
Looking For Dollars

This time the search he did started in his own room, he still remembers that sometimes he liked to slip a few dollars from the pocket money his parents gave him.

He went to various places in his room, and this time the study table was the first target to be searched, there in front of his study table.

Wijaya found that several books appeared to be arranged neatly, with writing equipment boxes arranged neatly, on the other hand there was also a reading lamp that decorated the study table.

"Let's look at the writing equipment first...yes...there are 2...dollars...not bad...continue" and the study table doesn't seem to disappoint him.

Because behind the pile of books, there was also 5 dollars tucked away, besides that after he opened the drawer at the bottom

The study table also has 10 dollars which looks neatly folded inside.

Satisfied with the results on the study table, Wijaya then turned his search towards the nearby wardrobe.

He started looking under the clothes in his room, one by one he lifted the neat clothes that he had arranged himself, and from there he found quite a large number.

There are 5 dollars in the bottom cupboard, there are 10 dollars in the middle cupboard, and there are 20 dollars in the top cupboard.

This once again made Wijaya feel happy, because this was just a fun activity like looking for small treasures.

And from Wijaya existing memories, he realized that this was a stash he had purposely hidden for his emergencies.

Going to bed, he turned the case over and in the left corner he found a nominal value of 50 dollars which made him satisfied.

But he knew, he had to turn all 4 sides of the mattress, to make sure that there were no dollars left behind and he would regret it.

So then he lifted the 4 sides of the bed, and sure enough he found there was another 20 dollars hidden under the bed.

Satisfied, he then turned towards the bottom of the mattress, where sometimes a few dollars tend to fall without realizing it.

Going under his bed, he searched using the light on his cellphone.

And even though he had to endure the dust, he found another 5 dollars tucked in the corner under his mattress, what a good find.

"Bah...bah...there's a lot of dust under the mattress, looks like I'll have to clean it later..." Wijaya made a decision.

After cleaning himself a little from the dust, he then turned his attention to the bag and jacket hanging in his room.

Opening his bag, he took out all the contents inside, and searched the pockets one by one, and he found 15 dollars in his bag.

Then he cleaned it again, and drilled into his jacket and in the outside pocket there was 10 dollars left.

This satisfied him enough, so he then started counting the harvest in his room. "Wow... there are 152 dollars... this is a good harvest, I really didn't expect that I would have that many dollars left." Smile happily when you get a large enough amount.

(For the record, dollars in circulation in the Patih kingdom start with nominal amounts of 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, 1,2,5,10,20,50,100 dollars. And the average income of factory workers in the city where Wijaya lives is 2000 -2500 dollars a month so the figure Wijaya found is quite large).

"Next, let's start with the living room, I know there are some that might be hidden there," then Wijaya immediately moved out of the room and looked for dollars that might be hidden and tucked away in his family's living room.

And this time the sofa in the living room was the place that became his main search, slipping his hand into the folds of the sofa.

Wijaya started to feel and feel whether there was a texture of dollars tucked in, and sure enough, on the first sofa where he looked, he found 5 dollars in shredded money tucked away.

Next he looked on another sofa and as a result, he again found 2 dollars and an additional 1 dollar.

So on his living room couch he managed to earn an extra 8 dollars, what a nice harvest.

Then he started looking again around the TV cupboard, where there were many places where electronics were kept, and opened the cupboard.

He found that there was another 10 dollars tucked under the TV, after that he started looking again throughout the living room, but to no avail, it seemed like he had lost his luck.

The rest he just searched in the dining room and kitchen but it was clear he didn't find anything meaningful, so he ended his search for hidden dollars in his house. As for his younger sister and parents' room, he didn't dare search because he respects and respects the privacy of his parents and younger sister.

So in total during this search he earned 170 dollars in total a free, what a good harvest, with this amount if converted into his father's bowls of meatballs, he would get a total of 34 bowls of meatballs.

The selling price for a portion or bowl of his father's meatballs is 5 dollars.

"This is enough for a date with Ana" Wijaya was happy because he managed to get the initial funds for the date.

As a comparison, if this was placed 10 years later then he clearly would not have dared to date, because economic demands and inflation were quite high, especially since various kinds of entertainment were widely available.

What makes the quality of dating improve, Wijaya remembers that when he was dating 10 years later he had to provide at least 250-500 dollars for one date in 1 week.

And that number is obviously quite large even 10 years later, and it can only meet the needs of dating by watching movies and eating at regular restaurants.

Plus the cost of public transportation, as for buying gifts for your girlfriend such as bags, clothes or even jewelry, there is an additional budget that needs to be spent.

In contrast to this era, women do not demand too much and they still really value feelings, there are not too many obstacles in seeking happiness (this is Wijaya's personal experience. If the reader experiences a different experience, it is normal, and please understand).

After that, Wijaya, who saw that it was already 01.30 in the afternoon, immediately prepared himself to pick up his younger sister.


In the evening when Wijaya returned from picking up his mother, inside the house he saw his father and his younger sister Celine, looking as usual enjoying their free moments.

By watching soap operas broadcast on television, his mother immediately went to the bathroom to clean herself.

Meanwhile, Wijaya himself immediately asked his family to immediately gather at the dining table, and on the dining table you can now see several food menus.

Which consists of tempeh and fried tofu, then fried duck eggs, chili sauce, a pot of vegetable soup, with a jar of crackers is the menu for the Wijaya family's meal this afternoon.

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