
Ch - 10 Continuity?

"I am sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not May 23rd, and it's definitely not the year 2024." Eobard, having realized that Swayam was from a completely different dimension --possibly from a universe not part of the known multiverse-- knew this information might be hard for Cisco and Caitlin to believe. They were somewhat skeptical of Swayam's claims, and the idea of him being from a different future hadn't crossed their minds.

Realistically, who in their right mind would believe someone claiming to be from the future?

But that's the thing about scientists--they believe that magic is just advanced science and that nothing is truly impossible. So, they considered the possibility that Swayam might be from the future, especially given the unscientific things that had happened to him: his sudden appearance, his thin physique becoming robust day by day, his blood evaporating upon extraction, and his DNA with a triple helix genome. All these phenomena were unscientific yet still happened.

With so many unscientific things already happening, Swayam being from the future was accepted more easily.

However, Swayam had a different goal. His main objective was to decrease suspicion from Eobard's mind. To achieve this, he continued to act like an ignorant fool who didn't understand what was happening to or around him. Upon hearing what Eobard said, he gave a doubtful look and said, "That's not an amusing joke, Mr. Wells. Since you are aged and elderly, I will give you my respect, but that doesn't give you the permission to talk nonsense."

"What Dr. Wells said is true, Mr. Swayam," Caitlin interjected, trying to ease the tension. "Today isn't May 23rd, 2024. Today's date is January 13th, 2014, exactly a month and two days since the particle accelerator exploded."

Swayam showed an even more confused look before switching to a stern expression. He turned to Eobard and said, "Since you are a scientist, Dr. Wells, can you please give me a simple and definite answer as to what is going on here?"

Eobard sighed, then rolled his wheelchair towards a blackboard. He picked up a pen, started to draw a horizontal line.

He labeled the line 'P' for present and then drew another line labeled 'M' for mystery.

He assigned numerical values to each line and began to explain, "P represents the continuity where Cisco, Caitlin and I exist, and M represents where you, Swayam, come from. For the people of P continuity, M is a mysterious point we cannot interact with or interfere with at all. Somehow, the multicolored lightning catapulted you from M continuity to P continuity. My hypothesis is that, certain conditions were met, causing both continuities to vibrate at the same wavelength for a brief moment. During this time, your electrocution by the multicolored lightning was sufficient to shift your molecular structure--or in simple terms, to shift you--from M continuity to P continuity."

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