

At last, he was out of his handcuffs. They had been unnecessarily tight. He felt his wrists with his opposite hands and looked up. The Viranil brother and that weirdly fashionable Lord Tristan who was still looking at him with amusement in his eyes were also there, along with a few more of the same level of people. Some of them had less mana in comparison, but that didn't mean they were less capable.

"Who are you, boy?" one of the veteran men finally asked, breaking the silence.

What was he to say here? A normal boy who just wanted to join the army? There was no acceptable lie they would believe about his strength here.


The man looked at the commander, who in turn gestured to the female knight beside her. With pleasure, she punched his face with vengeance.

"F*ck, that hurt..." Damian spat out the blood in his mouth.

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