
Chapter 50

Lucifer's old castle.

There were taunts and obvious threats from the demons in my direction as they roared through the spacious throne room. Rizevim himself was studying me with amusement in his gaze, as were Katerea and Cruzeray. Respect? In the dumpster, obviously. Shalba, on the other hand, whom I had spanked in Kyoto, tried to kill me with a look and didn't even hide it.

My anger at the destruction of the house dissipated and was replaced by anticipation. Anticipation of fun and excitement, which put the shittiest grin on my face. Which Rezevim noticed, and the others stared at me in confusion.

 - Hmm? What's that grin on your face, human? Aren't you scared?

- I'd be scared if there was someone to be scared of," I shrugged, rubbing my chin and giving him a scrutinizing look, "And it sure as hell ain't you or the cannon fodder around you. You're like an army of chipmunks. The numbers don't make you intimidating, but rather make you smile, goatee.

At my words, the three descendants and the army of demons behind me were naturally offended and wanted to make their threats, but Rizevim stopped them by raising his hand.

- How interesting," he smirked, "How about this?

As soon as he finished speaking, a power began to emanate from his body that caused the descendants to look at him worriedly and the demons to fall to their knees. The building shook, and cracks started to spread across the floor from Rizevim.

In response to his actions, I simply stuck my pinky finger in my ear and began to clean it, unaffected in the slightest by his pressure. I even heard a bored yawn from Goetia, who was also not the least bit impressed. A serious expression now appeared on the culprit's own face, replacing the smirk.

- Did you do something? - I asked relaxedly, then pointed around - What a job. Who built this shack, you? Also, why do you all have similar hairstyles? One barber and he's on vacation?

- Who are you? Why are you here? - Rizevim asked, completely ignoring my words. 

- Oh? You're the one who destroyed my house and now you're asking me what I'm doing here? Have you lost your memory, or are you schizophrenic? Or maybe you're just an idiot, I wouldn't know.

In response to my words, realization appeared in his eyes, as did the trio of descendants. They briefly glanced at each other, and then already looked at me with concern. But I was concerned- No, not like that. I was STRONGLY concerned by the look I was getting from Katerea. Rizevim, on the other hand...

- So it's you?" he said as if the problem was gone, and the smirk returned-"Very confident, human. And so was your predecessor. Do you know why the demons obeyed him, Solomon reincarnated?

As the last words came out of his mouth, the whispering demons behind me stopped. It was as if someone had pressed a sound button and put them into silent mode. Hundreds of pairs of eyes began to drill my back with stares. Some with fear, some with disbelief, and some with... nostalgia? How interesting.

- Oya? Is that what I'm hearing from someone like you? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Or are you afraid that the glass will shatter from your level of pathos and the ridiculousness of your goatee? - I grinned and, putting my hand out in front of me, began to curl my fingers - Because God gave him this power....

A groan of pain came from behind me, and my descendants' faces twisted.

- ... well, and the rings that God gave him....

The groaning was louder now, and Cruzeray, Shalba, and Katerea clutched their heads.

- ...Also, God's blessing, sort of....

Following that, my hearing caught the sound of a body falling to the ground, and a drop of blood dripped out of the descendants' ears.

- ...and-

- Enough! - Shalba intervened and pointed his finger in my direction- Why do we put up with his abuse! We should kill him!

- Calm down. He's our guest, albeit uninvited," Rizevim said soothingly, and got an angry look from Shalba, "And you're right, Romani Archaman. All because of the rings that were given to him. But Solomon gave them back, didn't he? So what gives you the confidence to walk out of here alive?

- Brains? - I said, pointing my index finger at his temple, which he safely ignored - You know, the ones that allow you to think and make decisions. They're also called gray matter, you know. That's just for the record, to make it clearer to you what we're talking about.

- Enough! - You're asking for a slow and painful death, Romani Archaman.

- But you asked, didn't you? I'm just answering your question.

- Kill him. Perhaps there is work for the bearer of the Holy Grail. We can't have just one death, can we, gentlemen?

The descendants didn't move at his words, but the demons behind my back did. After waiting a few moments, they rushed toward me like hungry dogs, trying to grab their piece of the glory for defeating me. But they were thwarted by one very minor factor.....

I'm stronger.

And before I could act, a very, VERY crazy idea came to mind, causing a wild, unnatural smile to appear on my face.

- You are insane after all, Romani. - Goetia grinned.

- We're all insane. The only difference is the degree of that madness, my friend.


Kateria honestly believed that the new order of the Underworld was unnatural and contrary to everything her ancestor had died for. A strong nation follows only a strong leader, and the current Demon Lords were no such thing.

It wasn't about 'strength' itself in the literal sense of the word, but about mentality and decisions.

Katerea knew that Sirzechs Gremory was powerful, but he obeyed the Council, parodying a dog on a leash. A Council that only acted as advisors and chimed in with the original demons. The Underworld was ruled by the Demon Lords and the original Lucifer both on paper and in practice. No one dared to oppose them. All demons were united and wished for the prosperity of their race.

Now, however, that was far from the case. They had become vain and selfish. She would understand if it applied to everyone but themselves, but no.

Zekram Bael, a smug and slimy snake-like bastard who has spread his net all over the Underworld. He thinks solely of his clan and nothing else, even though he is the original. The goal that was before the Great War is now forgotten.

"Civilizations come and go, but demons are eternal."

The vast resources Zekram possesses could be used to expand and bring back the demons' former power. However, they are spent solely on the prosperity of the Bael clan.

Katerea could even ignore Serafall for stealing the title of Leviathan from her if she were following a greater purpose. But instead, she dishonors the title she carries. And not only him, but Katerea herself.

Even those with whom Katerea was now with were also utterly disgusted with her. Cruzeray and Shalba truly believe that they should be the ones to rule the demons simply for having the blood of their ancestors flowing in their veins. No skill, no thought - just empty ambition. All Rizevim wants is chaos. And that includes the demons.

The current Underworld consorts with those who have been branded enemies since birth. He sets his head on the scaffold and asks outright for it to be chopped off.

Demons are weak. And that needs to be corrected.

But just minutes ago, she was contacted by someone who should be dead. Someone she truly respected and honored. The Great Ancestor. And the only words that rang through her mind were, "Prepare yourself, my descendant. He is coming. The one you truly need."

His voice was like a thunderclap. Strong, aloof, and powerful. And Katerea believed the voice of the Great Ancestor. For someone had indeed come to the castle. The reincarnation of Solomon himself, the one whom all the original demons had followed, and under whom the Underworld was like Paradise.

The man named Romani Archaman was smug and rude. There wasn't an ounce of fear or shame in his demeanor, as if he knew that none of us could stand up to him. As if...he is absolute.

And now this man was smiling. The twisted smile and cheerful look never left his face, even as dozens of spears and swords pierced his body, his skin and hair charred from the attacking magic, and blood poured from his wounds. The next moment, he fell to the ground, stopping moving.

A sadistic expression appeared on the faces of Rizevim, Cruzeray, and Shalba, as did the other demons. But not on mine.

Was this how it was going to end? Was I supposed to intervene? Why didn't the Great Ancestor say anything?

But... a few seconds later, from the dead body came... laughter. Growing and sinister.

- Ha-ha... ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - the former dead man laughed madly and slowly stood up, and there was no trace of wounds or any damage on his body. At this, the rank and file demons retreated, and a stunned expression appeared on my face, just like the other descendants.

Why is he laughing? How is he in one piece? How-

- You mentioned that you wouldn't get around to killing me alone, didn't you? - He asked with a mad smile, stopping laughing and looking at Rizevim- But who says I agree with that?

And the next moment the castle- No, the entire underworld shook with power, and the blood in my veins froze. Not from fear or panic, but from a very ancient and familiar feeling. It was as if...

As if the original demons themselves had returned to punish us.


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