
Grit and the Grind

The next few days followed a similar pattern for Jackson.

His mornings began with the cultivation of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, a ritual that brought him calm and renewed focus. He'd sit cross-legged on the familiar rock on the outskirts of the nearby woods, absorbing the Sun Qi from the first rays after sunrise. This practice not only centered his mind—but also seemed to infuse him with a vitality that carried him through his busy schedule.

In school, Jackson's academic performance remained stellar. His sharp mind and diligent work ethic earned him praise from his teachers. Mr. Peterson, his chemistry teacher, even hinted that Jackson could aim for a scholarship with his grades and dedication. The thought of a scholarship was a beacon of motivation, pushing him to excel even further.

Late afternoons were dedicated to football practice, each session with Coach Reynolds growing more intense. The defensive coordinator drilled Jackson relentlessly, pushing him to his limits and beyond.

Jackson soon understood why his teammates had given him sympathetic looks when Coach Reynolds announced he would train him personally. The drills were grueling, demanding both physical endurance and mental sharpness. As a result, Jackson found himself constantly tired as he returned home, his muscles aching from the relentless workouts.

Despite the toll it took, Jackson coped with the increased training intensity by maintaining a strict routine. He ensured he got enough sleep, ate nutritious meals, and kept hydrated. He also found solace in small moments of reflection, reminding himself of his goals and why he was constantly pushing himself so hard. The vision of playing in the upcoming scrimmage and proving himself kept him focused and motivated.

On the field, Jackson began to see the fruits of his efforts. His agility improved, and he could effortlessly run the cornerback drills set up by Coach Reynolds.

His teammates, initially skeptical, began to respect him as they saw the hard work he put in day after day. Ethan "Tank" Johnson, the senior linebacker and captain known for his stern demeanor, even took some time to offer Jackson tips and encouragement, recognizing the younger player's dedication.

At home, Jackson's mom remained a pillar of support. She asked about his training and ensured he kept up with his studies. Then, on the weekend, she took him for an eye check-up. Jackson knew what to expect, but his mom was surprised when the optometrist declared his vision perfect, negating the need for spectacles.

"That's... unexpected," his mom said, trying to mask her astonishment. She knew Jackson's history of vision problems but decided not to draw attention to the miraculous change, fearing it might disrupt his life. "Well, I guess no glasses for you anymore," she added with a controlled smile as they left the hospital.

As the final week before the scrimmage game arrived, Jackson's morning cultivation sessions became even more focused. He felt a growing connection to the Eternal Radiance Scripture, its energy fueling his strength.

But even though he was progressing in cultivating the Solar Veins Mantra, he still struggled to link one of his abdominal meridians to his Dantian and break through to the rank-four meridian opening realm. As he had expected, it would take more rigorous cultivation, but his motivation soared nonetheless.

At school, the upcoming game was soon on everyone's mind. Classmates frequently asked about the team's preparations, and Jackson shared some details, careful not to sound too proud. The team manager, Sarah, checked in with him regularly, ensuring he was coping well with the demands.

Football practice then gradually reached a fever pitch on Wednesday, just three days away from the game. Jackson stopped training alone and joined his teammates for defensive team drills. The transition was challenging, especially when practicing situational zone coverage plays. Synchronizing with his teammates was difficult, and he struggled to keep up during complex drills.

One such drill involved practicing coverages against various offensive formations. Jackson had to adjust his position based on the quarterback's movements—a task that required experience, quick thinking, and precise execution. He often found himself a step behind in such scenarios, frustrated by his slow adaptation.

"Don't worry so much about the zone plays for now," Coach Reynolds told him after one particularly tough session. "For the scrimmage, you'll be in man-to-man coverage if you make the team. Focus on jamming and keeping up with the wide receiver you'll mark. You've got the speed and agility—use them to your advantage."

The coach's words were a balm to Jackson's frustration. He knew he could excel in man-to-man coverage, and the reassurance helped him refocus.

The following day then flew by in a whirlwind of anticipation and nerves. And suddenly, Friday, August 18th, the day before the preseason scrimmage, was upon them. The final practice loomed ahead, promising to be the most intense yet—a chance to fine-tune their plays and synchronize their movements under the watchful eyes of the coaches.

The team gathered on the field, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows around them. There was an electric tension in the air, and every player was aware of the importance of this practice. Coach Harris, Coach Reynolds, and the other coaches walked among the players, giving final instructions and encouragement.

The training soon began with a series of warm-up drills led by the strength and conditioning coach, Mike Wallace. Dynamic stretches, high knees, and quick sprints got their muscles loose and hearts pumping.

Jackson felt his nerves steadying as he fell into the familiar rhythm of movement. His body had grown accustomed to the rigorous routine, and the morning cultivation sessions helped him feel more centered and energized.

After the warm-ups, the team broke into their respective units. The defensive players, led by Coach Reynolds, worked on coverage drills, focusing on both man-to-man and zone defenses.

Among them, Jackson practiced jamming techniques, using his hands to disrupt the receivers' routes at the line of scrimmage. He also honed his backpedaling skills, ensuring he could stay with his man while reading the quarterback's eyes.

Across the field, the offensive unit was running through their plays. Liam and the other wide receivers practiced their routes with precision under the keen gaze of Coach Linda Thompson, working on timing and coordination with the quarterbacks.

The offensive line also drilled on protecting their quarterback and opening up running lanes. The atmosphere was filled with focused determination, with each player pushing themselves to the limit.

Next, they held a mock match-up between the Hoover Crest Varsity and Junior Varsity teams. This final prep was crucial, allowing the coaches to evaluate their players under near-game conditions. Jackson was positioned as a cornerback and tasked with covering the Junior Varsity wide receivers.

The mock game was not so intense due to the inexperience of the younger JV players. Jackson faced off against a moderately swift and agile receiver, using his newfound skills to stay close and anticipate the routes.

On one play, the receiver tried to break free on a slant route, but Jackson jammed him at the line, forcing him off balance and disrupting the timing. The quarterback's throw sailed harmlessly out of reach.

On another play, Jackson had to cover a deep route. He backpedaled, keeping his eyes on the receiver and the quarterback simultaneously. As the receiver made his move, Jackson turned and sprinted, sticking to him like glue. The quarterback threw a long pass, but Jackson was in perfect position, leaping to deflect the ball with his outstretched hand.

The coaches nodded in approval, and Coach Reynolds gave him a rare smile. "Good work, Jackson. Keep it up."

After the game, the players went through a cool-down routine, stretching their tired muscles and slowing their heart rates. They then gathered for a water break, hydrating and catching their breath. Among them, Jackson felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration, proud of his performance but nervous about the upcoming announcement of those who had made the squad for the preseason scrimmage game.

A few minutes later, Coach Harris summoned the team, his voice reverberating across the field. The players gathered around him in a semi-circle, bathed in the warm, golden light of the setting sun. "Alright, everyone," he began, "you've all worked hard these past few weeks. Tomorrow's game is our first real test, and I need you all to be at your best."

A dramatic pause followed as Coach Harris scanned the assembled team, his gaze moving from one determined face to another. "I've seen improvement from everyone, but only the best will make the squad for tomorrow. Remember, this isn't just about individual skills; it's about how well you work together as a team. It's about how you will fit into our game plan and help us overcome the formidable Maplewood High School Titans."

As Coach Harris's words echoed across the field, Jackson's pulse quickened with eagerness and uncertainty. Would his dedication and hard work earn him a spot on the squad? The impending announcement consumed his thoughts, fueling his apprehension.


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