

Saffron Storm had experienced a lot of storms in her life, but nothing compared to hearing Xavier Remington asking for help from her. She knew he trusted her in his own way, but it was only to a very small extent. 

Trust from Xavier was not even equal to a minuscule of the same from an ordinary person. She did not mind or fault him for being the way he was, especially considering the circumstances in which they had met. 

She still remembered the eleven-year-old boy who was called to meet with the previous head of the military division of the Trinity, her former boss. At the time, she was not in a high enough position to travel with the leader. 

However, it turned out that being a witch could be an advantage sometimes. Most of the members of the military division were vampires and werewolves because of their physical prowess. Unfortunately, the 'asset' the leader wanted to examine was adept at mind techniques. So, these two groups were out for the mission.

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