
A good scientist, doesn't feel embarrassed.

"Lady Danbury...There is no need for you to feel sorry for the way our first meeting has occurred, after all it was I who avoided you.

I should apologize instead." Safa said smiling apologetically, but her thoughts were far from apologetic, She was furious within, As she and Lady Danbury sat together in seclusion within Safa's office.

Suddenly, "Then, may I ask you a question and please promise me you'll answer with the utmost of honesty." Lady Danbury asked.

Sighing, "I suppose I can promise you that." Safa replied.

Despite that the doors were shut, for a reason.

Wolfgang, James and Clara stuck their ears by the closed doors, doing Their best to eavesdrop on the conversation, but when The dog lady Danbury brought with her was still wrapped in Wolfgang's arms, suddenly barked loudly.

The trio panicked, knowing that the two women inside must've heard the noise, and all three scrambled running away from the door.

...Some time earlier...

All sitting together for a round of tea and sweets, "Should we go to the park today or plan it for another? I was thinking maybe we could try tomorrow considering today, the crowd would be much bigger since it's Sunday." James said, "Oh most certainly another day, I am too exhausted to walk anywhere today." Safa replied.

"Do say, you've been quite tired recently.

Is there something troubling you, do you feel ill or anything of sort?" James asked.

"My dear Lady Safa hasn't been sleeping as much as she should have, always staying-up late and working in her laboratory." Wolfgang said annoyed, he never liked how Safa puts her work before her own health and did little to hide his displease with her behavior.

Rolling her eyes at her friend, "Wolfie, do not exaggerate." Safa replied.

"Speaking of it, what are you working on recently? Last time it was the face cream which by the way does wonders! I cannot wait until everyone else can use it!" Clara asked enthusiastically, "I forgot to thank you for trying the cream Clara darling...I usually always try my own work on myself instead of others, it was nice to get some help, although I was afraid the cream might harm you." Safa replied.

"I wouldn't mind it, I love trying new things especially free ones, hah!" Clara said laughing nervously.

"Still you should be careful...I usually keep working on my product until I feel its perfect before I can think of letting anyone else try it, however some things cannot be perfect without testing." Safa replied.

"Well I think it's perfect already, after all you have been trying your newest work on me, I think the other gentlemen would love to get their hands on it.." James said, "Is that the reason why you go upstairs with him? Just the two of you?" Wolfgang asked and Safa nodded.

"Oh I'm dying to know what it is now!" Clara said anxiously.

"Well..." Safa hesitated.

"Safa has been working on an herbal drink that helps with muscle growth." James spoke-up.

Curious, "Muscle growth? As in? Building bigger muscle? What for?" Clara asked, "It was my idea actually...a while ago, I spoke with a couple of gentlemen I know, one of them bragged about how big his arms have gotten ever since he started lifting weights.

The other one who apparently was training with the first gentleman and even followed the same food regimen as him, expressed his disappointment that he couldn't reach the same results as his friend.

I do some training myself, but I also don't seem to grow muscle as much as the first gentlemen, Safa said it's probably due to my height, because the bigger gentleman was shorter than me and his friend, so i asked if she has any solution, one that would help with this dilemma." James explained.

"I had previously read in a book that herbs could help in gaining weight, including muscle for those who train their bodies.

So I did some more digging and came out with a recipe for a 'leaves mixture' that I gave to James, then I requested that he continues training his body as usual, while making sure that he drinks the tea." Safa explained.

Surprised, "Wait, is that the odd tea you've been asking me to make for you recently?" Clara asked, "Yes! That was Safa's recipe." James replied happily.

"Since the tea was meant to help him grow muscle, I needed to monitor its effects myself to know whether it works or not...so these days the reason Why I was always going upstairs, specifically to James's room was to have him strip from his shirt in privacy so I can see for myself the changes my tea made." Safa said feeling a little shy.

Blushing, "Is that why you left me downstairs?! To go look at a naked man's upper body?!" Wolfgang asked.

Flustered, "When you put it like that you make it sound perverted, I was just being a good scientist!" Safa replied.

James laughed at their embarrassment, "Don't worry Wolf my friend, Safa is 100% immune to my Charms and good looking body." He said.

"You are my test subject, it would be trouble if I were to see you as anything other than that." Safa replied bluntly, "Ouch! No woman ever treats me this way expect you Safa and Clara! The two most close ladies to me, don't see me as a man worthy of admiration!" James said pretending to be sad.

"My apologies Lord James, but I happened to prefer a certain type of men, unfortunately you do not fit the standards." Clara said making Safa laugh.

"Haha! Serves you right you shallow man!" Safa said to James who pouted at her then turned to Clara, "May I ask what sort of man, interests you Clara?" He asked.

"A man like Wolfgang! Strong, kind, loyal, humble and simple in his needs." Clara replied nervously, she was slightly blushing now.

The other three were Astonished by her response, "Uh?! Clara, don't tell me you have feelings for our wolf boy?" James asked.

"Well I did when I first met him... almost three years ago, but I gave-up quickly when I figured he was not into women." Clara admitted shyly.

"I'm sorry you had to go through such a thing, I was unaware." Wolfgang spoke-up, "No need to say sorry, it's not like you forced me to have those feelings." Clara replied smiling.

"How did you even know Wolfie liked James? James said yesterday that you were the one who opened his eyes onto the matter." Safa asked.

"I was always good at these things...telling who liked who." Clara said, "You knew my preference, yet you accepted me and was always nice to me, why?" Wolfgang asked.

Embarrassed, "I well... it's embarrassing to say but...I find...it enticing...I mean, well..." Clara began fumbling over her words.

"What are you trying to say dear?" Safa asked curiously, "I believe it's even more beautiful...when a boy likes another, than when he likes a woman...I mean I like the idea of forbidden love, it seems...more romantic than...normal love.

It makes my heart beat with excitement...at the thought of it!" Clara explained.

His face sizzling red, "Oh!...umm...wow!" Wolfgang said, he didn't know what to think of her answer.

"My My Clara! Didn't take you for a naughty one! Haha! How brilliant!" James said laughing.

"I'm sorry, I know my answer is incredibly embarrassing..." Clara said.

Safa cleared her throat, "Uhmm...I well, that is an unusual interest...but I suppose we all have unusual interests." She said.

...Few minutes later...

James was entertaining the Ladies by playing the piano while Wolfgang was in the kitchen, looking to fetch some apples for Safa to eat.

"I wonder if the muscle growth tea actually works...I couldn't tell from James's clothes that he grew bigger...perhaps if I ask nicely, Safa would let me go upstairs with her to his room the next time she examines him." Wolfgang thought out loud to himself, he then blushed when he realized what he just thought of.

"Oh God I have become a pervert!" He said.

Sighing, he took the basket of apples and left the kitchen, but on his way and just like yesterday, he heard a loud noise.

Someone was outside knocking.

"Could it be another visitor? But we're not expecting anyone today, and the other servants know not to come today." Wolfgang wondered worriedly.

He contemplating for a moment whether he should check who's there first or run to Safa to let her know before he sees who's knocking on their door.

"Just in case..I should let Safa know first." The second option won him over and he hurried to his lady to tell her about the knocking.

...Few moments later...

"Lady Danbury?" Safa was understandably shocked by the unexpected visit, she had come personally with Wolfgang to see who came to visit her as she was curious, no one besides James and her other servants ever come to this place.

But all changed today, as Agatha was at her doorstep with a tiny fluffy dog in her arms.

"My apologies for coming unannounced Lady Vega,

I noticed a carriage nearby, are you perhaps with guests at the moment? Did i arrive at a bad timing?" Lady Danbury asked.

"Yes, I have other guests and no, it is not a bad...timing.

Please do come in!" Safa said allowing the elderly woman to enter.

Wolfgang who was nearby, opened the doors for lady Danbury to pass then closed them once she was inside.

Noticing how quiet the manor seemed, "You do not have many servants around, do you?" Agatha asked.

"I do have a few although they do not reside here, Wolfgang is my only servant living with me, as for the rest today is their holiday as it is every Sunday." Safa explained.

Nodding, "I see." Agatha replied.

"Is the dog a gift from her majesty, I assume she noticed I was eyeing her puppy." Safa inquired.

Smiling, "You're quite sharp, yes indeed her majesty has sent me this one just this morning, I believe she wanted to help me win you over.

I personally wanted to come see you today, and talk about our first meeting and how it went.

I felt embarrassed with how I led things, and I wanted to come apologize myself." Lady Danbury said.

Smiling politely, "I understand...Please, follow me to my office for some privacy lady Danbury...and leave the dog with Wolfgang, he shall take care of it." Safa replied.


"I just heard a bark!" Lady Danbury said surprised.

Embarrassed, "Forgive me it must be shameful to witness such a thing, Wolfgang must have been worried for my sake and tried to eavesdrop on us with the dog still with him.

I believe he should be gone now." Safa replied.

"The boy, Wolfgang...seems to care a great deal about you." Agatha commented.

"He does..."

"Forgive my boldness, but do you and that manservant perhaps..."

"I know what you are insinuating lady Danbury, and no... Wolfgang is my friend and only that."

"I see."

Sighing as she began to lose the will to pretend to be happy that lady Danbury was here, "You said you wanted to ask a question, was that the question you wanted to ask?" Safa questioned.

"No, that was not." Agatha replied, she then sighed herself and asked, "Lady Vega, Why did you choose to be a spinster?"

Taken aback by the question, "Excuse me?" Safa replied.

"This celibacy, is your choice, is it not?" Agatha asked.

Hesitant, "Yes..." Safa replied.

"Tell me then, what made you give-up on finding a match for yourself?"

"I do not understand, Why do you care?"

"Because I hate for a capable and astonishing woman like yourself to end-up as alone as I am." Lady Danbury replied.

Fun fact: Fresh herbs aid the digestion of food – especially fat - and help with the elimination of toxins from the body.

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