
Ch - 80 Training?

After Caitlin realized her true feelings for Swayam and had a heart-to-heart conversation with him, their bond deepened. Despite Swayam's repeated concerns about moving too fast, Caitlin had been the one to initiate their relationship. Now, she felt the need for closure with Ronnie, her ex-boyfriend. She wanted one final conversation to apologize, confront her past, and fully move on.

After choosing Swayam over Ronnie, Caitlin opened up to him about her previous encounters with Ronnie, first in the parking lot and later at the abandoned factory. While Swayam had already sensed that Caitlin's emotional turmoil was linked to her past, he hadn't expected Ronnie to be the cause.

Since their mutual confession of love, Caitlin and Swayam's spiritual connection had only grown stronger. This deepened connection even impacted their abilities, causing their powers to evolve to the next level. Caitlin, who had once relied on her bracelet to control her cryokinetic powers, now had much better control over them. However, she continued to wear the bracelet as a safety precaution.

With their relationship stronger than ever, Caitlin and Swayam shared the news about Ronnie with Cisco and Dr. Harrison Wells. Both of them already realised what was going on with Caitlin so the both of them were just waiting for Caitlin and Swayam to speak about it and when they did both of them agreed to help search for Ronnie, hoping to bring him to S.T.A.R. Labs and assist him.

During this time, Barry also asked the team for help in getting faster—faster than the man in yellow—so he could finally seek justice for his father. Harrison Wells, eager to see Barry reach his full potential, readily agreed to train him. But it wasn't just Barry who was training. Caitlin and Swayam also worked on improving their own powers.

Caitlin had become more proficient in manipulating water in its three states: solid, liquid, and gas. However, she still needed more training to fully master her powers and switch between the states with a single thought.

Swayam, on the other hand, continued to train in secret. Though he had only shown a fraction of his abilities to the team, he sensed that someone was watching him, which made him extremely cautious about revealing too much. He trained discreetly, only using his powers when he didn't feel the presence of this mysterious gaze.

He often wondered who was keeping an eye on him. Although he was familiar with DC movies and TV shows, he wasn't a die-hard fan who memorized every detail about the universe's most powerful beings. This left him unaware of who might be observing him. Despite his lack of knowledge, Swayam's cautious nature made him wary of doing anything that could drastically alter the timeline.

Meanwhile, Barry, ever since his brutal defeat at the hands of the Reverse Flash, had been determined to get faster and better. His only goal was to capture the man in yellow and make him confess why he killed his mother and framed his father. His training sessions had become more intense, with the abandoned runway serving as the go-to location for his speed drills.

Cisco, ever the genius inventor, had created a modified drone specifically to help Barry train his abilities. But before the practical sessions, Dr. Harrison Wells had provided Barry with theoretical solutions to improve his control.

Wells emphasised that to avoid accidents and injuries, Barry needed to master precise movements at various speeds. He had to learn to stop instantly without overshooting or losing balance. Wells suggested Barry to practice running in straight lines and making sharp turns at high velocities, emphasizing that acceleration and deceleration were just as important as maintaining speed.

For instance, running up walls or even running on water would require gradual increases in speed. Wells also encouraged Barry to train his reflexes so that his mind could keep pace with his body. Reaction time and reflexes would be crucial to perceiving and responding to the world at super-speed.

With these insights and the team's support, Barry pushed forward, striving to master his powers and confront the inevitable challenge ahead.

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