
Chapter 53 : He moved!

"What the hell is Carius trying to pull here? An attack on the king?" Elias muttered to himself as he watched Carius get closer to the King's canopy with each step.

The other family heads had left the third district in order to protect their respective districts from whoever or whatever had caused the explosion, all of them except Lord Thane.

King Alaric looked upon him surprisingly, "You wouldn't protect your district like the rest? " He queried Lord Thane

Thane simply smiled lightly, "It's not needed, whoever it is that thought it was a good idea to attack my district is either ignorant or very stupid.

We mages may be few in comparison to the rest of the world, but we aren't to be taken lightly. I am good where I am My king…right beside you," he explained

King Alaric scoffed and sat back on his seat, "Till my soldiers tell me it is safe to leave, I'll remain here, the only other district that an explosion hasn't hit" He said

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