
Chapter 11, 12, & 13. Kaidou's Suicide

Chapter 11, 12 ,& 13. Kaidou's Suicide (Arc)

The crunchy Island of Biscuits had long been a crispy haven, celebrated for its bolstered, perfect blend of peace and the meticulous craftsmanship of its biscuit artisans. For years, under the rule of "Thousand Arms" Charlotte Cracker, the island flourished with its sugary architecture and the famed biscuit soldiers that patrolled its streets - cleaved from the constant crunching - ensuring order and safety for its inhabitants.

But today, that peace would crumble under the weight of an impending tempest of fury. The skies darkened as the colossal silhouette of Kaidou, the Dragon King of the Beast Pirates, loomed ominously on the horizon. His immense frame cast a foreboding shadow over the island, a harbinger of devastation.

Kaidou's rampage had begun when he smashed into another of Totto Land's islands - Flavour Island. His massive form plowed through its cushy grounds, overpowering the island's tantalizing aromas with his overpowering stench. From the cavernous crater he had created, he emerged, his mind once again fixed on the purpose that had drawn him to Totto Land weeks ago, before he had crashed on a sky island.

His path of destruction was single-minded: to claim Big Mom's head, challenge 'Ares,' and find a worthy adversary. The guardians of Flavour Island had proved inadequate to satiate his thirst for a challenge, as did those of subsequent islands - Black Island and now Biscuit Island - each meeting their ultimate ruin.

The fearless biscuit soldiers of Biscuit Island, however, believed they possessed the strength to halt the rampaging beast and add another victory to Big Mom's collection. Thus, they stood resolute, awaiting Kaidou's descent into his graveyard.

Despite his drunken stupor, Kaidou's flight through the sky was surprisingly fluid. However, this did not prevent him from crashing into the towering Biscuit Fortress, a marvellous biscuit architecture known as the "Cracker's Citadel." Rising majestically above the cracked streets, the fortress had always been a source of pride and inspiration to the island's artisans.

As Kaidou descended upon the Citadel, the impact shattered the strong biscuit walls as the fortress crumbled under the force of the Dragon King's massive form. Biscuit soldiers scattered, their fearless formation momentarily shaken by the falling debris.

The collision and the brutal descent forced Kaidou to revert from his imposing dragon form to his human form, his horns scarring the lower levels of the remnants of Cracker's Citadel. His feet sunk in the cracked biscuit shell - main feature on the street surface - that covered the soil beneath.

The sight of the rallied biscuit soldiers approaching him, ferociously, touched a cell of his stone-cold heart as he anticipated a worthy challenge. The biscuit citadel had felt slightly hard. Would it be the same case with a force of moving biscuit soldiers, or would they be stronger? That's what Kaidou was mostly about - discovering a worthy challenge.

A typical biscuit soldier crafted by Charlotte Cracker - a user of the Bisu Bisu no Mi devil fruit - was a large, humanoid figure made entirely of biscuits. These soldiers stood at approximately 300cm in height, and were exceptionally tough and resilient to damage. They moved toward Kaidou, their body armor creaking with the sound of compressed biscuits.

Kaidou stayed in position, waiting for the soldiers to attack. He looked around the Island of Biscuits with a bored glance, like nothing mattered except the nagging desire for booze, Big Mom's head, and Ares. His mind wandered back to the sky island, thinking of the booze he had found there and how he planned to take it back to Onigashima (of Wano).

In spite of his glance, he didn't notice the intricate detailing of the Biscuit Arch on the desert-like landscape. Nor did he see the biscuit-crafted statues of glorified craftsmen of the island. And neither did he pay attention to the delicate biscuit latticework on the buildings, casting patterned shadows on the cracked, dry ground. The world had long been a distant place to him. The only thing he regarded as worth his time was death, believing that dying in a big battle was the only time one achieved true glory.

So then why did Big Mom - Linlin - make a poor decision? Kaidou grunted as he tuned his eye focus back to the soldiers.

Kaidou was so bored that he didn't immediately realize he was already being hit by the biscuit soldiers. But when he did...


The servant's interruption in the Queen's chamber had been both timely and consequential. When summoned, I hadn't expected to make a decision on which major part of the world would be attacked by the Big Mom Pirates, or rather, my pirates. However, despite luck postponing the urgency of such a decision, it hadn't been without consequence.

With further narration, especially from a frantic transponder snail, everyone in the room had slowly discovered that the attacker was none other than Kaidou of the Beast Pirates - an Emperor of the Sea and one of Big Mom's biggest rivals. His reasons for attacking Totto Land hadn't been clear, but his demand for Big Mom's head declared the situation as dire.

Realizing that Kaidou was attacking her precious nation, Big Mom had left on Zeus with both Prometheus and Napoleon... and maybe Ares, whatever that was. She had left without a word besides a grunt - no command, no directive - leaving the gathered pirates to make the decision for themselves.

They had all turned and looked at me almost simultaneously and intuitively, completely ignoring the big hole Big Mom had left in the chamber. It had taken a few seconds for me to comprehend why I had received their entire attention, only to acutely become aware that after Big Mom, I was next in command in the crew's hierarchy.

Considering that I had no experience, no clue about what they had been planning for a month, and most importantly, although debatable... two years of age, I thought they were completely insane waiting for orders from me. Their gazes had twitched uncomfortably as they stared back and forth between me and Katakuri's location as if those facts were setting in their minds.

The three Sweet Commanders: Katakuri, Smoothie, and Cracker, had always been next in the chain of command before some cosmic being had decided to put me in a cake womb for nine months. With their experience and track record, it had felt obvious that the sweet commanders should take control in Big Mom's absence, but as I looked around, Katakuri and Smoothie, standing next to each other, had also been staring at me, patiently waiting for my command.

Internally, I had a lot going on, but externally, I maintained a stoic expression, feeling the weight of my inherited responsibility. Calmly, I decided to play my role both powerfully and authoritatively.

"Alright, listen up!" I started on a strong note, effectively commanding a level of silence and attention.

"Kaidou may be strong, but he is no match for our queen," I proclaimed boldly. "Mama will wipe the floor with his drunken face!" It was a lie, and I knew it; Kaidou wasn't someone to underestimate. I knew the narrative well; on a one-on-one...

Yet my lie did it's job, bringing about an uproar, elevating the tension, and raising the morale of the gathered pirates - a vote of confidence to my budding leadership.

The uproar subsided as I continued, "There's no need for us to intervene in a battle that's already decided."

I scanned the crowd, noting respectful nods that agreed with my statement. I knew they were still awaiting the directive they craved.

"Kaidou may not be alone," I theorized, making mental calculations and still wondering about his reasons for attacking. "He may have some of his crew with him, and it's our duty to stop them from causing any more damage to Mama's lovely Totto Land."

"Organize your forces, root out any trouble on the other islands, and protect Whole Cake Island at all costs," I commanded with authority. With a stronger tone and raising my fist, I added, "Put your lives on the line for Mama's dream and vision!"

They responded enthusiastically and momentously, raising their hands and shouting in unison,


Their voices reverberated through the chamber, almost like the world's most persistent gong. I resisted the urge to cover my ears, knowing it could damage my reputation. Instead, I maintained a rugged smile and kept my hand raised, encouraging their fervour until most of them began filing out, presumably to board their vessels and protect Totto Land.

"Brother Keki," someone approached me. I realized Katakuri and Smoothie were still in the Queen's Chamber, despite most pirates having left. Smoothie addressed me with a confident yet conflicted tone.

"Mama may need her Sweet Commanders," she continued with a mixed tone - somewhere in between timid and confident - like someone who was having a hard time making a mental decision to speak. "The transponder snail reported Kaidou's presence on Biscuit Island, where Cracker already is. Katakuri and I intend to go."

I smiled uneasily, resisting the urge to scratch my head in discomfort. "I- It's okay. You don't need permission from me. Do what you think is best."

"We understand," Katakuri said calmly, maintaining his diligent warrior's posture. "We wanted to know if you would join us."

I stared at Katakuri's towering form flatly for a second, wondering what his Observation Haki was revealing to him. Was he thinking I was a coward? Despite our past battles in the Chateau where I always came up short, I'd like to believe I'd put up a valiant fight against overwhelming odds.

"Well, sure!" I responded quickly, without fully considering the implications. I couldn't afford to appear weak in the eyes of someone so dignified and experienced - arguably a better heir to the Big Mom throne. Suddenly, competitiveness surged within me as I mentally squared off against Katakuri.

"Let's not waste any time," I added, projecting readiness despite my inner doubts. Facing Kaidou? I hoped it was a false alarm; Kaidou rarely acted without purpose.


Kaidou cut an imposing figure with bulky muscles and an overly top-heavy build. His massive torso, wide-set shoulders, and thick arms contrasted with his smaller, less built legs. His feet were tiny compared to his massive hands. Atop his bulky neck, Kaidou's small head bore a pair of sharp, gray-white horns curving forward then upward.

His long face featured a heavy brow ridge, sharp bloodshot eyes with small yellow irises, a hook nose, and a large, full-lipped mouth. What confirmed it was indeed Kaidou on Biscuit Island was the way he frowned and sneered as he moved heavily with his famed Hassaikai on his shoulder.

I had heard numerous praises for Biscuit Island and Cracker's Citadel, but having spent all my time on Whole Cake Island, I had only imagined what they looked like. Now, being here on Biscuit Island, I felt disappointed as I watched the ruins - especially an ancient-looking biscuit building that had crumbled, torn apart by the massive barbarian coming at us.

Kaidou had a bored look on his face, oblivious to the destruction he had caused. The ruined buildings, trampled streets, numerous fallen biscuit soldiers, and the strong Sweet Commander Charlotte Cracker, who lay defeated behind him, fallen at the hands of the barbarian.

I instinctively took a step forward, looking at Cracker, his biscuit armor broken and barely moving form. Despite any differences, I felt a sudden urge to help him, regardless of my fear of Kaidou. However, Katakuri stopped me as Kaidou's bloodshot eyes locked onto us.

"Wait," Katakuri said, his enormous hand on my shoulder. Relief washed over me; I hadn't thought things through. All I felt was pain that something so precious to Mama had been turned upside down by Kaidou. Big Mom might have been a monster in the outside world, but in Totto Land, she was loved for preserving peace. Her vision of an equal and peaceful world ignited my anger toward Kaidou.

"Let him destroy Kaidou, Katakuri," Perospero said, with Brulee by his side.

"No," Katakuri replied. "We can't let him loose without Mama close."

"But Cracker... he doesn't look okay. We have to help him before something worse happens," I insisted.

Smoothie, with a respectful and proud gaze, answered, "Cracker would rather die than let Mama hear he was defeated by Kaidou."

"He's just bidding his time to catch Kaidou unawares by acting defeated," Perospero observed.

"He doesn't look okay one bit," I reiterated, watching Cracker struggling to raise his hands and body from his very uncomfortable position. "If it happens that he was actually defeated, Mama must never know." I said, looking sternly at Perospero. He gave me a dead stare and looked away to Kaidou.

"You," Kaidou grunted, staring at us. He shifted his Hassaikai slightly, making it look like the world shifted instead of his body. "I know you."

His gaze locked onto us. "You are Big Mom's strongest, aren't you? Are you the one they call Ares?"

I shuddered. Katakuri stepped forward, unfazed, and looking half as bored as Kaidou did. "I'll let Mama answer that for you," he replied sternly.


The voice was unmistakable as Big Mom's angry form flew through the air. Her hair, dressed in Prometheus, looked fiery, and her appearance was chilling. In her right hand, she gripped Napoleon, a large sword, and beneath her heels was Zeus. Her voice turned into a furious grunt as she reiterated, her wrath in it, "KAAIIIDDOOOUUU!!!"

Big Mom didn't look like she was coming here to chat, or any form of diplomacy. In my two years, I had never seen her this angry and resolved to fight. With the atmosphere tensing, I began rethinking Kaidou's invincibility - perhaps Big Mom was his match.

Sure, Kaidou was indestructible, and so was Big Mom. Both had the same weakness - water - but they all had trump cards. Kaidou could escape sinking with his dragon form, and Big Mom had Zeus or Prometheus to save her from a similar ordeal.

It was plausible that a fight between Kaidou and Big Mom could bring about the end of the world. Not with how Big Mom looked at Kaidou, prepared to take his head, nor with Kaidou's look of excitement and relief as if he had hoped for this moment.

However, I still wondered.

Why would Kaidou attack Totto Land?

Even from my knowledge, Kaidou wasn't welcoming of a conflict with Big Mom. Whatever the case, this wasn't a fight worth watching up close, evident by how shock reverberated when Big Mom and Kaidou finally clashed - Big Mom attacking with Napoleon, and Kaidou defending with Hassaikai.

Their weapons didn't even touch, but the impact was palpable, causing dark lightning bolts to strike the air and ground, charging the atmosphere. This was Haki at its peak, and it inspired a level of fear in me, causing me to move back. My siblings followed suit.

"Okay, now Cracker's in real danger of being the grass that gets trampled by fighting bulls if we don't help him," I shouted, trying to overcome the noise from the clash of the two Yonkou.

"Kaidou!" Big Mom bellowed furiously, giving him a death stare capable of taking someone's soul away without even her soul pocus. He voice was filled with fury and her face showing her greatly spaced teeth, augmenting her murderous form.

"Linlin," Kaidou replied with a gruff voice, acknowledging her like an old friend. "You old hag."

"Nhrr!" Big Mom grunted, furiously crashing Napoleon against Hassaikai, pushing the drunken Kaidou slightly back. "You dare-!!"

"How dare-! Hhuurr!" Kaidou retaliated, crashing Hassaikai against Napoleon, pushing Big Mom back significantly. Zeus barely managed to hold her weight during the battle.

The two monsters exchanged death stares, their fuming auras creating apocalyptic colors. The sun and clouds were obscured, and the air had grown suffocating and ominous.

Their fight had barely started, yet it felt like nothing I had ever seen. How would it end when neither of these two seemed capable of dying?

"I will put you in the grave myself!" Kaidou proclaimed, withdrawing Hassaikai for his Raimei Hakke (Thunder Clap). Big Mom adjusted Napoleon for her Ikoku Sovereignty - a treasure trove of the giants from Elbaf.

"You're standing on your graveyard!" Big Mom commanded, unleashing a colored slash that clashed with Kaidou's Raimei Hakke. The attacks clashed, with Ikoku Sovereignty bouncing of Thunder Clap and reflecting to Big Mom. Big Mom dispelled it moving for a close range short with Napoleon.

Kaidou took a hit, staggering slightly as he shook his head to clear his vision.

For a moment, they stared at each other madly, unleashing powerful Conqueror's Haki that dulled my senses and made my mind foggy. It became too much for Brulee, who collapsed near an awe-stricken Perospero. The ground beneath had already given up, unable to withstand the weight. The nearby buildings no longer resembled biscuits, reduced to swirling dust. The dust clouded in the skies, unable to hang around these two monsters.

Strange, dark-red lightning bolts struck around as the two creatures continued their stares, causing massive damage even before the fight had truly started.

Yelling powerfully, they rushed at each other, weapons clashing. Napoleon crashed against Hassaikai, creating sounds like a transformer blowing up after an electric fault. The streaks of white light made me think they had cut reality, causing a fracture in the universe. They grinned ferociously, proving that neither was ready to yield.

As they soared in the air, clashing with power and speed, I feared it was the end for Biscuit Island. The ground tremored from the ongoing crashes, triggering seismic activity amid the already fragile grounds.

At some point, Big Mom switched to her fists - known of killing a warrior giant even when she was just eight years old - coming in for close combat. Kaidou remained steady, drunken grins appearing on his face as if he was enjoying every moment of being bashed.

I saw the seismic activity, with fissures and geysers starting to pop up around us. This could be the end of Biscuit Island, and if they didn't stop, it could mean the end of Totto Land. I didn't want Totto Land to disappear from the map, especially with me along with it. I knew I had to do something and quickly came up with an analytical plan.

"Perospero, find a way to save Cracker using Brulee's powers!" I ordered. "Katakuri, Smoothie, follow me. We have to find a way to intervene and stop these two from fighting and minimize the consequences."

Our path was already tough, navigating the rigid, turbulent, and uneven ground that was continuously shifting. But I felt a little less afraid because I had Katakuri on my side. With Mama, it would be four against one, and Kaidou might finally meet his death for attacking our land.

We moved forward, the ground shaking beneath our feet, geysers erupting around us. The atmosphere was charged with the energy of their clash, dark-red lightning bolts and pure white ones still striking the air. It felt like we were battling against some godly powers as we rushed for the epicentre.

At the epicentre, the sheer power emanating from Big Mom and Kaidou was overwhelming. The ground was splitting open, creating wider and wider crevices that would soon become grand canyons.

"Katakuri, use your Mochi Mochi no Mi power to try and immobilize them," I instructed. "Smoothie and I will use our strength to help keep them in place and find a way to keep them apart for the sake of Totto Land. Smoothie, you go for Kaidou, and I'll handle Mama."

Katakuri extended his arms, and mochi began to flow from his body, spreading across the ground towards Kaidou and Big Mom. The sticky substance moved with surprising speed, despite the terrifying power of the two Yonko. I was actually shocked when Katakuri's mochi managed to catch and hold them, even if only temporarily.

But then again, it was Katakuri.

With the two monsters momentarily immobilized, Smoothie and I rushed forward. The ground was still shaking, making every step feel like a battle. My heart pounded in my chest, and fear gnawed at the edges of my resolve. This was utter suicide, but I had to try.

Katakuri too moved to help with Kaidou, making me silently wish I had chosen Kaidou. I was renowned for calming Mama's hunger pangs, but I had no experience with her anger pangs. The woman was a terrifying monster as she yelled at Kaidou.

Both were yelling at each other, trying to get at each other's throats. They barely noticed Katakuri's mochi restraining them.

Smoothie lunged at Kaidou, grabbing him by the leg and attempting to suplex him using her immense strength. Katakuri took on the other leg, filling it with more mochi as if he was trying to wrap and cocoon him.

As for me, I had never felt so fearful as when Mama looked down at me with wide eyes, filled with rage and confusion.

I tried to plead, telling her that she was destroying Totto Land, but her mind was on Kaidou, and she kept promising how she would cut him into two for attacking her precious land. She was already too consumed in her rage; there was no brief moment where her eyes flickered with recognition.

She struggled against the mochi and my grip.

"Linlin!" Kaidou roared, his voice booming. "I'll crush you!"

"No, Kaidou!" Smoothie shouted, using all her strength to keep him in place. "Mama will crush you."

"Keki, let go of Mama. Katakuri and I will hold Kaidou in place for Mama," Smoothie added. The mochi holding Mama withdrew, freeing her and making my grip useless as she spun me in the air with her foot.

Even as I spun in the air, seeing how much mochi had formed on Kaidou and how Katakuri and Smoothie were holding him in place, I began to see it wasn't a bad plan entirely and strongly believed that Mama would slice Kaidou in half.

Just as a tensed relief formed in my mind, however, I spotted Kaidou's eyes finally noticing the two, slightly tall figures desperately trying to keep him in place. My high hopes sank immediately.

Kaidou used his strength and haki to break free from the mochi, the power radiating from him as he shattered his restraints. With a single motion, he spun around, catching Katakuri and Smoothie in his grasp. He flung them away with such force that they were hurled through the air like ragdolls.

I swallowed my shock, unable to comprehend the sheer power Kaidou possessed to swirl two of mama's biggest monsters like empty buckets.

He caught his Hassaikai and, just when I thought he was going to counter Mama, he dashed toward her but swiftly changed his projection with a grunt and bashed me with Thunder Bagua. I was still in the air, and the impact propelled me to fly further and further, losing all sense of anything and everything. My consciousness faded away as I crashed far from the battlefield, into a soft, cold surface that started to swallow me instantly.

The surface was water, but I didn't realize it immediately. All I felt was cold, with darkness creeping into my consciousness and something fluid and icy entering through my nostrils and mouth, suffocating me. I didn't know what was happening anymore. I was lost to nothingness..., but there was a distant wail, a scream so sharp and suffocating it felt like it could kill anyone who tried to listen to it. It was so loud and high pitched that it made my skin crawl even though I couldn't feel anything. My eyes barely opened.


I felt myself slipping away as I sank deeper into the icy embrace of the water. The cold fluid enveloped me, seeping into every pore, dragging me down to the bottom. My movements slowed to a crawl, and each breath became a struggle against the suffocating darkness closing in around me. It felt like this was it, the end, and I couldn't muster the strength to fight against it.

But amidst the numbing silence, a sharp scream pierced through my fading consciousness. It was relentless, echoing in my mind like a beacon cutting through the fog of oblivion. It was so persistent, so insistent, that it stirred something deep within me. Could I move? Could I fight against this inevitable descent into nothingness?

The scream grew louder and louder, reverberating through the water, through my body. It was maddening yet somehow invigorating, pushing me to the brink of awareness even as I felt myself slipping away. Thoughts raced through my mind, regrets mingling with disbelief at my foolish attempt to intervene in a battle far beyond my league. It was stupid, reckless, and now I was paying the price.

But just as I resigned myself to the darkness, my heart surged with a sudden jolt. A surge of energy coursed through me, and my eyes shot open for a fleeting moment.

'What was that?!' I wondered nearly aloud, causing bubbles of the last remaining air to come out of mouth. However, my focus was on the sudden, familiar jolt I had just felt. It was a surge caused by something familiar, yet elusive - a darkness not threatening to take my consciousness, but one seeking to take control. It felt wanting to pull me back from the brink, and guide me with a purpose.

The thud in my chest transformed into a thunderous rhythm, each beat echoing like drums in a rhythm I couldn't ignore. What had started as a jarring thud now felt like an upbeat song tuning with the sharp wailing that was already piercing. As the wailing intensified from the surface, it felt as if a force willed my heartbeat to rise, like the prelude to a grand finale.

I kept my eyes open, staring into the abyss, afraid that closing them would cause me to miss a pivotal moment. Despite sinking deeper, the weight of water in my stomach and lungs, I should have succumbed by now - hell, I should have already lost myself. Yet, the wailing, the pounding drums, and the eerie darkness kept my consciousness hovering, just enough to resist losing control.

Struggling to hold on, to grasp this fleeting moment of clarity, my eyes blinked once. Suddenly, I found myself in a surreal position, my hands extended as if swimming, though I hadn't consciously moved them. Confusion gripped me as I blinked again, only to realize I had risen closer to the surface, sunlight filtering through the water.

In mysterious turns after moments of slipping away into unconsciousness, my heartbeat rose into a fierce uproar as the wailing intensified with each stroke toward the surface, my body surging with determination.

I couldn't explain what was happening, but I wasn't against surviving as I sank into the water. However, I did my best to resist losing consciousness to the mysterious darkness.

Continuing this way, I broke to the surface. My mind was now fully my own. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't lose consciousness now, not with the pain in my chest and stomach from all the water I had swallowed. I could barely expel it and was now suffocating on the surface, collapsed on the fissured beach. My ears were being assaulted by a wailing piercing through the air, irritating me, but not as much as it caused my heart to start beating methodically, just as it did in the water.

As my ears unfortunately focused on the wailing, I felt the darkness creeping in again. I wondered what it was and didn't want it to take over. I now realized this was the same darkness that had descended on my birthday, causing a memory gap, and I didn't want to experience another one. I resisted closing my eyes, but that didn't stop my heartbeat or slow it down. Now, a nagging desire to go to the source of the wail grew within me, my body feeling energetic despite the water in my lungs making it hard to breathe.

The wailing on the surface was sharper than it had been in the water, each note slicing through the air with an almost tangible edge. From how my body was reacting involuntary, it felt more than just a sound, but a call, a beckoning that resonated deep within me.

My legs, seemingly with a will of their own, ached to move toward the source. Why did I want to go to that source? What was it about this sound that drew me in so powerfully, not overriding, but ignoring the pain and the suffocation?

The more I resisted, the stronger the urge became, threatening to overwhelm my consciousness. Finally, in a moment of surrender, I decided to follow this inexplicable pull. With a surge of foreign energy, my legs propelled me forward, sprinting towards the center of the island where the wail seemed to originate.

As if propelled by some unseen force, I moved faster than I had ever known I could, my agility surprising even myself. But more than that, it was the overwhelming sense of purpose that gripped me, a deep-seated desire to protect and show loyalty. These feelings wrapped around me like a cloak, leaving me questioning if my body was being guided by some cosmic entity that had endowed me with mysterious powers unbeknownst to me. What was this sensation?

Lost in these thoughts, I raced toward the epicentre where the wailing originated.

Arriving, the sight before me immediately clarified the source of the wailing, that was actually sorrowful cries.

Kaidou stood uncomfortably, his presence almost overshadowed by the raw emotion emanating from Big Mom. Before him, she knelt on the ground, tears streaking down her face, hands trembling at her sides. Her gaze was upturned, a look of anguish etched across her features. It seemed as if she were screaming a silent cry of "why?" into the heavens, her wail echoing through the air, reaching even to where I had been in the ocean.

As I observed this heartbreaking scene, it struck me that her anguished cry might have been triggered by witnessing Kaidou's actions against me. But how her wail had awakened my heart in the depths of the ocean still remained a mystery to me.

The urge to protect and show loyalty felt strongest in this moment, watching Mama looking so vulnerable. The blood on her knees spoke volumes, showing her vulnerability and emotional depth. Despite her immeasurable strength, Big Mom was weakest when deeply scarred emotionally. Seeing what Kaidou had done had opened wounds that ran deeper than any physical battle could inflict.

Seeing Mama mourn for me hit an emotional note within me. I had never felt more inclined to be loyal to Big Mom than it felt in that moment, and I gave in to the simmering desire within me to intervene before Kaidou made up his mind to do away with her head.

Despite standing nearly 600 cm shorter than him, I didn't hesitate. I met his Hassaikai with my bare hands, the clash sending excruciating waves of pain through my body, almost feeling as if my limbs might disintegrate. The impact was so intense that I felt warm fluid seep from my palms, realizing I was bleeding.

For two years, I hadn't shed a drop of blood. The sight of it now felt foreign, yet I couldn't afford to be distracted as I battled Kaidou both mentally and physically, fixing him with a glare that could have turned him to stone.

Our eyes locked fiercely, his Conqueror's Haki bearing down on me, threatening to overwhelm my consciousness and physical stability. But I summoned a fierce determination to resist.

With every ounce of willpower, I fought against the encroaching darkness. My gaze shifted from powerful to menacing, imposing my will on Kaidou as much as I could. The air crackled between us with bursts of dark-red sparks from his Haki. Despite the urge to break away, I maintained my struggle, resolved to buy Mama the time she needed to gather herself and unleash her wrath upon Kaidou once she knew I was safe.

Kaidou grunted furiously, his gaze demanding I release my grip. He attempted to withdraw, but I held firm, gritting my teeth and roaring defiantly, like a lion or a sea beast.

In that tense moment, Kaidou's Ryokugyu surged forth like an unstoppable tide, intent on breaking my resolve and testing my limits. His aura enveloped me, pressing down with an oppressive force that threatened to crush both body and spirit.

I gritted my teeth harder, feeling them crack under the strain as if each one was breaking under a heavy weight. The burden on my limbs felt insurmountable, like being shackled beneath mountains. Kaidou's eyes bore into mine, a fierce challenge etched across his face, daring me to falter.

But amidst the suffocating pressure of Ryokugyu, my defiance swelled within me, raw and primal. It surged from the depths of my being, fueled by the unbreakable will to protect Mama and vanquish Kaidou. Despite the blurred edges of my vision and the agony wracking my body, I gathered every ounce of remaining strength.

A powerful sensation surged up my spine, spreading like a serpent awakening from its slumber. It coiled around my core, strengthening my body with each cruise. It was as if the very forces of the world had aligned to bolster my spirit.

As the energy rose, it felt almost judgemental, weighing my worthiness to wield it. The air held its breath with anticipation, a silent prelude to the eruption that was building within me. Sparks danced around me, and the atmosphere itself seemed to quiver in anticipation of what was to come.

And then, in a cataclysmic release, my Conqueror's Haki burst forth for the first time. The air around me shattered with the force of my will, unleashing shockwaves that rippled through the battered field. Bolts of dark-red electricity shot skyward, illuminating the heavens with their ominous glow.

The eruption of Conqueror's Haki was so potent that it forced me to relinquish my grip on Hassaikai, sending both Kaidou and me staggering backward. Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me, both physically and mentally, but I anchored myself firmly on the unstable ground, refusing to succumb, my heartbeat pulsing in sync with Mama's anguished cries.

The release of energy was so intense that it seemed to purge the ocean's weight from my body, a relief after carrying such a burden for so long.

Kaidou regarded me with a disinterested sneer, his Hassaikai resting casually on his shoulder. "So, you're the one they call Ares."

He snorted derisively, adjusting his stance.

In response, I met his gaze with a glare charged with the remnants of my Conqueror's Haki, my eyes tinged with a faint red glow from the exertion. The effort had drained me significantly, and now, with my body devoid of excess water, a gnawing hunger began to assert itself. I could feel saliva pooling in my mouth, droplets threatening to escape the corners.

I was craving nothing in particular, just a deep, primal urge to devour anything that crossed my path - whether alive or dead, even the beast standing before me.

"Life or death?" Mama's voice boomed, interrupting my ravenous thoughts, "Kaidou." Her wailing had ceased some time ago, possibly halted by my Conqueror's Haki. Now standing, she fixed a piercing gaze on Kaidou, her demeanor shifting from solemn to fiercely resolute, as if preparing to unleash her Soul Pocus on him.

"Worororororo..." Kaidou's laugh grated on my nerves. He grinned widely, displaying neither respect nor fear for his once-upon-a-time mentor and crewmate, Big Mom. I knew Mama's Soul Pocus only affected those who feared her, rendering it useless against Kaidou.

"Linlin, leaving the world of pirates is the same as begging for death," Kaidou declared with a gruff, dismissive tone. "I will grant you a final grand battle and give you an honorable and glorious death."

Mama's hands clenched, ready for the fierce battle to reignite.

"You unruly bastard!" Big Mom hissed. "You speak of honor, yet you face me in a drunken stupor. Your death at my hands will only tarnish my reputation."

"I leave you to face my powerful heir, Charlotte Keki," Big Mom proclaimed, her voice resolute. "Any last words?"

"Worororororo," Kaidou sneered.


Again, daily posts but since this is a tri-chapter, I will post next on Wednesday.

Early Access:

Chapter 14. Drums of... War

Chapter 15 & 16: Kaidou's Execution Part 1


Next chapter