
Ran away? Who ran away?

Duan Jingli pursed his lips and hesitated to answer but Duan Jia Xu did not need an answer. He clutched Duan Jingli by his arms and stated coldly, "Duan Wen is our sister but even she would not think twice before using our bodies and talents to gain a better deal for her company." 

"Even if we only share half of the blood with her, we are still family. But has she ever cared for us?" 

"N—-No," Duan Jingli answered with a slight tremor in his voice. Duan Wen was not only selfish but she was really cruel to them as well. Even though there were many things that Duan Jingli did not understand, there was one thing that he learned under his half-sister. 

It was —— if you are useless, you do not deserve to be treated as human. 

Duan Wen not only said those words but she sternly practiced those words on the two brothers. She wouldn't let them eat a single meal if they did not work. 

Next chapter