
In moments of pain, we seek revenge.

"You wish to work for me Clara?" Safa was intrigued but ultimately Surprised by Clara's sudden suggestion.

Wolfgang was out of the room by now, busy preparing for lunch when Clara decided to ask Safa something.

"Yes...it was Mrs Bridgerton's idea and miss Gertrude's too that I should earn my own money!" Clara said.

"It is not a bad idea, the two women do have their own income and it is only natural that they would advise other women to do so.

But is it really what you desire?" Safa asked.

"I want to depend on myself, just like how I always did ever since I became a maid...this noble life of just sitting around without purpose...is not for me, you would understand since you busy yourself with work most of the time." Clara replied.

Smiling, "I cannot deny, I am proud of how mature you are becoming as of late, and to put it simply, I am more than happy to offer you a job, however much like Wolfgang, you have to understand that just because we are friends does not mean I will be easy on you regarding your employment.

I want to always try and give it your best, no matter how small the task may be." Safa said making Clara's face lit up with a giant smile.

"Does that mean you will grant me my wish?!" Clara asked.

"Why not, I would very much love to have a woman that I can trust working by my side, And considering how tired I have become recently, I could use all the help I need.

We will discuss your salary later once I decide what it is exactly that you would be doing." Safa replied.

"Thank you! Whatever it is, I promise you that I will do my best." Clara said before she gave Denver who was sitting besides her, a satisfied smile.

...Some time later...

Fabian didn't expect such outcome, what he thought was a disastrous visit to Lady Danbury, has eventually turned into him being driven away in a carriage that he shared with both Lady Danbury and James.

He felt a bit guilty considering that he didn't let Gertrude know where he is, he knew she would be worried but there wasn't much he can do.

He felt obligated to go along with James, but he dreaded every moment during the journey, he couldn't look at any of his fellow passengers.

The truth is, Fabian was angry but didn't allow himself to express it.

He did his best to focus on his hands that he kept fidgeting in his lap, while James eyed him with interest.

As for Lady Danbury, her nonchalant expression didn't give away a hint on how she was feeling on the outside, James couldn't even tell if she was nervous at all.

And now as the carriage came to a stop, her expression remained as solid as ever while Fabian was understandably, a shaky mess.

Gracefully, James exited the carriage then helped lady Danbury out while Fabian got out as well, "This would make it my second time here." Lady Danbury said.

"Mine as well..." Fabian replied, he refused to eye the woman and Agatha could tell he was feeling betrayed by her but for some reason instead of lashing out or showing his level of Anger, Fabian just seemed tired.

Following James, the redhead let the guests inside before he stopped them, "Wait here, I will be back for you." He said and hurried off somewhere.

"I assume he'll see if I am still needed, hopefully this time I shall not be kicked right at the door." Lady Danbury said in an almost jokingly manner.

Fabian didn't respond to her so she sighed.


Since it was around time lunch would be served, James had went to the dinning room hoping to catch Wolfgang or his sister and perhaps both, to let them know about the current situation.

He mainly wanted to find Clara, as he wanted to warn her about lady Danbury's arrival since Clara made it clear she didn't wish to deal with the woman.

But to his surprise, the room was empty despite the table being set, so he went to the drawing room and it was empty as well, and as he was about to leave to check The other rooms, he heard chatter coming from Somewhere outside.

James quickly decided to look out the window only to find, Clara, Wolfgang and Safa alongside Denver and Acacius all sitting in the garden and enjoying a conversation.

Luckily for him, Wolfgang who raised his head for no reason has spotted him when the girls didn't, and James could see Wolfgang making an excuse to go back inside leaving the girls outside with the pets as he returned inside.

So in a rush, James went back to where he left the guests and where he'll cross paths with Wolfgang who was in it for a double surprise.


"The queen really likes Safa." Agatha suddenly spoke.

This has garnered her Fabian's attention, "Whatever do you... mean?" He asked.

"Months ago, the queen was in a predicament that Safa happened to be around to help her with, it was apparently their first time meeting and Her majesty instantly found Safa to be an entertaining persona.

She would then invite her every Saturday to come have tea and engage in some chatter where Safa apparently told her interesting stories.

The queen enjoyed the girl so much so, she asked me for help, she wished for Safa to be happy, and in her book, happiness was a good marriage." Agatha replied.

"Why would the queen be invested in such thing? Does she know Safa wishes not to marry?"

"She does yet she believes that Safa longs for Love."

Even More surprised, "Longs...is this supposed to be humor? She clearly does not care for love." Fabian replied.

"On the contrary, it would appear that Safa is just simply denying herself love...every bit of information you and Colin have provided has given me the idea that Safa may be feeling guilty.

When one's entire family perishes and only them is left, one may think they don't deserve to have a fulfilling life because they feel guilty for surviving alone." Lady Danbury explained.

"And why are you telling me this?" Fabian asked.

"I know that at the moment you have lost some of your trust if not all of it towards me.

But I can swear to you on my honor, that neither I nor the queen have any bad intentions with our mission to help Safa find love.

I believe the queen herself sees a daughter in Safa, and nothing a mother would like more than to see her daughter even a daughter figure, be happy.

As for me, there is nothing I enjoy more than helping those around me get their happy ending.

You came at the exact time I needed help with my mission, like a blessing from God.

And while I apologize for treating you like a pawn, I want you to understand, you're a key player to this game, I believe you have a chance at winning Safa's heart and so I will continue supporting you, if you allow me the honor." Lady Danbury replied.

Stunned by her words, Fabian decided to finally look at her, and Agatha gave him a gentle smile before a confused Wolfgang walked towards them and James soon followed.

"What is going on?!" Wolfgang asked, "before you begin shouting I need you to understand that I did this for a reason." James replied.

Fabian and Agatha stood feeling awkward as Wolfgang began scolding James, "What is he doing here? I just told you to bring Lady Danbury alone!"

"Wolf would you please give me a chance to explain."

"Explain what James?!"

"Why are you even angry at me! You should be getting yourself ready for a scold from Safa once she finds out this was your idea!"

Sighing, "I just.. well... whatever you're right, I'm sorry for scolding you." Wolfgang said, "It's alright...I did do something troublesome after all." James replied.

Fabian was interested by their conversation, especially how comfortable they seemed around each other, so he stared a little too much but when Wolfgang glanced at him, he immediately went red with embarrassment.

"Again...why is Fabian here?" Wolfgang asked once more.

"I brought them both so they can explain everything to Safa." James replied.

"Explain what?"

"You'll see."

...Moments later...

"Should we go back inside to have lunch? I'm starving!" Clara whined making Safa chuckle.

"I see that you cannot wait any longer, my apologies, I had dragged this hoping that James would have finished whatever business he has and be back at least to join us." Safa replied, she still had no idea what James was doing as neither Wolfgang nor Clara would say what he was up to.

Feeling nervous as she knew what sort of business her brother was supposedly out doing, "Let's forget about that dummy and go eat, you barely had anything today!" Clara said standing from her seat, she offered Safa a helping hand but before she could help lift the woman to her feet, she spotted a head of red hair close by.

"James?" It wasn't just him, Clara was surprised to see James and Wolfgang with two other people coming their way.

As she picked herself up and turned to see for herself, "Fabian...Lady Danbury?!" Safa was shocked.

"Oh god..." Clara mumbled, watching as Safa's face was no longer relaxed.

...Less than an hour later...

All sitting in the garden, it took just some time to explain the entire thing to Safa, unfortunately that also meant admitting to the original plan where Fabian was supposed to charm Clara in order to get to Safa.

James hadn't known of that detail before, so he understandably was furious but remained silent waiting for Safa to speak first.

Clara was obviously hurt by the revelation, and Wolfgang seemed betrayed, he had somewhat bonded with Fabian at the party for many reasons, not to mention lady Danbury was like an idol to him, the situation wasn't that serious but still, it made all three of them feel bad especially for Safa.

She on the other hand listened with a surprisingly calm demeanor, not once has Safa bursted in anger and maybe it was Thanks to her petting Acacius sitting in her lap.

"I am really sorry if I deeply disappointed you, Safa I promise you this mess was not my intention, I had and still do not have any ill intentions towards you." Fabian said, "I hate to admit that I feel ashamed of myself for carrying my mission the way I did, I sincerely apologize however just as Fabian had said, I have no ill intentions towards you whatsoever and I believe her majesty is the same.

She merely wished for your happiness." Agatha said giving an apologetic smile.

With a deep sigh, Safe finally spoke, "I had my suspicions, I knew the bet was planned from the start and by someone of much cunning nature, someone that is not Fabian, however I must say, I never really connected the dots.

To think you were behind it, Lady Danbury...And the audacity you had that day to say that I can come to you for advice.

"Well since her majesty so desperately wishes for my happiness, who am I to stop her?" Safa said causing everyone to stare at her in surprise.

"I shall honor my deal with Fabian and he can still court me but let it be known that he is now about to court an engaged woman." Safa said, "Engaged?! To whom?!" Fabian asked with a racing heart.

Calmly, "James, you have asked me not long ago to Marry you? Then I accept your offer, once the spring is over, we are to be married." Safa replied.

Fun fact: amongst the jobs allowed for women in the 19th century was being a Domestic servant.

Domestic servants were the largest group of female employees. It was a job offered to anyone willing to work endless hours for a small wage and for room-and-board security.

Conditions varied greatly, but deference and obedience were essential. Young and pretty servants could be exposed to their employers’ caprices.

However They were immediately dismissed if they became pregnant. The law did not allow paternity suits.

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