
He Followed Her!

"Your daughter is too kind." The man laughed and drank while others nodded too.

From the start to the end, Nora did not try to mingle with the guests. Except for exchanging a few greetings at the start, she sat at her seat and ate her dinner.

The members had stared at him curiously in the start. They have seen Penny in the office a few times, but Nora had never entered their office. Before they were confused, and doubted David.

But Nora was dressed perfectly. She was dressed much better than David's wife and real daughter. So, he could not be treating her badly. 

And looking at her cold aura and indifferent gaze, they realized the girl had no interest in their business. She only nodded and replied curtly if someone asked her about her views in the business.

While Penny, she was a respectful refined girl. She smiled at them and shared her experience. It was easy to deal with her. Their views about her sisters started to form.

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