
It Will Be Difficult To Find You, Aang!!!

The huge expanding grounds of the Black Dragon Training Camp stretched out in all directions, a landscape that covered 100 kilometres. 

However, this place was created with the help of magic. In reality, the entire area was only 2 kilometres, but the enchanted terrain provided an arena vast enough to simulate the difficulties of the real world.

To the north, Snow Mountain stood tall. To the east, an ominous dark forest loomed, a thick forest blocking all sunlight. To the west, barren wastelands stretched as far as the eye could see.

To the very south, the squads of warden trainees were assembled in disciplined rows, standing at attention and ready for the trial. 

Each trainee was equipped with their guild-authorized weapons.

Jessica stood at the forefront, her sharp eyes roaming through the gathered squads. 

Beside her were the assistant instructors, clad in their distinct blue uniforms, maintaining discipline among the squad.

Jessica's eye first went towards the ranking board at the very side displaying Squad Rankings:

- Green: 100 points

- Blue: 0 points

- Red: 0 points

- Yellow: 0 points

- White: 0 points

- Black: 0 points

Then Jessica's gaze shifted from the board to the trainees, her voice cutting through murmur demanding absolute attention. "There will be limited trials to earn points during these two years of training, so each one is crucial, keep that in mind," 

With a pause to emphasizing their importance. she continued, "Your first trial will be a classic game of 'Capture the Flag.' Each squad will have one flag to plant in their territory. Your objective is to defend your flag while capturing the flags of other squads."

Her eyes roamed through the trainees, making sure they were following through, She again continued, "Each flag you capture is worth 5 points. However, once the trial concludes, 5 points will be deducted from your total. This means squads starting with zero points can end up with a negative score. Also, I will be observing and judging the entire trial. Only weapons authorised by the guild are allowed. Any violation of the rules will result in a penalty of negative 50 points for the entire squad."

Jessica then took a small pause, Especially looking at Jane and Aang, she continued, "I will also be selecting the Ace of this trial. The squad of the Ace will receive additional points." With a decisive gesture, she slammed her hand on the table before her, signalling the end of her instructions.

Then She moved to take her seat under a canopy, leaving the squads to finalise their strategies. Murmurs of discussion quickly filled the air as the trainees huddled to plan their approaches.

Further rules and information were sent directly to everyone's CAD. 

Also, They didn't have to walk through this huge place, with a single click on their CAD, each squad would be transported to a random location as their starting point.

Asuka stood near Ruby, his eyes fixed on his CAD.

[Equipments: Katana, Other (Locked)]

He then swiped up to his status dashboard, to check the notification he got earlier while Jessica was explaining.

[Standing Wind (Proficiency update): Intermediate --> Advanced...]

'Perfect, Master's Insight hidden ability is already proving useful, now with this trial I can check its efficiency also,' Asuka thought, feeling a surge of excitement within him. He then turned towards Ruby, who was staring hard at him.


"Hmm, nothing. Just wondering where you were for the last 7 days," Ruby questioned, her eyes expecting a genuine answer.

With a straight face, Asuka replied, "Oh, I was just... in bad shape. I had a cold."

"Is that so," Ruby responded with a disappointed look. 

She then turned away and started discussing the plan with Jane, who was talking with Ashton a meter away.

"Ruby, who are you to question his highness? And what's with that look? We poor bastards are already so lucky to have him as our squad mate, why are you asking for more, do you know who his grandfather is??," Grey said with a sarcastic chuckle, his eyes tauntingly locked on Asuka.

Uninterested, Ignoring Grey, Asuka just pressed the [Move] button on his CAD. In an instant, he was teleported to a snowy plain near a snowy mountain. 

Moments later, the rest of the squad also appeared around him.

Just after taking a breath, Ashton suggested, pointing to the snowy mountains, "I think that peak would be a perfect territory," 

"No, let's discuss the plan first before choosing a location," Ruby said, looking intently at everyone, taking charge as the captain to get everyone on the same page. 

She continued, "Should we decide who will be raiders and who will defend first? Or should we all just defend?"

"There are two rankers with us, so going all out on defence seems like a waste. We should go with an all-out offence," Ashton suggested with a playful smile tugging on his lips.

"If you don't know what you're talking about, just shut up, with an all-out attack, Things can go south quickly," Grey retorted. After a pause, he added, "The best way is for Jane and me to defend. The rest of you try to capture at least one flag, if you can that is."

"Yeah, I agree. With Aang and Leo, they both can easily grab the flag if we two go on the attack," Jane nodded in agreement.

"Okay, if everyone agrees, let's find a good location and start our attack," Ruby said, gazing at everyone's faces for agreement.

"We'll handle finding the location. You just decide on your attacking strategy," Grey said as he walked away with Jane, holding their squad's blue flag.





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