
Chapter 24 : Rest, Finally

King Alaric was a handsome man, despite his age one could still see it. He had a strong jawline and sported a full beard that was mostly dark but had noticeable streaks of gray, particularly around the chin and sideburns.

His hair was similarly dark with some gray, slicked back in a somewhat messy style. He has a piercing gaze with deep-set eyes and furrowed brows, giving him a stern and contemplative expression.

Elias stepped forward, and bowed his head lightly, "Here he is my King" Mathis said

"Hmm, he is a bit younger than I expected. How old is he? 14? 15?"

"17" Elias corrected

"I see, well, he is the Goddess' chosen, there must be a reason, even if I can't seem to find one. Introduce yourself boy" He commanded. He had a deep, gravelly voice. His tone, was calm and measured, with a hint of weariness and resonance with authority.

"I am Elias Ashdown, Son of Godfrey and Eleanor Ashdown and an Older brother to Nina Ashdown" Elias spoke with confidence and poise

"Ashdown? I don't think I have heard of that name before. What do your parents do?" He asked

"They're farmers, we own a farmland in the Greenfields sir" He replied

"Ahh farmers? Then I certainly haven't heard of them before, I'm sorry" He said, a tinge of disappointment in his tone.


"You're certainly well-spoken, I apologize for having to meet you like this," he said pointing his fingers to his night robe, "I wasn't expecting any guests, especially not the long-awaited Child of Light.

I would have preferred we met during the day, so I can introduce you to my court as well as my wife and children" He added

"It's no problem, sir," Elias said

"I see, you and your companions must have had a rough journey, judging by the state of your wear and overall appearance. I will see to it that you are well taken care of."

"Thank you, my King," Mathias said, bowing his head slightly

"The High-luminary isn't around, I'm sure Alan must have briefed you, so the boy would have to wait for a few days, two days at most before getting his blessings from the Goddess. Till then, the boy will remain under my care "

Elias disliked being called "boy", especially the way King Alaric said it. It sounded like he was being looked down upon, but was too tired to address it and decided to wave it off for the time being

"I see my King" Mathis acknowledged

"Why don't we call it a night, since we are all tired and in need of rest, tomorrow a feast will be held to celebrate your arrival and we will hold a proper meeting with my court." King Alaric said, descending his throne, and Alan accompanied him as he left

The group was escorted to their various rooms for the night. It was not every day, that a normal person would get a chance to pass the night in the King's castle, Nigel and Dickson were the most obvious about their excitement, they were practically skipping to their rooms. Everyone had a little bit of excitement to show, except for Imaya who still felt down about her village.

Elias' room was directly beside Imaya's room, he greeted her goodnight but he was answered with silence as he entered his quarters.

Tall, arched windows adorned with heavy velvet drapes in deep crimson, embroidered with gold patterns, Eldorians really liked gold. The floor was laid with polished marble, cold and smooth underfoot, partially covered by a rich tapestry

At the center of the room stood a massive four-poster bed, its dark wooden frame carved with elaborate designs. The bed was draped with luxurious silks, pillows piled high, and a canopy of sheer fabric. A large, imposing fireplace occupied one wall, its mantelpiece was decorated with candelabras

The walls were lined with paintings, each telling a story of the kingdom's glorious past. Near the windows stood a heavy oak table, cluttered with scrolls, maps, and an assortment of quills and ink pots. A plush armchair with high, winged sides was positioned by the hearth.

Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, their candles cast a warm glow around the room.

Shelves filled with leather-bound tomes and manuscripts lined one wall and a wardrobe filled with expensive-looking outfits rested on the other.

"What a room, I could probably buy our farm ten times over with the things here" He said, inspecting the room

Elias sank into the softness of the bed, "I just spoke to King Alaric, the King Alaric. I guess that's another reminder of my reality. I am finally here, in Eldoria and tomorrow I'll meet with the King's court. The four great families would likely be there too" Elias paused and raised his hand

"The situations and scenarios are already deviating from Arcane Day's original scenarios, Imaya's village for example.

Nokias was supposed to be destroyed, but not that early. I wonder why the demons have started operating on the surface already, perhaps it was due to my encounter with Ira? It is highly possible, but I can't help but feel like there's something else causing it.

Speaking of Imaya, I should speak to her tomorrow. Maybe I was a little too blunt with her.

Either way, the true story is about to begin. I better gear up, get stronger and get this whole damn thing over with. I have a Goddess to meet" He said, clenching his fist

Elias' mind wandered around the possibilities of his new position for a while, the possibilities particularly involved meeting game characters he had so desperately wanted to meet in his past life…female characters to be exact.

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