
Everything's a gamble, love most of all.

"Before you two start firing bullets, we need to make the game more interesting!" Colin spoke-up.

"More interesting?" Clara questioned.

Smirking, "If I'm being correct, someone here is proposing a little risky fun." James spoke-up, "Oh you want to wager on who's going to win!" Wolfgang said.

"Not exactly, I just thought it would make the game more interesting if Safa and Fabian had a bet between them." Colin explained.

"Oh! That actually sounds fun! Safa what do you think!" Clara asked.

"I have no use for a bet at the moment, but I suppose since I will win anyhow, it would not hurt to add a little risk." Safa replied.

Clara gasped at her response and Penelope giggled, "Someone is sure of herself." She said.

"Young master, are you going to keep silent?" Gertrude asked.

Nervous, "Well...I would like a bet, too." Fabian spoke-up.

"Fine then, What should we bet on?" Safa asked.

"Is it possible that we discuss it somewhere else?" Fabian asked back.

Surprised, "A secret bet, that's bold!" James said.

"Then should we go to the study room?" Wolfgang asked Safa but to his surprise, "If it is possible, I wish to be alone with Safa as we discuss this." Fabian said.

"My apologies, but i don't think it's appropriate for you two to be alone, I am Safa's most loyal man, whatever you tell her in secret, I promise you will remain a secret." Wolfgang replied.

Suddenly, Safa tapped on the ground once with her cane, "It would appear that men never change.

Always ignoring the opinion of a woman." Safa spoke-up, "Wolfgang, Fabian.

The choice is mine, whether you two gentlemen like it or not." She added.

Embarrassed, "Forgive me." Fabian replied.

"Safa we already talked about this sort of situations." Wolfgang said, "I am the owner of this house, and my word is Law.

You are my friend and your word is valuable, but please refrain from making me remind you everytime that my word is final, not yours." Safa replied.

Everyone was feeling the tension rising, Clara could see the guilty expression on Fabian's face as he felt this situation was his fault.

As for Wolfgang, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, "You're right, my apologies My lady."

"I apologize as well, I hope you understand I am serious when I say your word is valuable."

"I understand, Safa."

Sighing, "With that being said." Safa said turning back to Fabian, "I am interested in knowing about the bet you plan to make, so just as Wolfgang suggested, let us head to my study room." She added.

Fabian nodded at her and as he came closer to her, "Wolfgang, no eavesdropping." Safa said making the manservant's face explod in red.

Embarrassed, "SAFA?!" He shouted surprising everyone.

"Hehe! What? Did I say something unusual?" She joked before she began walking away with Fabian by her side.

...Few moments later...

"I know that you are aware of my feelings towards you." Was the first thing Fabian uttered as he closed the study room door behind them.

By then, Safa was already standing in front of her desk with her back towards Fabian.

She sighed as she heard what he said, "I had a feeling you requested privacy for something like this.

I believe you are confused about your feelings, we barely know one another and I am tired of explaining to everyone that I do not wish to find love nor marry." Safa replied.

Blushing, "I know, but my feelings are something I did not choose, and yes this feels rushed but I am at my limits.

You have no idea how torturous these feelings are...I was so nervous the entire ride to here, just the thought of seeing you again was making me restless." Fabian said.

Sighing once more, "Well I suppose I should warn you then, that today might be the last time you and I meet again.

However as a gesture of goodwill, I shall pretend we did not have this conversation at the moment and the party shall proceed naturally Until the end." Safa replied.

Gathering all of his courage, "I knew you would do something like this, Which is why I wanted to make a bet with you, away from everyone's ears." Fabian said.

Safa turned around to face him, She looked at him with curious eyes awaiting him to explain himself, "I do not want to lose you, to me...my feelings for you are a miracle." Fabian said.

"A miracle?" Safa scoffed, "What nonsense is this? Is it your first time falling in love?"

"It is actually."

Safa paused to stare at him in disbelief, "Huh, really..."

"Yes, I believe you never fell in love before yourself, Safa." Fabian said.

"I am not in love with you." Safa replied immediately.

"I know, but I would like a chance to change that." Fabian said.

"What do you mean?"

"The bet."

"The bet?"


"Did you plan this from the start."

"What difference would that make."

"You are bold today." Safa said, "Forgive me, but I am desperate as well." Fabian replied.

"I am under no obligation to accept the bet." Safa said.

"But you probably would, if you know what is at stake." Fabian replied.

"And what is at stake?"

"Our relationship."

"We do not have a relationship."

"Are we not friends?"

"Hmm...I suppose that is a relationship as well."

"It is."

"Then tell me, what do you suggest?" Safa asked.

"If I lose the contest, I promise that I will for as long as I live, never ever persue you, romantically speaking." Fabian replied.

"And if you win?" Safa asked.

"If I win...I would like you to grant me permission to court you Safa, for the entire period of this spring, if by then you decided that I am not good enough for you then I will give up on you entirely." Fabian replied making her eyes go wide at him.


"Haha!" Penelope and Clara laughed as Denver played with them with the ball, "Good boy Denver good boy!" Clara said smiling.

Gertrude on the other hand was less joyful, she turned to Colin, "Do you think the idea of using a bet would work?" She whisper-asked.

"Hopefully it would, although I'm against it, It is a far better option than using Clara." He whispered back.

"I hope lady Danbury was right..." She replied.

While Colin and Gertrude whispered to each other, Wolfgang and James were standing a good distance away as they talked.

"Are you alright...you seem worried?" James asked, "Is this about what Safa said to you earlier? That was pretty harsh, wasn't it?"

Chuckling, "It wasn't, it's the truth...I am her servant, she doesn't have to listen to me, I just wish she does." Wolfgang replied.

"Seriously, you're too nice for your own good." James said.

"Enough about this, tell me... Don't you think that Fabian might have something towards Safa?" Wolfgang asked.

"Welcome on board! I noticed that before you did! I even hinted that at Safa." James replied.

"Huh? Why did you do that?"

"To warn her? Obviously she doesn't want a man chasing after her so I told her she might have charmed Fabian so she would be prepared.

But it seems that doesn't bother her or else she wouldn't have invited him or even hosted this party." James replied.

Wolfgang facepalmed himself, "You bloody idiot!" He nearly shouted.

"Why are you angry!" James was surprised.

"Think James, if you are experiencing something beautiful at the moment, wouldn't you want people that are important to you to experience it too?"

"Of course!"

"Fabian obviously likes Safa, and while she is really good at reading people, Safa can get confused when the subject of reading is herself, so there's a huge chance that Safa was unaware that Fabian had fallen for her had you not told her, he is!

Just like what happened with you and me, it took you years to realize your feelings for me!"

"Oh...I see now." James said.

"I'm glad you do, although late again!...I was hoping for an opportunity where Safa could experience love like we did." Wolfgang replied.

"But look at the bright side, If she knows he likes her and yet she's alright with having him around, doesn't that mean she might be opening herself to the idea of love?

After all Safa does find Fabian interesting and unique, even though her definition of that is treating him like a test subject." James said.

Intrigued, "Maybe you're right!" Wolfgang replied.

"Just a question wolf, why are you all right with this? I know you're intentions are good and you want Safa to experience something beautiful but aren't you supposed to be on her side?" James asked.

"I know, and I am on her side, but I am tired seeing how miserable she is everyday!

thinking and believing that love is the reason why she's in this mess?!

Safa feels guilty because she tried to protect her brother's love and she thinks that if she just said the truth back then, if she did not protect her brother's relationship by covering for Yamei.

That maybe those two didn't marry and didn't go to China, that if she exposed Yamei then her entire family would have been alive today." Wolfgang replied.

"So you think she feels guilty to a point where she doesn't believe she deserve love?"

"Safa believes she doesn't deserve many things, Including her being alive!"

"Well what if this thing with Fabian ends up backfiring?! wouldn't it awaken all of these emotions inside of Safa instead of making her see Love from a different light? what if this destroys her further?" James asked.

Sighing, "That is a terrifying possiblity." Wolfgang replied.

"There is also the possibility that she might be content with her life right now, there is a lot of women who find joy in being spinsters by choice.

So instead of trying to get Safa to experience something similar to what we have, maybe you should just let things go their way...not every woman is desiring a husband."

"You're right..."

Smiling, "I admire how much you care about her wolf, I admire that you're willing to put yourself in a difficult position because believe me Safa will not appreciate your opinion on her love situation.

But it shows just how much you care, and i love that about you, if only I can show the whole world just how much I admire you." James said making the manservant blush deeply.

"Who knows...maybe in our next life in the future we can show the whole world just how much we love each other, without fear of prejudice." Wolfgang replied.

"Maybe, but part of me is glad that we're hiding like this." James said.


"Because I'm the only one who gets to see you like this, you're mine now, mine alone and I get to have the entirety of you for myself and only myself."

"You're oddly romantic today..." Wolfgang questioned.

"I suppose I'm really happy, After all I am living a dream.

I have a family, friends and a lover, and time to spend with all of you, what could I need more to be happy." James replied, he eyed Wolfgang's lips briefly before he smiled again, "I want to kiss you so much, it hurts that i can't do it right now."

Wolfgang's heart was drumming against his chest, he started to consider whether he should indulge James's neediness a little when he noticed that Safa and Fabian were returning.

Clearing his throat, "Let's talk later, Safa is back." He said and hurried towards his Lady that seemed calm and collected even though she was starting to feel a certain emotion towards Fabian who nervously walked behind her.

"My apologies, we took our time but we are ready now." Safa said flashing a polite smile at her guests.

Fun fact: Springtime is often synonymous with love blossoming. As the snow melts and the trees begin to bud, people's moods start to lift, and they may find themselves feeling more optimistic and open to new possibilities.

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