
History Changes

After the introduction session, then lecturer Helga asked the students in the class to form a class management consisting of.

Class president, vice president, secretary, and cCass treasurer.

"Okay everyone, now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's go to the next event, electing the class management.

Does anyone want to nominate for the position of class president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer?" Lecturer Helga asked her students.

(For the record, the number of students in Wijaya's class is 40 students with 35 women and 5 men, besides in the language & literature faculty this year.

In addition to Wijaya's class, there are also 4 other language & literature classes, which are also classes containing around 40 students.

So in total in the academic year when Wijaya entered college, there were more than 200 students from the language & literature faculty on his campus.)

Hearing that the next event was the election of class administrators, the students became noisy and enthusiastic. This is based on the fantasy that class administrators are people with abilities that are recognized by other students and of course their own supervisors.

In the past, Rudi was the Class President, with Wijaya as his deputy, while the secretary was held by Irina, and the treasurer was Lily.

And because of the relationship between the class administrators, their relationship was basically very good in the past.

Because as members of the class administrators, they are tasked with organizing the class well, and in this case team cohesion is something they need to maintain.

So are there any advantages to being a class administrator? The answer is yes, the class administrators get additional points from what they do.

In this case they are assessed according to the work they do in organizing the class, as for who assesses, they are the supervisors, the lecturers who teach in their class, and of course all the students in the class.

They are the people who will make their assessments, if they feel good and there is a lot of appreciation given to the supervisors.

Then they will get additional good marks, which have been arranged by the campus as a service for their class management.

And vice versa, those who are considered to be doing their work incorrectly and detrimentally will be reported by the students in the class, to be further investigated by the supervising lecturer.

And if proven true, they will be removed from their class management position.

(As for how many marks are given to the class management by the campus represented by the lecturer who teaches in their class, usually the additional marks are given one level.

Like if one of the class administrators gets a C in one course and he is considered good at carrying out his duties, then his original grade which was originally C will become B, and this applies to all courses taught in that class)

So in this case being a class administrator is something good even though it is not always good in essence.

Because as a class administrator, those who are already busy with their studies have to face various additional problems in their class.

So if there are no benefits to being a class administrator, of course the students will not want to.

After waiting for a while, Lecturer Helga felt that maybe the female students in her class were still shy, so she needed encouragement for this class management.

"Since no one is willing to volunteer, then let me appoint the candidates for chairman and vice chairman first," Lecturer Helga spoke again.

On the other hand, the students in the class also agreed with the method given by Lecturer Helga, because they felt it was better than having to propose themselves.

Because usually if someone proposes themselves as a class administrator, they basically have to perform very well and give a sufficient impression to all the students in the class.

So that they then want to choose the student as a class administrator.

(The method of electing class administrators is, prospective class administrators nominate themselves, or are proposed either by the supervising lecturer or students in the class, after being successfully proposed.

Then the next process is voting, where the prospective administrator who gets the highest number of votes will become the class chairman and the loser will become the class representative, as well as the secretary and treasurer.

It is the class chairman's right to choose and usually he will appoint one of the students in the class, and if the appointed student agrees then he will become the class secretary or treasurer).

"I propose for the class chairman candidates are Wijaya Kesuma and Rudi Warner" Lecturer Helga's voice was heard throughout the class.

And the two names that were mentioned For that, it immediately attracted the attention of the entire class, because this was a direct confession by the supervisor to the student.

Which means he had a good impression of the names at their first meeting.

As for Wijaya and Rudi who were nominated, both glanced at each other.

"Hey ... I didn't expect that we would be nominated," Rudi said in a happy tone when Lecturer Helga mentioned their names.

"Yes, this is unexpected" Wijaya answered too, even though in his heart he said that this was the same as before.

"Does anyone have any objections?" Lecturer Helga asked the students in the class again, whether there were any objections to the two people who were nominated.

After a while there were no objections from the students in the class, so the next step was the voting for the class president and vice class president.

"Okay, since no one has any objections, now it's time for us to take a vote." Then Lecturer Helga stood up from her seat.

And went to the front of the class to write two names on the board, after doing that she spoke again.

"Please come forward and choose the class president candidate that you are interested in, and this starts with you, who is sitting in the back row on the left.

Then move to the side and so on"

Soon the official voting session began, with every student in the class casting their vote for the candidate they liked.

One by one the students began to come forward to the front of the class to cast their votes, and on the other hand Rudi looked tense and anxious.

As for Wijaya himself, he did not feel anything because in the past he lost the vote and became the vice president.

But what Wijaya never expected was, because of his different appearance during the introduction session and it left a deep impression on the hearts of his classmates.

So without Wijaya knowing, the wheel of fate turned in a different direction from its original history.

"Ehhh…" a surprised and astonished voice was heard from Wijaya's mouth when he realized that something was wrong with the voting results.

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