
Pride and curiosity are the two scourges of our souls.

Standing outside the parlor room, "The sun will set soon, I think we should be on our way Clara, I'll go tell Wolfgang, go and get ready to leave." James spoke-up.

"My Lord..." Clara said, "I thought we agreed you would call me James today." James replied.

"As you wish, James...I think I should remain here tonight, with Safa."

"Do you wish to work for her too?"

"That's not what I mean my Lord, I mean James... it's just that I feel that she needs to be surrounded by more friendly faces..."

"If only it wouldn't be too scandalous, I would stay here myself for a couple more days, or even have Safa come and spend some time in my estate, however I can't..." James said, "Which is why I should stay on your behalf for few days, you can have Margret take over my duties until I come back." Clara replied.

James grunted, "Ugh! Not Margret! That old hag hates me! She would poison my tea if I allow her to make it herself!

Seriously why did I even hire that maid!" He said.

Clara rolled her eyes, "You didn't hire her my Lord, Margret was there before you were even conceived, she sort of came along with your inheritance...And she does hate you because you call her an old hag behind her back all the time...." She replied.

Suspicious, "How did she even knew I called her that? Did you sell me Clara?!" James asked.

Laughing nervously, "Haha? Me...never my Lord, I am loyal to you, Anyways..I will go ask Safa for her permission to stay." She added before running away.

Scrunching his face in disappointment, "She definitely gossiped with Margret about me! Ugh I will never forget this betrayal Clara!" James said to himself then walked into the parlor room where a dazed Wolfgang sat on the sofa with the sleeping dog in his arms.

"The little Pomeranian is still asleep?" James asked.

"Huh?" Wolfgang was pulled back to reality through that question, "Oh...yes!" He said chuckling once, "It's a boy."

"The pupper? Did you pick a name for him? assuming that you'll keep him that is." James asked, taking a seat beside Wolfgang.

Glancing at the green ribbon around the puppy's collar, "No, I can't think of a name...did you know, Safa was looking to get a pet or two...a cat as well as a dog.

I guess we have the puppy now, just need a feline friend next." Wolfgang replied, "Safa has a thing for the color green right? She almost always wears it." James said.


"I have a name suggestion for our little Pomeranian with the green ribbon."

"You do?"

"Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes." Wolfgang nodded, "Denver!" James replied enthusiastically, he liked his own suggestion.

"Denver...I feel like I heard that somewhere?" Wolfgang said curiously, "Well I met a french American fella once when I visited america the first time few years ago, his name was Denver, he said it means green valley." James explained.

Hearing James words, Wolfgang's face lit up with excitement, "Denver! Right! It's a good name for a man and a dog, haha!" He said laughing.

Once again, James found himself surprised at himself as Wolfgang's laugh made him blush just like earlier when Wolfgang told James, he wished for him to find happiness.

It could be because Wolfgang was always too serious and unfriendly while being around James, that James was taken by surprise seeing that the burly German manservant is actually capable of being utterly adorable.

"Jesus Christ, lord have mercy on my soul!" James said covering his face with his hands.

Wolfgang who was still happy with the name idea, has finally noticed something was wrong, he glanced to his side and saw James's face hiding behind his hands.

"Are you alright James?" He asked.

James let out a muffled "No".

"Why? What's wrong?" Wolfgang asked, "Oh god...can i even explain it!" James replied.

"Explain what?"

"I swear...when I walked into this house yesterday, I was still into women... just women." James mumbled, but Wolfgang with his impeccable hearing, caught that.

"Uh..." He wasn't sure what to say, he had no idea why James said that, but just thinking that it might have something to do with him, made Wolfgang's face flush.

Sighing, James removed his hands, showing his face once more, he was still slightly blushing but there was something serious about his expression.


"Wolf...can I ask you something?"


"Ugh, nevermind... it's embarrassing."

"No James, please... don't be embarrassed around me."

Sighing, "Alright...I know you see me as a bad option for Safa...but hypothetically speaking, I think I don't but if I did fancy you the same way you fancy me.

Would you still, see me as a bad option for you too?" James asked while avoiding eye contact like the plague.

Wolfgang's face turned fully red, "Oh...!" He has never been this perplexed by a question before.

"Well I...Believe...that love...is blind." He said shyly.

"What do you mean?" James asked, his heart beating faster with anticipation.

"The thing is...when a person Fancies another, they usually...directly or indirectly overlook most of what they would consider a flaw in that person...so they can be together." Wolfgang explained.

"So if I were to return you feelings someday...you would want us to be together, as lovers?" James questioned.

Confused, "James...what brought this line of questioning all of the sudden?!" Wolfgang asked.

"Today I felt like a normal person for the first time in a long time, like Clara would say, I was surrounded by friendly faces! I had a delicious meal and good time, it was one of the best days of my life!...that was until you started talking about how shallow of a man I am, Wolf." James replied.

Now worried, "I apologize again, it's just that when it comes to Safa, I lose my temper rather quickly." Wolfgang said, "I admire that about you two! I don't know if anyone would defend me the same way you and Safa do for each other...but that's not what bothers me the most." James replied.

"Then what is it?"



"Yes you wolf!"

"What do you mean?"

"For the past three years I had this weird urge to have a relationship with you, ever since I met you, I wanted to be your friend, I may have put more effort attempting to befriend you than all effort I put into chasing women for my entire adulthood!

I think I might have some sort of feeling towards you!" James said surprised by his own words.

Wolfgang's eyes widened, his heart was beating so fast it threatened to leap out of his chest, "You know me by now Wolf...I'm a man that doesn't sleep unless he speaks his mind first, I plan to go back to my house in few, but I know that I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I let you know what is on my mind." James said.

"What are you trying to tell me, James?"

"The thing is, I knew beforehand that some men desire other men...it's just that I never really got to experience it and never cared about it to begin with, so I wasn't able to see that you fancied me before, hadn't Clara explained everything to me yesterday after I proposed to Safa and she rejected me for your sake, it would have took me forever to notice on my own.

Everyone I slept with so far was a woman, and I just like you said...I wanted their vessels, their bodies...not their hearts.

I don't think I ever was truly in love before..." James said nervously.

"It is confusing sometimes to know if you do fancy someone or not." Wolfgang spoke-up.

"Exactly...how did you even know!"

"That I fancy you?"

"Yes! How!"

"Can I have your hand for a moment?" Wolfgang asked, reluctantly James offered his right hand and Wolfgang took it, placing it on his chest.

Through the palm of his hand, James could feel the violent pounding of Wolfgang's heart.

"Good God, your heart sounds like you ran down a hill!" He uttered in disbelief.

"I blame you...You make it pound this way." Wolfgang replied chuckling.

Suddenly, "Do say...if I were to ask you to help me figure out how I feel about you, would you help me?" James asked.

"Help you...how?" Wolfgang questioned, "If I were to ask you to break boundaries with me, both emotional and physical...do the things Lovers do, would you do it with me?" James asked.

Smiling, "James, what you feel at the moment is probably just curiosity, you're new to this point of view..." Wolfgang said, "But I suggest you think deeply about this... if you wish to go on a journey to discover whether you have desires for other men, I wouldn't mind helping you myself.

But this experience isn't going to be an easy one." He added.

With a serious expression, "No...not just any other man, just you, Wolf.

I want to know what do I want from you." James replied.

Blushing, "Still, Are you sure you want my help?" Wolfgang asked.

"Yes...I want your help.

Unless you're afraid that I might not have the same sort of feelings you have for me." James replied.

"I cannot deny that I'm afraid of such possiblity...Safa would kill you if my heart would suffers again because of you." Wolfgang said, "Then can I ask for one more favor, should you choose to actually help me." James replied.

"You want me to keep this between us." Wolfgang said knowingly, "Yes...please." James replied.

Taking a deep breath, Wolfgang sighed, "I know I will deeply regret this...but I'll help you." Wolfgang said making James smile.

"Thank you wolf...Then I suppose I'll see you tomorrow...I need to return now, but I'll come back to see how Safa is doing, maybe then we can..."

"Start whatever this is? Yes...I suppose."

"Wolf..." James said, "Yes?" Wolfgang responded, his hazel eyes met with James's green ones, then James lowered his to gaze at Wolfgang's lips, "Wolf, can I..."

Suddenly, realizing what he was about to ask, "Uh...nothing! Have a good night!" Embarrassed, James rose quickly and left the parlor in a hurry.

"Was he...going to ask for a kiss?!" Wolfgang asked himself, panicking for few seconds before he found himself smiling against his will, the thought of almost kissing James, filled his stomach with butterflies.

And All of this happened, while Denver the puppy slept peacefully.

...Next day...somewhere else...

"Colin?" Violet Bridgerton, called her son's name as she saw him hurry off so early in the morning.

"Sorry mother I have to rush! He is here! Finally!" Colin said eagerly.

"Who is here?" A confused Violet asked, "A friend I made during my travels!" He said handing her an already unsealed letter.

Reading the name, "Oh...'Fabian Kainz' That is one unique name! this gentleman friend of yours you are heading to meet? From where is he?" She asked.

"Apparently from the Austrian empire! When I met him, he told me he has family among the Ton, an Aunt who married a Lord.

he spent his teenage years with them before he began travelling few years ago.

Anyways, since we met on my travels, I promised him that I would welcome him back should he decide to come again to England one day!" Colin explained, "Although I wish he was here on better terms." He added.

"It says here in the letter that he is back to attend a funeral." Violet pointed out.

"Yes...Apparently his aunt and her husband has just passed away, you might have heard of them? Lord and Lady Stuart?" Colin said making Violet's eyes widen.

Fun fact: Austria faced a lot of milestones before it became an official country in 1945.

Austria was the German-speaking heartland of the Holy Roman Empire (until 1806), then it became Austrian Empire (until 1867), and the Austro-Hungarian Empire (until 1918).

[Happy pride month btw!

also spoiler alert: main ship is about to sail!]

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