
Chapter 33 “Destined Encounters and Discipline”

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I also see that all three girls are drinking different beverages. .

Tsubaki is drinking green tea, Ni is drinking milk coffee, and Li is drinking strawberry milk. Tsubaki saw me looking at their drinks, thought fast and asked me.

"Ray, as your Queen, should I prepare you a drink?"

I smile at Tsubaki trying to be useful, because I see the book she was reading was one about Peerages and Servants, the duties and roles, cute.

"Hmm? How about black tea? I would love it with light sugar, and thanks Tsubaki. "

I am actually not super thirsty, but Tsubaki came from isolation, and I can see she wants to be useful for me. So letting her do this one small task, put a light in her eyes.

Tsubaki does not smile much, even if she likes something, due to her isolated life.

She is unable to show emotions well. I only hope I can bring happiness to her heart in the future.

I was watching her brew, and my mind drifted to Akeno. .

I know most people in my shoes would have saved the Queen piece for her, but. .

. I don't even know if I will ever meet her.

If I do ever meet her, I can use a Bishop Piece, but I cannot assume things other than Shirone will happen like that dream story in that anime.

The only reason I am sure Shirone will come to me, is I have no way to affect her path. But, I also cannot rule that out as well.

But to be honest, to not meet the Ultimate Loli in existence would be a tragedy.

In my past life, she was the only Loli I even found adorable or enticing to say it bluntly. In fact she was the only Tsundere in all the works I saw that I actually cared for.

I had faded out in thought and suddenly felt a breath on the left side of my face, and when I turned to look. .

"Master Ray, you look so serious deep in thought, are you troubled ~Nya?"

Somehow, Li passed over her sister and was a mere inch from my face, with her blue eyes looking into mine, and her smile with her one little tooth on her lip made her look charming. She reminds me of a curious cat, but with a slender body built like what a cat girl should.

The only difference is the two hide their twin tails but leave their ears out, for their enhanced senses, but they said the tail gets in the way sometimes and lifts their short skirts, so they hide it. I blush and say.

"I-I was just not expecting to get 3 Peerage members two years early, so I am thinking on how best to make you girls happy is all. "

Yes, I had three girlfriends in my Human life, but my young Devil body is making it hard to concentrate when women ten times more attractive than that Earth are up in your face, and my heart makes me blush and feel like I am a kid, but I actually am so. .

"Ni was right, you are the right Master ~Nya. "

Tsubaki came with my tea to save the day, and when I took it, she sat back on my right and put Neko back in her lap. Li got the playful reaction she wanted, only sat on my left side, sitting just close enough to not be rude to her new Master, but close enough for us to smell one another.

I think my world has a few moral screws loose, right?

And when I looked at Ni, she was sitting cross-legged with her magazine in her face hiding her smile, but her red eyes over the page saw me look, and she only playfully winked at me, sigh. .

After my new Servants were blown away at my home, they were whisked off to get cleaned and situated in the home by the maids.

They will be given their own rooms based on their positions, meaning Tsubaki has a room across the hall from mine, where the twins are further down the floor where the Pawns would be. This is all customary in Devil homes.

This entire 3rd floor is devoted to me and my Peerage only, or at least this wing of the 3rd floor, for Rias will have the other-side as she gets older and eventually gets her own Servants, but that is soooo far off.

Both Bishops' rooms will be to the left and right of mine, while the knights and Rooks will be past Tsubaki's room.

Currently I am sitting next to my Father on one couch with looks of dread. Across from us sits both Venelana and Kuisha, both women opposite their men.

My Mother is sipping her tea with her other arm across her lap, while her eyes are penetrating us.

My Kuisha has her legs crossed and her arms folded under her just budding chest, but she has her bottom lip pushed out trying to look stern.

I want to laugh at her trying to look fierce, because she is not really mad at me, but under my Mother's training. So my Mother told her to be firm with me for causing trouble.

I really am holding in my laugh here, and Kuisha knows it.

"Explain. .

My Mother repeated her question to my Father, then the bastard sold me out like I expected.

"Ray wanted to find some new Peerage members, as his 10th birthday present. So I was honor-bound to take him out for the day.

But he really got lucky you know, like it was. .

. Destiny! He even found a Sacred Gear wielder, now that is our Ray, right?!"

Just as I was going to point out some of what he said was false, my Mother cut me off and said to us.

"Zeo dear, you and I shall have a separate talk later, but for now. .

. Ray dear, you knew you were grounded, correct?"

Hey Guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

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