the ball with incredible speed, with Van der Heyden close behind.

Philippe Clement, the Bruges center-back, rushed to defend. His aim was to force Yang Yang to the right and prevent him from posing a direct threat to the penalty area.

But Yang Yang was no longer the inexperienced player he once was. Using his God's Vision, he surveyed the field and made a decisive move.

Clement anticipated Yang Yang would cut inwards, but as Yang Yang entered his defensive zone, he suddenly slowed down and feinted inwards. Clement, expecting the change of direction, found himself out of position.

Yang Yang then executed an unexpected maneuver, shifting direction and breaking down the right side of the penalty area. Caught off guard, Clement was unable to regain his balance in time to intercept Yang Yang.



Commentator's POV

"And he breaks through Clement!"

"With an incredible combination of body feints and step-overs!"

"Oh my God, these moves are reminiscent of Ronaldo!"

"Yang Yang makes a stunning break and delivers a perfect cross to the far post!"



"In the ninetieth minute, Ajax score a spectacular goal!"

"Van der Vaart—Rafael van der Vaart—scores the equalizer with his left foot, thanks to an extraordinary assist from the young Yang Yang!"

"This is a crucial goal! Ajax's captain, Van der Vaart, finds the back of the net under immense pressure, with a brilliant assist from Yang Yang!"


After converting Yang Yang's cross, Van der Vaart spread his arms wide and let out a roar of delight as he sprinted towards the corner flag. His jubilation was palpable as he expressed his relief and excitement.

Van der Vaart had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Since the Champions League qualifiers began, the new captain had felt the weight of immense pressure. At crucial moments, Sneijder and Ibrahimović had stepped up, often leaving Van der Vaart on the periphery. In the early group stages, Sonck, Galásek, and Ibrahimović had captured the spotlight, while Van der Vaart's performance had been underwhelming. He had struggled with a noticeable dip in form following his knee surgery and meniscus removal the previous year.

Despite Koeman's adjustments, including a brief stint on the wing, Van der Vaart had struggled to regain his pre-injury form and had been relegated back to midfield. The mounting pressure had been intense, particularly as the team faced adversity.

But this goal had changed everything for him.

Van der Vaart slid along the edge of the pitch, almost overcome with emotion as tears of joy and relief welled up in his eyes.


Commentator's POV

"Ajax finish off a beautifully executed goal."

"Let's take a look at the slow-motion replay. Yang Yang, who had just come off the bench, played a pivotal role. His speed was electrifying, and his positioning was spot-on. Van der Heyden was clearly running out of steam, and Yang Yang capitalized on that moment."

"Ibrahimović's pass to Yang Yang was equally astute."

"Together, the two Ajax players demonstrated exceptional chemistry and creativity, ultimately securing a crucial goal for Ajax."

"Remember this young name: a 17-year-old from China—Yang Yang!"



Yang Yang's excitement was palpable as he leapt to his feet after Van der Vaart's goal. However, his exhilaration quickly transformed into single-minded determination. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards the Bruges goal, brushing aside the goalkeeper's attempts to halt him. Seizing the ball, he raced to the center of the pitch, his focus unwavering: securing the win.

"Hey, the game isn't over yet! We can't celebrate now!" Yang Yang shouted, rallying his teammates to concentrate on the task at hand.

His urgency and drive to help Ajax overturn the match were evident. Yang Yang's resolute determination was entirely focused on clinching victory and supporting Van Gaal in this critical juncture.

"Young Yang Yang is displaying an impressive fighting spirit," the commentator noted. "He had a tussle with the opposition goalkeeper but managed to secure the ball. His calls for his teammates to regroup highlight his strong desire to win."

"There are only a few minutes left, with three minutes of added time. Ajax still have a chance," the commentator continued.

On the touchline, Ronald Koeman was equally animated, urging his players to regroup swiftly and prepare for the final push. With the score tied at 2-2, Ajax needed a decisive goal to advance to the knockout stage of the Champions League. The pressure was immense, and every second counted.



The Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant erupted with joy at Van der Vaart's goal, a moment of collective celebration and disbelief.



"Finally, the equalizer!"

"Oh my God, Yang Yang and Ibrahimović worked so well together."

"Their connection was amazing. Only someone like Ibrahimović could make that pass."

"Yang Yang is unbelievable!"

"There's still a chance! We can do it!"

Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer embraced, their excitement palpable. Johnny Rep, moved by the moment, turned to see Yang Yang's uncle, Shen Ming, frantically dialing the phone.

"Yongqiang, Lifang, have you seen the broadcast?" Shen Ming's voice cracked with emotion. "He's on, and he assisted!"

Despite his efforts to stay composed, Shen Ming's tears of joy betrayed his overwhelming pride.

Johnny Rep, though unable to understand Shen Ming's Chinese, could sense the profound emotion and shared in the triumph. Yang Yang's journey from being considered a "waste" to shining on such a critical stage was nothing short of remarkable.

"Maybe," said Johnny Rep with excitement, "he really can work miracles."



"Louis! Louis!!! Louis!!!"

Chairman Michael van Praag's voice rang out with uncontrollable excitement, echoing down the corridor from his office.

"I'm here," Van Gaal responded from his own office, bemused by the commotion.

"Goal! Goal!" Van Praag burst into the technical director's office and grabbed Van Gaal's hand. "We scored!"

In disbelief, Van Gaal followed Van Praag back to the chairman's office. As he watched the live TV feed, his mind struggled to process what he was seeing.

The scoreboard read 2-2. Ajax had equalized!

"What happened?" Van Gaal asked, stunned.

"Yang Yang, the teenager who had just come off the bench, made an incredible assist!" Michael van Praag explained, still brimming with enthusiasm. "He and Ibrahimović combined brilliantly to break through the Bruges defense and set up Van der Vaart's goal."

Van Gaal was astonished. He had anticipated the game ending in defeat, especially after bringing Yang Yang on in what seemed like a last-ditch effort. The idea of Yang Yang making such a significant impact was beyond his expectations.

Recalling his words to Ronald Koeman—"If anyone is going to be with me until the end, it has to be Yang Yang"—Van Gaal felt a wave of relief and satisfaction. Yang Yang had proven that his faith was not misplaced, despite the odds.

As play resumed, Yang Yang's tireless energy was evident. He pushed against the Bruges defense with every ounce of his strength, forcing defenders to scramble and making runs into dangerous areas.

Although Brugge tried to waste time and hold out for a draw, Ajax continued to press forward, driven by Yang Yang's determination. Van Gaal watched in awe as Yang Yang's enthusiasm and skill kept Ajax's hopes alive.

As the game neared its end, the referee kept glancing at the clock. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, but Yang Yang and Ajax refused to give up.

Van Gaal's laughter, filled with relief and pride, echoed through the office. He knew that Yang Yang had delivered more than a surprise—he had ignited a glimmer of hope for a miracle.

As the final whistle neared, every second felt like an eternity. Ajax's final push was their last chance to turn the game around and secure a place in the knockout stage of the Champions League. The outcome remained uncertain, but Van Gaal could see the spark of potential, and it was a sight to behold.



As the clock ticked down and the final moments of the match approached, Yang Yang's determination and focus were unwavering. The weight of Ajax's hopes rested on his young shoulders.

The Bruges goalkeeper, pressured by Ibrahimović, launched a long clearance upfield. Sæternes gathered the ball but was immediately challenged by Heitinga, who thwarted any progress. Sneijder, under immense pressure, had to make a quick decision. With Van der Vaart on the left and Yang Yang in space on the right, Sneijder had to choose wisely. Van der Heyden, however, was closely marking Yang Yang, making the situation precarious.

Sneijder's pass flew through the air, heading straight for Yang Yang. Instinctively, Yang Yang's [God Vision] took over, allowing him to assess the rapidly closing space with remarkable clarity. Van der Heyden was approaching fast, and Yang Yang knew he needed to act quickly.

Yang Yang seized the opportunity. As the ball descended, he expertly controlled it with his chest, then flicked it forward with his right foot. His quick turn left Van der Heyden struggling to keep up. Despite Van der Heyden's attempts to disrupt him with a foul, Yang Yang's agility and speed enabled him to maneuver around the veteran defender.

With the ball securely at his feet, Yang Yang charged toward the Bruges goal, his eyes scanning for the perfect opportunity. The stadium held its breath, the atmosphere charged with anticipation. The clock was running down, and every second felt critical.

Yang Yang's composure and skill in this high-pressure scenario were extraordinary. His bold move to outmaneuver Van der Heyden and his precise control showcased not just his talent, but his unyielding commitment to Ajax's cause. With a potential last-minute breakthrough within reach, Yang Yang was resolute in making every moment count.



The commentator's voice surged with excitement as the tension of the final moments of the match reached its peak:

"Nice ball control!"

"Yang Yang is still coming from the right!"

"Van der Heyden almost takes Yang Yang down, but the referee lets play continue, favoring the attacking side."

"Look at this Ajax attack."

"Yang Yang keeps possession and drives forward with incredible speed."

"But the Bruges defense is equally alert, and Clement is on high alert."

"Let's see what Yang Yang does next."

"Approaching the penalty area, Yang Yang maintains his pace, sends a precise ball down the floor and continues his run."

"Inverted triangle back pass into the box..."

"And Ibrahimović is perfectly positioned..."

"He shoots... !!!!

"Goal to !!!!!!"

"Goal !!!!!!"

"In the ninety-fourth minute, Ajax have turned the game around!"


"Yang Yang's inverted triangle pass from the right, and Ibrahimović seizes the opportunity, calmly slotting home with his right foot. It's 2-3!"

"That's a golden goal!"

"In the dying moments of the game, Ajax pull off a dramatic comeback to win!"

The commentator's exuberance mirrored the exhilaration in the stadium and across the Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant. Ajax's miraculous turnaround was complete, and Yang Yang's incredible contribution had secured a place in the knockout stage of the Champions League."


As the final whistle blew, the stadium erupted into a cacophony of cheers and celebrations. Yang Yang's ecstatic reaction was a testament to the sheer joy of the moment. He leapt onto Ibrahimović's back, his arms outstretched in a triumphant embrace, his face lit up with pure exhilaration.

"I told you, if you didn't score, I wouldn't let you hear the end of it!" Yang Yang shouted over the roar of the crowd, his voice brimming with excitement.

Ibrahimović, laughing heartily, playfully circled Yang Yang. "Come on, how could I miss such an easy chance?" he retorted, clearly relishing the moment as well.

The celebration was a whirlwind of joy and camaraderie. The teammates surged onto the pitch, and within moments, the two scorers were enveloped by their exuberant peers. Sonck and others from the bench rushed over, their faces beaming with delight. The entire squad, drenched in sweat and adrenaline, celebrated together, a sea of red and white embracing in joyous unity.

Ronald Koeman, from the touchline, pumped his fist in sheer triumph. His face, a mix of relief and pride, mirrored the collective emotion of the team. The weight of the pressure had lifted, and the triumph of the moment was savored by everyone involved.

Yang Yang, amid the pile of teammates, could barely contain his joy. The game that had started with uncertainty and tension had ended in spectacular fashion, with the young player's pivotal role securing Ajax's place in the knockout stage of the Champions League. The celebrations on the field, combined with the ecstatic reactions from the fans in the stands and the Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant, made the moment unforgettable.

As the team continued to revel in their hard-fought victory, the realization of what they had accomplished set in. Ajax had not only secured a dramatic win but had also demonstrated their resilience and spirit, driven by the remarkable performance of a young player who had stepped up when it mattered most.


The commentator's voice, filled with excitement and admiration, echoed through the stadium and beyond, capturing the extraordinary significance of the night.

"There is no doubt that the young Ajax player who came off the bench completely changed the course of the game.

"Tonight, we were all fortunate enough to witness the emergence of a rising star: Ajax's number 99, 17-year-old Chinese teenager Yang Yang. This was his debut, and it's a name we'll be hearing a lot more about.

"This was his first appearance for Ajax and his first foray into professional football. Just eight months ago, he was playing for an unknown amateur team in the Netherlands. Now, with two crucial assists, he has produced a miraculous performance for the Ajax fans.

"Ajax beat Club Brugge 3-2 away from home!

"According to the UEFA Champions League group stage regulations, Ajax and Celta Vigo are level on points. The next criterion is to compare the home and away results of the two teams. Ajax beat Celta Vigo 1-0 at home. Celta, who lost 2-3 away, scored the same number of goals at home and away. But Ajax's away goal tally was higher, which gave them the edge.

"Van der Vaart scored the decisive goal in the fourth round of the group stage. An away goal allowed Ajax to overtake Celta Vigo in the group and secure second place and a spot in the knockout stages.

"We have to thank Yang Yang—this 17-year-old talent broke the deadlock and played a crucial role on the pitch.

"I believe that after this match, the world will take note of his performance and remember his name.

"After van der Meyde's transfer to Inter, Ajax struggled on the right flank, but now they have found their new right winger in Yang Yang.

"Let's continue to watch and support this young Ajax team, with an average age of just 22, and look forward to more exciting and thrilling performances."

The excitement and awe expressed by the commentator resonated with fans and players alike. As the night wore on, it was clear that Yang Yang's name would be remembered as the young player who changed the fate of the game. The atmosphere was electric, and the sense of triumph was palpable, not just for Ajax, but for every supporter who had witnessed the emergence of a new footballing talent.



Van Gaal's eyes remained glued to the TV screen, his disbelief slowly giving way to a profound sense of pride and relief. The final whistle had sounded, and Ajax's dramatic turnaround was now a reality. The team, including the young Yang Yang, stood united in celebration, their expressions a mix of exhaustion, joy, and vindication.

Van der Vaart, clearly moved, blinked rapidly to keep his emotions in check. The weight of recent struggles and the pressure to perform had taken its toll, but tonight's result offered a powerful reprieve. Ajax's survival in the Champions League was not just a triumph for the team but also a significant relief for the club's management, who had been under intense scrutiny.

Van Gaal reflected on the enormity of the achievement. The young squad had faced immense pressure, and their recent form had left them teetering on the brink. Yet, the same young players had delivered when it mattered most.

Yang Yang's performance was exceptional, but Van Gaal understood that this was only the beginning. His efforts tonight were more than just a flash in the pan; they were a testament to his grit and resilience. While it might be tempting to label him a genius, Van Gaal knew that true greatness in football was often forged through hard work and determination.

Michael Van Praag's enthusiasm was palpable. "He's a genius, Louis," he said, eyes wide with admiration.

Van Gaal's initial reaction was to dismiss the label. "No, Michael, he's not a genius. He's just…"

He paused, searching for the right words. Yang Yang had struggled in Almere, and his current success was the result of relentless effort rather than innate brilliance. But as Van Gaal considered the journey Yang Yang had taken—from an unknown amateur player to a pivotal figure in a Champions League match—the term "genius" seemed fitting after all.

Van Gaal's smile was one of deep respect. "You're right, Michael. He is a genius."

Van Praag chuckled, knowing that Van Gaal's endorsement carried weight. "If you say so, it must be true," he responded, clearly delighted.

Van Gaal's seriousness returned as he addressed the practical matters ahead. "He is indeed a genius, but he still needs our protection. He's young and needs time to grow and develop. This game, especially in the closing stages, gave him an advantage."

Van Praag nodded, understanding the gravity of Van Gaal's words. The pressure of the closing moments had exposed some weaknesses, and Van Gaal's decision-making would be crucial as Ajax moved forward.

Van Gaal turned to Van Praag, his expression firm. "Michael, we're in the knockout stages of the Champions League. You can't stop me from making decisions."

Van Praag's concern was evident, but he recognized Van Gaal's resolve. He remained silent, accepting the reality of the situation. Ajax had reached a critical juncture, and decisive action was necessary.

As the celebrations continued in the stadium and among fans, Van Gaal knew that the real work was just beginning. The team's success in the Champions League was a significant milestone, but maintaining and building on this momentum would require careful planning and steadfast leadership. Yang Yang's emergence was a bright spot, but the journey ahead was filled with challenges that would test the mettle of Ajax and its management.



As the final whistle blew on the TV, everyone in the Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant erupted in cheers.

The restaurant owner, Shen Ming, was so overjoyed that he seemed almost dazed. He knew that after this game his nephew would become a sensation in Almere and even the darling of Amsterdam.

Yang Yang had single-handedly saved Ajax!

It was like a dream for Shen Ming. He remembered vividly how, just a few months earlier, Yang Yang had struggled to make an impact in the Almere youth team. Now he was on the Champions League stage, saving Ajax.

It was something he could hardly have imagined.

Next to Shen Ming, Shen Yuzhu and Wei Zheng hugged each other in celebration. Shen Ming's wife also shared in the joy, fully understanding the significance of the moment.

For Wei Zheng, Shen Ming and his wife were very supportive and happy.

Beyond his happiness for Yang Yang, Wei Zheng took a moment to step out into the courtyard, take out his mobile phone, and dial a number.

He wanted to share the good news with his brother, Wei Zhen.



"Good game, kid!"

Having finally escaped the congratulations of his teammates, Yang Yang was approached by Club Brugge centre-back Philippe Clement. Clement held out his hand to congratulate Yang Yang.

"Thank you," replied Yang Yang.

"Keep working hard," Clement encouraged.

"I will," Yang Yang said with a smile.

As Clement walked away, Brugge left-back Van der Heyden approached. The Belgian international took off his shirt, revealing a well-built physique that Yang Yang couldn't help but admire.

"You really made the difference today," said Van der Heyden, clearly frustrated. "If you had come earlier, I could have handled you. I didn't expect Ronald Koeman to keep such a weapon hidden."

Yang Yang smiled ruefully. How could he explain that Ronald Koeman had almost given up on him before deciding to use him?

"Anyway, congratulations. But don't think I'll go easy on you next time," Van der Heyden added.

"Ditto," Yang Yang replied with a smile.

The two players exchanged friendly gestures before parting ways.

Soon after, Yang Yang was surrounded by Maxwell and Ibrahimović. Ibrahimović, in particular, was so thrilled to have scored that he almost embraced Yang Yang in his excitement, causing him a bit of anxiety.

That reaction underlined Ibrahimović's current mood—scoring a crucial goal to help Ajax reach the knockout stages was not only a huge personal achievement but also beneficial for his transfer prospects next summer. Good performances in the UEFA Champions League always attract the attention of big clubs.

"I was actually going to run into that position for the first goal," Maxwell admitted with a hint of frustration. "But when I saw Van der Vaart coming up, I held back. Why didn't you pass to me?"

"I saw you, but I wasn't sure you'd get there in time," Yang Yang chuckled.

Maxwell stopped, realizing that Yang Yang's decision had been based on tactical considerations rather than any slight. It seemed that Maxwell was still a little upset about being overshadowed, especially as he had just playfully blackmailed Ibrahimović for a treat.

In reality, Van der Vaart's positioning and anticipation were more effective than either Maxwell's or Soetaers'. As captain, Van der Vaart's instinct for scoring was always sharp, making him a vital part of every game.

Yang Yang sometimes had to remind himself how lucky he was to have such talented teammates around him.

What did you think about this chapter? When I was editing it, I saw that the narration wasn't good enough, it was a bit all over the place. Maybe it's because I mixed four chapters into one. But without that, it would have been complicated because I didn't know where to end the chapter. By mixing four chapters, I was able to say to myself, "Hmm, there, that's good, but it seems to have been to the detriment of the narrative.

Over the next few weeks, I may not update the story as often, and it may be one or two chapters a week. That's because I'm going to try to create my own story, not just edit someone else's story. I've never done this before in my life, but the more I edited this story, the more I saw how to make my own story. I don't think I'm good enough, but I'm going to try anyway.

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