
A man without ethics is a wild beast.

...About a week ago...

"You were not joking about the unethical part!" Colin said, "I myself ashamed of suggesting such an idea.

Which is why I hope that you do not resort to trickery in order to get to Safa's heart." Lady Danbury replied.

"Unfortunately you do have a point...at the moment this method seems to be the most promising one." Fabian spoke-up, "However...Safa is a really honest person...I know if I choose to play games with her, she would not appreciate it." He added.

Without realizing, "You are correct...this would backfire terribly, I promised Miss Gertrude no more unnecessary lies and deceit." Colin said making both lady Danbury and Fabian confused.

"What are you talking about?! When did you promise Gertrude such a thing?!" Fabian asked.

Nervously, "Alright, before you have another breakdown, I should let you know...I managed to persuade Miss Gertrude to be on my side when it comes to you and Safa becoming an item.

She was against it as always, but she eventually decided to agree to help me as long as I promise to make sure that you and Safa fall in love together as naturally as possible without the use of lies.

So in short words, when Miss Gertrude pushed you to forgive me for lying about meeting lady Danbury, and when she convinced you to attend the dinner party... it's all because of our agreement.

She even knew that Safa would be at the party, but I asked her not to tell you because you were still not planning to persue Safa then." Colin explained.

"Colin Bridergton! Can you please stop conspiring behind my back?!" Fabian said.

"I'm really sorry! I promise you no more of that!" Colin replied.

"You two need to work on your friendship." Lady Danbury said with a light chuckle.

"Goodness...things are only becoming much more complicated than they should be." Fabian said.

"So what do we do now, like you said Fai... we're running out of time, Safa seems to catch onto you, and we don't know much about Safa that would help us understand what to do with her?" Colin said.

"It is very important to know Safa's character before approaching her, is there someone close to Safa that might help you with a little information about her?

I doubt the manservant would, he is apparently as loyal as a dog." Lady Danbury replied.

Suddenly, "Maybe not close, but close enough, you can know so much about a person now from their past, and Gertrude was briefly part of Safa's past." Fabian said.

"Gertrude? The person you just spoke of?" Lady Danbury questioned, "Yes, She is our best shot at knowing a bit more about Safa at the moment, and she has agreed to help you Colin.

That means she would tell us what we want to hear." Fabian suggested.

"Then I suppose we go to miss Gertrude for help." Colin replied.

"You do that, and let me know if it worked." Lady Danbury said, "And remember, I am here to help." She added with a smile.

...Sometime later...

"So you have decided yesterday to pursue the girl, went to lady Danbury for that purpose and this is when I hear about it? Were you even planning to tell me had you not find yourselves in trouble?!" Gertrude scolded the two men.

"My apologies miss Gertrude, Fabian had no idea that you have decided to help him with Safa's matter, so he hid what happened from you because he believed you were still against him pursuing Safa." Colin replied.

"Ugh...whatever you say, what's done is done as long as nobody was harmed." Gertrude said, "Nobody was right?" She asked skeptically.

"No no, no one was harmed...we just need your advice in the matter, Lady Danbury discouraged us from using a solution she gave us.

The problem is her solution, seems to be the only thing that might actually work at the moment." Fabian said.

"And what's that solution?"

...few minutes later...

Sighing, "I'm not sure whether I should be grateful that you came to me with this before you actually did it, or i should be angry that you are considering to do it?" Gertrude questioned.

"I know this method would only backfire eventually, but right now there is not much I can do." Fabian replied.

"Oh god you are as much of an idiot as the late Lord Stuart...at least he was more honest and forward with his feelings than you!" Gertrude said angrily.

"But he was in love with my Aunt! I am in love with a woman I barely know anything about other than the fact the she will for sure kick me out of her life the moment that I become a hindrance to her!" Fabian replied.

"Well if you use that stupid method you will definitely be kicked out! remember when Safa said that her brother's wife did not deserve a bullet?

I know it's not my place to tell you the story, but I think you should hear it so maybe you and your idiot of a friend, both of you realize how much honesty is very important while dealing with Safa!" Gertrude said.

"You mean when she said that my aunt did not do a gun salute for the brother's wife?"

"Yes and here's why!"

...few minutes later...

Surprised, "Oh God are you crying?!" Gertrude asked as Fabian's eyes just erupted with tears after she explained what happened between Safa and Yamei.

"But it is a sad story!" Fabian said.

"Miss Gertrude, thank you for telling us this story, now I see your point.

If we had decided to go with the plan, we would have put that innocent girl Clara in the same shoes as Safa when Yamei used her to get to her brother." Colin replied.

"Well I'm glad you seem to understand the intended lesson." Gertrude said, "So now, I assume you won't be deceiving Safa, so what do you plan to do?" She asked.

"We should probably ask lady Danbury for more help, do you mind if we tell her about the story you shared with us? worry not she has promised us secrecy on the matter." Colin asked.

"As long as you make it very obvious for her to not suggest anything again like she did." Gertrude said.

"Rest assure, I'll handle everything well." Colin replied smiling.

"You better, that party Safa is going to Host is less than a week away, if things went terrible, that party might be the last time Safa would be your friend." Gertrude said while looking at Fabian who was now scared of the possibility of her words becoming true.

...Back to the actual timeline...

As he allowed the newly arrived guests to come into the manor, "Mr and Mrs Bridgerton, Welcome to our humble estate!" A well dressed Wolfgang greeted the guests with a joke.

"Humble?! This place is like a palace but smaller!" Colin said in awe, "It is definitely worth the long journey, it's beautiful." Penelope added.

"But not as beautiful as you, pen." Colin said making her laugh, Penelope was indeed looking even more beautiful than usual as she wore a pretty dark green gown that suited her features perfectly.

"My apologies for the long ride, the one thing my lady loves the most about her home is how unaccessible it is for most people, she enjoys her solitude a little too much." Wolfgang replied.

"Speaking of people who enjoy their solitude, Has Fabian arrived yet?" Colin asked.

"Unfortunately, no, Mister Kainz has yet to arrive...but I'm sure he and Gertrude should be close by." Wolfgang said.

Confused, "Miss Gertrude is coming?" Colin asked.

"Of course, my lady has sent her an invitation, I thought you would know since you're close with mister Kainz." Wolfgang replied.

"Colin, is there a problem with Miss Gertrude being here?" Penelope asked, "No, it is just I forgot the possibility she might be also invited." Colin replied.

Suddenly, "This place...I can't believe it has been 9 years since I set foot in here." Gertrude said as she walked in with her arm wrapped around Fabian's.

Fabian was wearing a crimson red waist coat over a white shirt with white trousers, his hair tied as usual with the ribbon, he looked finer than usual despite wearing a color that most gentlemen wouldn't dare to wear, but he seemed a little nervous about something.

"Miss Gertrude!" Colin said, he was surprised to see her dressed well too, even her hair was done stylishly.

"Mister Bridgerton, I see that your wife is the beautiful one in your pair." Gertrude joked making Penelope chuckle, "I see now why you were surprised she's invited, she doesn't like you." Penelope whispered.

"Good day to you Col, you too Mrs Bridgerton." Fabian greeted them, "Please, Penelope is just fine, we are all here as friends." Penelope replied smiling happily.

Then, Fabian noticed something, Wolfgang was staring at him with a strange smile, "Is something wrong about my appearance?" He asked.

"No...well, you'll see for yourself." Wolfgang replied.

Suddenly, and dressed in a green waistcoat, "Greetings everyone! I believe I have met some of you but for those who do not know, I am Lord James Teaton, another guest and one of Safa's close friends.

and you can address me as just James today." James said as he waltzed in happily while dressed in his finer clothes.

Embarrassed, "James! Would you mind not making a scene?!" Wolfgang scolded him.

"Wolf?! How am I making a scene! I'm greeting our guests!" James replied.

Chuckling, "It is pleasure to meet you James." Penelope said.

"Pleasure is all mine, I'm always happy to see another redhead." James replied smiling.

Colin was obviously feeling jealous again, "James, this is my lovely wife Penelope." He said introducing her.

"What a lovely pair you two make! I heard so much about your love story, it is honestly adorable" James said.

Surprised, "Oh! Thank you." Colin replied.

"If you're done bothering the guests, come with me, we need to let the girls know the guests have arrived." Wolfgang spoke-up.

"As you wish!" James said and he immediately wrapped his arm around Wolfgang.

Flustered, "Let me go! What are you doing?! there's people in here?!" A terrified Wolfgang whisper-asked, "I want to kiss you but I can't, at least let me hold your arm!" James whined.

The two eventually left arms locked together, and once they were completely alone, Wolfgang stopped walking and turned to scold James, "Don't pull something like that in front of people whom we don't know well! Don't forget that just because we think our relationship is normal, that others think the same."

"Sorry, sorry, I know that was risky of me, I just couldn't resist, you look adorable today.

Brown suits you well." James replied hinting at the brown waistcoat Wolfgang wore, making the manservant blush deeply.

Then In a low whisper, "And on top of that...your backside looks marvelous in these trousers." He added placing his hand on Wolfgang's buttocks.

Wolfgang immediately pushed the hand away, "I beg of you James...I'm doing everything I can to compose myself and not embarrass my lady, so please stop teasing me or I'll lose focus."

"I Know, I should probably stop or else if things went wrong, Safa will kick me again and I'll risk losing you.

But it's getting harder and harder to not want to tease you, especially when you turn redder than me." James replied.

"But you mustn't...we have time to play around and do what you want later when everyone is gone, after all you are to spend the night here."

"You mean I can do more than just teasing

Later, if I behave now?"

"Yes?" Wolfgang replied.

James smirked wildly, "I'll behave, I'll be good boy!"

"Oh god why do I feel like I've done something I will regret?!" Wolfgang replied.

Fun fact: 1800s fashion provides a fascinating window into the values, politics, and world events at the turn of the 19th Century.

Long gone were the extravagant bourgeois styles of the early to mid 1700s. Instead, fashionable gowns were simple and restrained, featuring empire waistlines and white or pastel flowing fabrics. Men put aside their powdered wigs and donned tight-fitted trousers, high-collared linen shirts, and buttoned waistcoats in neutral blacks, blues, and browns.

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