
Love can be intensified by absence.

"So that is how you met Penelope?" Fabian asked, "Yes, wolfgang is lucky I did not kill him on the spot." Safa replied.

"Wolfgang you sure are full of surprises?!" Fabian said.

Embarrassed, "I don't know what's gotten into me that day." Wolfgang replied, "Ever since that day, I'm curious to know more about you Safa." Penelope replied turning her attention to Safa who asked, "What do you wish to know?"

"Well anything you can share, for example what's your favorite color!"

Chuckling, "I do not have a specific favorite color, Athough I am interested in the color red as of recently." Safa said while eyeing Fabian who did his best to control his expression, but it was obvious he failed seeing how he was blushing every time Safa said something he liked, like now.

He was just red because she said she's interested in the color red while looking at him, "Red is a beautiful and bold choice of color, I know because my wife is a redhead." Colin joked making Penelope laugh.

"Colin!" Penelope hit him playfully as she giggled.

Safa wanted nothing more than to leave this dinner at this point, with everytime Colin and Penelope flirted with each other, she was struggling even more to keep her Polite smile and act interested.

Wolfgang was starting to worry for her as he knows just how much she disliked Married couples shenanigans, especially newly ones.

"Safa are you alright?" He tried to whisper as low as possible, "What do you think, I am dying in here." She replied while still barely smiling.

When Penelope was done giggling at Colin, "Sorry about that." She said.

"No need to apologize, You are married and in love, there is not much to blame you for." Safa replied.

"Fai, how about you tell Safa about your new hobby!" Colin said.

"A new hobby? You found something else other than traveling?" Safa asked.

"Uh yes...well, this might come as a surprise but I have taken a liking to that wood crafting, carving whatever it is called...thing." Fabian said nervously.

"Oh!" Safa for some reason was surprised by that, "And have you been working on anything specific?" She asked.

"Just practicing...i only began few days ago." He replied.

Excited, "You are not going to believe this but this bubble head of a man, actually made something worth looking at, The very first he tried! I came to visit him the other day and he showed me a nice little boat he made in just few hours!" Colin said while pointing at Fabian who was feeling embarrassed, "It was barely decent...I got lucky, beginner's luck." He said.

"You were much more arrogant about it when it was just us two, why are you trying to be humble now?" Colin asked jokingly.

"Pffft Shut it, seriously!" Fabian rolled his eyes.

"Why a boat?" Safa asked.

"I was... just out of inspiration I guess, I just made the first and easiest thing that came to my mind." Fabian replied.

"I see, I am delighted to hear that you seem to have found a new passion, so are you going to commit to it?" Safa asked.

"Hopefully yes, I am also planning to commit to something else...although I am a bit ashamed to admit it since it is a bit of a serious issue, but I was looking forward to discussing it with you." Fabian replied.

"No need to feel ashamed Fabian, we all have our issues, please feel free to tell me, I promise I shall not judge you neither would Wolfgang, but if you prefer to talk in a much more private setting, we can talk about it just you and I, the next time we meet." Safa said.

"No need for privacy, Colin knows about it, besides I am unsure when will it be the next time we meet."

"Then go ahead."

"Well...At the moment I am dealing with a drinking issue.

I had agreed with Colin that I should deal with it so I plan to quit alcohol completely." Fabian said.

"That explains why there is only lemonade and water served on today's menu." Safa replied.

"I apologize, it was my idea, I did not wish for Fabian to get carried away." Colin said.

"You did your job as his friend and Worry not, I do not drink, my health would not Allow it anyhow, so lemonade is just fine." Safa replied.

"Oh I see!"

"Anyhow, what were you saying Fabian?" Safa said.

"I said that I plan to quit drinking, however..." Fabian hesitated.

"You do not have enough motivation to do so?" Safa questioned, "I suppose...this process is usually slow or so I heard, I know I cannot just stop consuming it all at once, which is why I have been trying to cut a little more everyday.

But...I only started less than a week ago, and I already feel extremely stressed because I am not drinking as much as I usually do, and I am afraid I may not be able to get through with this unless I find a replacement for alcohol." Fabian explained.

Colin, Penelope and even Wolfgang were all surprised at Fabian's sudden honesty.

Fabian was being openly vulnerable to Safa and had no problem telling her about his problems.

"I believe I may have a solution to your situation." Safa said.

Curious, "Really?" Fabian asked.

"If you remember, I did say that i was into science, I have actually been practicing for years now on making all sorts of treatments from plants, I believe I can make you an herbal drink that is none alcoholic, yet can replace alcohol for you.

If you wish, I could start working on it as soon as I get back home." Safa suggested.

Blushing, "You would do that? For me?" Fabian questioned.

"If you want to? You are my friend now, I wish to help you." Safa replied.

"As a witness of her work, I can assure you my lady does wonders with plants! She makes all sorts of things." Wolfgang spoke-up.

"That is really interesting! Do you happen to sell these things or you just make them for scientific reasons?" Penelope asked.

"Well so far I have yet to sell anything, however I do plan on launching two specific products first.

One is a tea mixture, the other is actually a beauty cream.

However I am in no hurry to do so, I am not really in the mindset of opening business yet." Safa replied, "Remember Lord James Teaton, the redhead fella who accompanied me when I visited you the first time?" She added while looking at Fabian who nodded.

"Yes, I do, you said he was your friend."

"And business partner, James is sort of my man out there in the world, as you know I do not enjoy being out in public much, so he usually handles these situations, and to be fair he is a man, and well more connected than me.

So even though I believe to be a better business person than him, in the world of business, his words is worth way more than mine." Safa explained.

"I relate to that, hiding behind the name Whistledown was my way of feeling seen as both a writer and a woman.

I am lucky that my husband is a man who sees me beyond just my womanhood, but unfortunately us ladies with dreams are seeing as crazy and unusual when in fact, we are just as normal as a man with similar dreams to ours." Penelope replied.

"Well said, dear." Safa said.

"It is really unfortunate that with all the progress we made as a society, discrimination is still widely spread." Wolfgang said, "I know, it is unfortunate indeed...I am glad that I do not share most society's opinions." Fabian replied.

"So i take it that your dream is to run a business?" Colin asked Safa.

Nodding, "Yes, that and to be honest, I am quite fortunate, thanks to my family's wealth, I was able to live comfortably and even spend Money to learn and indulge myself in my work, however I do not wish to remain dependent on my inheritance." She replied.

"Fascinating...really!" Fabian mumbled to himself, but wolfgang could hear him and he began to wonder whether the reason Fabian was blushing too much wasn't because he was nervous.

"If your business was successful, what would you do with the money?" Penelope asked.

Smiling, "Well, I plan to extend my business if it all went well, however if things went too well and I know this sounds like I am obsessed with education, but I really want my own money, at least enough funds to build a boarding school For girls, where they can learn anything they want, especially the things usually reserved for men." Safa replied.

There was a sudden passion in her eyes as she said that, "The way you think Safa, You remind me of My sister Eloise, she would probably love your idea if she hears it, she was once upset over not being allowed to learn fencing with Penelope because they are girls." Colin replied.

"I used to get jealous of watching my father and brother fence, at the time I could not even stand on my own, let alone learn how to fence.

So instead I learned how to shoot." Safa said.

"And she is by far the best shot in the family, she can shoot arrows as well as bullets, Safa can literally shoot blindfolded!" Wolfgang added, "I should like to see that! Fabian happens to shoot well too." Colin replied.

"Col be humble, I can shoot alright, but I do not enjoy it, I find it rather tedious." Fabian said.

"Then maybe a contest would help you enjoy it." Wolfgang suggested, "Maybe you and Safa could have a shooting contest." He added giving Fabian an encouraging smile.

Safa and Fabian glanced at each other, "Why not? Sounds like fun to me." Safa said.

Blushing, "You do not mind?" Fabian asked.

"Why would I?" Safa said, "Then it's settled! We will arrange for a contest soon, maybe next week?" Colin suggested.

"Next week it is." Safa replied.

"We can host that party we agreed on next week, and make the contest part of it!" Wolfgang suggested, "Excellent idea!" Colin nodded.


"You know, you can't live off water for the rest of your life.

You have to eat Clara." Margret said as she walked in on Clara in the library, she had previously brought her dinner.

But Clara didn't eat anything yet.

"I told you not to bother me." Clara replied.

But against Clara's wishes, Margret sat next to the girl, "One of the reason James decided to hire Joey, is because he felt indebted to the boy, turns out that Joey was your guardian angel when you grew-up in Southwark."

Annoyed, "Did James honestly believe Joey would lie to protect me if he payed him?!" Clara said.

"James believes that Up Until Joey found that Mary girl, Joey was still in love with you."

"Joey was In love with me?" Clara was surprised.

"He was, he was planning to tell you, but when you decided to leave Southwark so suddenly, he was heartbroken and didn't tell you how he felt.

Joey told James all of this when he believed James was just a commoner." Margret said.

"What's Joey doing...now?"

"Well, last I heard of him, he received an apology gift from lady Vega, apparently he also refused to work for her."

"Safa tried to hire him? What for?"

"Perhaps for similar reason as James did, for you."

"For Me?"

"Yes Clara, it doesn't take a genius to notice how much lady Vega values you."

Sighing, "I just realized...i haven't seen or talked with Safa for a week... Wolfgang too and...even James...I miss them all." Clara said, her eyes began welling up with tears,

Fun fact: The shift towards fencing as a sport rather than as military training happened from the mid-18th century, and was led by Domenico Angelo, who established a fencing academy, Angelo's School of Arms, in Carlisle House, Soho, London in 1763.

There, he taught the aristocracy the fashionable art of swordsmanship. His school was run by three generations of his family and dominated the art of European fencing for almost a century.

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