"Preposterous," Amelia gritted her teeth. "Especially when all I have now is your word against the memory of my mother."
She stood to her feet, the legs of the chair scraping against the floor as she did so.
"If that's all you have to say, then it's no wonder you were kicked out of the apartment that other day," Amelia said. "You don't care about your dead partner and child. All you care about is the money their death can bring you."
Joshua barked in laughter as though highly amused by Amelia's words. "And what would you know about grief?" He gestured to her and said, "Look at you― you are enveloped by wealth. You suffered for barely even a couple of years before your rich grandfather brought you up the social ladder."
"You know nothing about me nor my struggles," Amelia hissed. "I offer you my condolences for your lost family, but what you're requesting is unreasonable."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: