
Chapter 28. Love and Games Part 1: The Giants

Chapter 28. Love and Games Part 1: The Giants

Whole Cake Chateau had become a somber place.

The atmosphere was heavy, primarily due to the infirmaries filled with doctors desperately trying to cure a mysterious virus afflicting Big Mom's beloved sons, Perospero and Katakuri. Their conditions were so dire that sometimes, in her fits of rage and desperation, Big Mom would tear the castle apart and even kill doctors who failed to bring good news.

Another point of contention was Keki. Despite his remarkable growth - he had become so tall that Big Mom was now barely taller than him - he had yet to master haki, which infuriated her. Every time she heard his excuses, she would fly into a rage.

Yet, amid her tantrums and violent outbursts, today was different. Today, she was in an unusually good mood.

Why? She was only a few hours away from welcoming some very special visitors.

All her children were soon to gather in the party hall for the first banquet, scheduled three days before the tea party - an event always significant in the Big Mom Pirates' calendar. But this time, there was an added thrill: the giants were coming. This was the greatest news she had heard in a while.

Big Mom couldn't contain her anticipation. For the longest time, her relationship with the giants had always been strained, despite having spent part of her childhood among them. The reasons for their coldness toward her were not entirely clear to her. The woman who knew the true reason for her exile from Elbaf had mysteriously disappeared during her sixth birthday. Streusen, on the other hand, understood far more details than he let on but found it wise to withhold the entire truth from Big Mom.

Regardless, the Prince of Elbaf had fallen in love with one of her daughters, Charlotte Lola, and she saw this as a chance to repair any misgivings between her and the giants.

She was particularly eager to show off her son, Keki, who, despite his minor shortcomings, was the size of a giant child. His immense size was a source of pride for her, a sign that he might one day grow into a true giant. The thought filled her with a rare sense of joy.

The tables were already set, showcasing Big Mom's exquisite taste. The guests had yet to arrive, but Big Mom was already seated at the main table, waiting patiently, wearing a wide, almost manic grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Once she secured the allegiance of the giants, she thought, nothing would stop her from conquering the world.

In this moment of diabolical planning, a bright idea lit her dark mind. With the exception of one, her children seldom disappointed her, but as a cautious pirate, she decided a contingency plan wouldn't be the worst idea.

Her voice boomed over the event planners as she called for an impromptu meeting of all her daughters.

Once they were all gathered, she quickly noted Galette's absence. She was informed that Galette had not yet returned after delivering her message to Keki. At the mention of Keki, her lips curled as she processed what that might mean and wondered what mischief he had involved his older sister in this time.

Regardless, she maintained her breezy mood as she addressed her daughters, instructing them that once the Prince of Elbaf arrived, they were to dress elegantly and properly in the best clothes Totto Land could offer. The twins and the others (quintuplets and such) were to dress identically, especially Lola and her twin sister Chiffon. She commanded them to ensure that once the prince saw them, he would be captivated by each and every one of them - single or not.

"Single or not" meant that if any of them were already married, that marriage would be immediately dissolved if the prince chose to have them as his wife.

To make the event more decisively conclusive, she decided that the tea party would seamlessly transition into a wedding once Lola had accepted Loki's proposal.

In her mind, things played perfectly.


The Prince of Elbaf arrived on Whole Cake Island with minimal entourage - just his guard and a little girl (in comparison to him) with cold, dead eyes. When the gates of Whole Cake opened, Big Mom stood ready to welcome him.

She was in a cheery mood as she greeted him, her hands vibrating from the excitement.

"Maamamaama... Welcome, to Totto Land," Big Mom said warmly. "You are as handsome as they say, almighty Prince."

With a solemn expression, Loki nodded and accepted her handshake, his massive hand completely engulfing Big Mom's.

The prince towered nearly four times taller than Big Mom. His immense frame was wider, his presence imposing. On his head rested the crown of a prince of Elbaf, a three-pointed crown adorned with three extremely large rubies of different colors. His bulky stomach was encased in royal, medieval-like attire: a tarnished, but richly embroidered, heavy fur-lined cloak draped over his broad shoulders, and thick leather belt fastened with an ornate buckle.

"It's a pleasure to be in the wonderful nation of Totto Land," Loki's deep voice rumbled as he accepted her invitation, despite their differences.

Big Mom led him through the baums of the castle. Fortunately, Whole Cake Chateau was designed for literal giants, and Prince Loki fit in perfectly.

As they walked, Big Mom spoke with a political undertone, emphasizing how an alliance between her forces and the giants would be a significant step in shaping the future.

While she rambled, Loki's eyes were distant, mischievously looking around, clearly fixated on something else. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... But where is Lola?"

Big Mom's smile widened into a mischievous grin. Because of Lola, she actually had a shot at taming the giants, and that was the best thing that could have ever happened. She was eager for them to meet, for Loki to propose, and for the marriage to go through so that she could get her hands on the forces of Elbaf quicker.

Besides herself, she said, "Patience, Prince. You will see her soon. She is eagerly awaiting this moment as well."

Quietly strolling close to them, and beside her brother, Hela was watching Big Mom with keen interest. When she spoke, her voice was dark, ominous, and enigmatic.

"When will you ambush us?" Hela asked boldly - out of the blues - giving Big Mom a deadpan stare. They were practically the same height, making it easy for Big Mom to notice her stern gaze. Very few things scared Big Mom, but this girl's deadpan stare was terrifying.

"Hela," Loki tried to rein in his sister, fearing she might jeopardize his budding relationship with the the mother of the love of his life, but Big Mom interjected, insisting she would never ambush her visitors.

"I am a great host," Big Mom said proudly.

"That's not what the paper says," Hela retorted, flashing a newspaper in Big Mom's face. One glance and Big Mom knew she was in trouble. It was the major headline three years ago when she trampled her guests with Ares. Though that particular edition was banned in Totto Land, it was clearly popular in other parts of the world.

"Enough of that, Hela," Loki tried to intervene, but the stares the two women exchanged told him this wasn't a confrontation he wanted to get caught up in.

After a long, hard stare that seemed to peer into each other's souls, Big Mom relaxed her shoulders. While she wasn't fond of the giant girl, she needed the alliance to happen.

To brush up on her image, she said, "I would never do anything to jeopardize my daughter's happiness. We are all here to form one big, happy family."

"Mhm..." Hela considered for a moment, reading Big Mom with narrowed eyes.

"You are just a boring old hag," Hela noted with disapproval in her voice. "When will I get to meet the fiercely feared Emperor of the Sea?"

"Cross your heart and hope you'll never," Big Mom asserted and their walk resumed.

Loki was just relieved that the tension had slightly dissolved. Whatever the case, he was glad that they had left things at just words.

As they approached the grand party hall, Big Mom extended her hand with a grand gesture despite her bitterness with Hela's remarks. "Welcome to the feast! After your long journey from Elbaf, you must be famished."

The hall was lavishly decorated, with tables laden with an extravagant array of food and drink. Big Mom's children - except seven - were already seated, waiting for their royal guest. The atmosphere was warm and inviting as Big Mom led Loki to the head of the table, seating him in a grand chair that befit his stature. Hela, as usual, sat besides her brother.

Inviting them to enjoy her hospitality, Big Mom signalled for Lola and Chiffon to be fetched and demanded for the whereabouts of the other three: Moscato, Galette and... Keki.

As they were served, Big Mom entertained the guests with jokes that only she genuinely laughed to - her children laughed heartily in fear of their mother, and after sometime, Loki joined in with a nervous laugh, not really getting what was funny in each joke. Hela just stared at the old woman, judging and weighing her in her mind.

The music began, and a cheerful tune filled the room. The prince dined heartily, savoring the feast before him. But his enjoyment was cut short when he noticed Hela sitting quietly, not touching her food.

"Hela, what's wrong? Aren't you going to eat?" Loki asked with concern.

Hela's eyes remained cold as she responded, looking directly at Big Mom, "It takes ten liters of Elbaf Bane to kill a normal giant." Her words were dark and filled with suspicion. "A hundred if you target the prince."

Her words chilled the room and snuffed out the cheer in the music.

"Hela..." Loki gave his sister a stern look, understanding the implications of her words.

Hela turned slowly, looking at her brother. Raising her knife, she carefully measured a piece of cake and elegantly placed it in her mouth. After chewing at a measured pace and swallowing delicately, she added, "I'm just enlightening the audience that they would stand a better chance if they chose a weapon over regular poison."

Big Mom gasped in horror, her cheerful facade cracking at the implication of Hela's words. An aura of murderous intent formed around her, rippling in waves of haki.

Hela gave her a blank stare as he took another elegant bite, taking her time.

From the way Big Mom looked at her - if it wasn't clear before - she didn't like Hela's attitude one bit.

Loki tried to rein her in, leaning toward her and whispering urgently, "Hela, manner up and enjoy the welcome."

Hela's expression remained unchanged. "Father will never approve of this. And if Mother were alive, she would never let you leave Elbaf for something as foolish as love."

Tension mounted as Big Mom rose from her seat, staring at Hela and grunting, her body trembling and breaking a part of the table from too much restraint. Seeing the situation, Loki stood to support his sister, while Hela remained seated.

However, when the beautifully dressed twins, Chiffon and Lola, entered the room, the atmosphere shifted. The tension dissipated as both the prince and Big Mom were overwhelmed by an overpowering sense of joy, quickly banishing any dark effect Hela had woven between them - much to Hela's disappointment.

When the environment transformed to one of positivity, contrasting sharply with her sense of self, Hela excused herself "politely" to "enjoy" the view of Totto Land from the balcony.

"I hear it's a beautiful nation," she said dryly as she left.

Her very absence turned the party hall oppressively joyous.


From her vantage point, the so-called "beautiful" nation below appeared utterly uninspiring. The vibrant colors that others might find charming were the first to repel her. Hela couldn't fathom living in such a place, no matter the circumstances.

To make matters worse, her anticipation of meeting the famed Emperor of the Sea - a figure reputed for her ruthless demeanor across the New World - was shattered when she encountered a hold hag with the enthusiasm of a child. The emperor's penchant for childish attire did little to improve her impression.

Her back straight and eyes dryly scanning the landscapes below, she noticed something that seized her attention.

In the midst of the vibrant, confectionery-themed environment, a ship shaped like a confectionery delight drifted into view - yet another childish element that suffocated her. But what truly piqued her interest was not the ship itself, but what it brought with it.

One by one, bundles of human bodies were unloaded from the ship and carried towards the rear of the Chateau. Amidst the workers, a particularly large figure stood out - an imposing giant child. He guided men as they transported two bodies through the front gate of the Chateau.

Hela's curiosity was piqued. The sight of these morbid bundles made her eyes narrow in interest.

"Hmm," Hela murmured to herself, her disdain momentarily set aside as her mind raced with possibilities and a renewed intrigue into the world of piracy.


Early Access/Author Support:



What you'll find:

Love & Games Part 2 - 5: Hela, Decuplets/10 little devils, Lola, Lola's Challenge

Davy Back Fight Part 1: Sibling Rivalry

Next chapter