


Reaia chewed her fingernails absentmindedly.

It had been two weeks since she sent out four applications.

And in those two weeks, she had gotten two responses.

They both rejected her application due to already having enough employees.

She was anxiously waiting for the responses of the other two, but they were taking their sweet time.

Reaia stood on her feet as if she wanted to march down to those companies and command them to employ her.

She didn't like waiting, let alone waiting aimlessly.

If the job wasn't forthcoming, wouldn't it better to let her down early, so she could find another job or apply somewhere else? She thought.

She sat and refreshed her E-mail for the umpteenth time.

Over and over again, until she could swear the Mail application was threatening to unalive her if she clicked on refresh again.

She kept clicking and clicking until she was a small "1" on the mail icon.

"W-what?! A response? A response!!!!!!"

She quickly opened it up and braced herself for the disappointment.

She was used to getting disappointed, but she wanted to know the reason for it this time.

It read:

"Miss Evans,

We are pleased you inform you that you have passed the second selection and will be invited for the third stage in two days for an interview.

Do well to come prepared. Good luck."

Reaia sat there in silence.

Her eyes were wide and he lips were parted.

She sucked in air softly, still trying to understand.

"I...I.... I'm going to be interviewed?

Oh my goodness!"

She jumped up and down like a rabbit, dancing and shaking like a mad woman.

Viewing her from a distance, one would think she had lost her mind, but only she knew how much she had needed this celebratory dance.

What will I wear? What will I eat? What will I say?!!!!

She thought happily.

Reaia wasn't anxious or scared of the outcome. She knew it'd be positive because she was a competent employee.

She only lost her previous job because sixty five percent of the workers in that company were laid off due to the progressing bankruptcy of the company.

Her severance pay was less than she had imagined and it pissed her off to no end.

Reaia was extremely dedicated to her job, working overtime most nights and helping out in other offices just to get laid off like a liability.

She wouldn't pretend like she didn't hold a grudge against the company.

But there wasn't much she could do anyway.

Now, she had to prepare for the interview.

Two days was a lot of time, she thought.

What she didn't know was how hectic the next few hours of her life would become.


"Mi En Dish Limited interview questions"

Reaia typed into her computer and clicked on the "search" icon.

With her index fingernail in her mouth, she bit lightly.

It wasn't enough to break the nail, but it was enough to distract any subconscious anxiety that crept it.

Okay, she would admit it, she WAS checking for the past interview questions.

The one thing she hated more than not doing her research was having the opportunity to do so and completely ignoring it.

She scrolled endlessly until she found a realistic website where real people asked questions and were answered by other real people, not the numerous bots.

"I was asked about my family health history"

"I was asked about why I wanted to work there"

"I was asked why I left my previous job"

"I was asked if I had any criminal records "

The list was endless.

These are basic information, she thought to herself with a smile.

Relaxing slightly for a few seconds, she formulated answers to each and every question.

Then was visibly satisfied by every answer.

"I can't believe I got worried for nothing" she murmured and grabbed the mouse.

Before she clicked on the "X" icon, she saw a pop-up notification.

It read: "Just In: Mi En Dish Limited's interview will be held by the CEO himself"

Before, she could react, her fingers already did.

The article was open before she knew it.

She scrolled past the usual attention-grabbing beginning.

Just like a computer, her eyes highlighted the part she was checking to confirm.

"Inside sources say that the CEO of the prestigious fashion company, Mi En Dish Limited, will be interviewing the approved applicants in person, the first of its kind for the company."

Reaia stopped reading and gulped.

I-in person? Why would a CEO want to do that??

She was usually confident in her abilities but she had never met a CEO on the first day.

She had office charm and could woo any boss into wanting to employ her.

But even she was well aware of how stone-hearted most CEOs were.

One look at your face and they could ban you from coming near their company vicinity.

Now, she was determined to keep going in search of more possible interview questions

"The first of its kind" rang in her head.

What the actual hell?!

Why is it when I want to apply for a job that the CEO wants to interview applicants?? She thought.

I can do this!!! She said, taking a deep breath.

She began searching the web for what she thought she would need. History of the company, history of the owner, even the history of his family.

And just like that, Reaia knew what she was going to be doing for those two days.

Growing eyebags, that's what.

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