
Sketchy New Job

"Good morning, I am Amelia Kentwood. I'm here as Mr. Montgomery's new secretary. Can you give me a keycard?" Amelia asked the receptionist, trying to sound like a collected professional and not a walking bundle of nerves. 

She had only five minutes left before Matteo expected her in his office, and she didn't want to start her first day by making a poor impression.

"Let me check." The receptionist named Cindy cast her a suspicious look, and Amelia could hardly blame her. 

She knew she must have looked like a fright, with her dark eye circles and swollen eyes. Amelia had spent the previous night tossing and turning, barely able to catch a wink of sleep in her childhood bedroom. 

After the joy of Matteo's offer faded away, skepticism began to sink in. Matteo's offer was almost too good to be true, and recent events had given Amelia a healthy distrust of men. 

Even if Matteo had money to burn, two hundred thousand a month was too high a pay for an ordinary secretary, let alone one just starting out in his company. A quick internet search proved that Amelia's hunches were correct; not even secretaries who had years of experience commanded that high a salary.

This meant that Matteo must have had ulterior reasons for offering such a salary. 

What kind of depraved things did he want to do to Amelia in return? 

She doubted that Matteo was capable of the same amount of cruelty Caleb was, but that was a low bar to clear. 

"I'm sorry, but there's no record of you in our company database. I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Cindy said with a shrug. Amelia's heart sank.

Was this all just a joke to him? Amelia wanted to call him, but then she realized she had not gotten his number in the flurry of yesterday. 

"I see," Amelia said faintly, "Can you please call Mr. Montgomery for me? There must be some kind of misunderstanding. He offered me a job last night."

Cindy's nose wrinkled, and her gaze turned cold. "Lady, I don't know what tricks you're up to, but our company doesn't employ prostitutes." 

"I'm not hired as a prostitute!" Amelia retorted hotly. At least, not to her knowledge. That suspiciously large salary floated in her mind again. 

"Right," Cindy said, "Whatever you are, you're not hired here. You need to leave before I get security to escort you out." 

"No, I swear, please give him a call," Amelia said anxiously, her anger slowly growing. If Matteo played her for a fool, she would give him a piece of her mind before leaving. 

Cindy scowled, "Are all escorts as stubborn as you? Just leave before I call the― Mr. Montgomery! Good morning!" She leaped a foot in the air, all earlier irritation at Amelia's presence vanishing in a blink. 

Amelia quickly whirled around and there he was, right in the flesh. His dark hair had been slicked back with a thin layer of gel, giving him a much neater and fresher appearance as compared to the times Amelia had seen him at the club. This time, he was wearing a three-piece suit that flattered his stature. Even beneath the suit, Amelia could clearly see the outline of his muscles rippling beneath the fabric.

With the morning sun cast upon him from behind, he looked like a guardian angel that had descended from heaven, ready to save her.

Or a personal demon here to cast her further into the depths of hell. For a brief second, Amelia wondered if the headquarters of X'el Inc. was tall enough for her to quickly and swiftly send herself to heaven. It would be better than facing the impending embarrassment.

Did he come here to reject her personally? 

"Why are you standing here?" Matteo Montgomery asked, a furrow between his eyebrows. "I told you to be in my office by 8 AM. It's already time for you to report for duty."

Amelia spluttered. "I was early, but I didn't have access to your lifts." 

Matteo turned his wintry gaze at Cindy, who shrunk into herself in embarrassment as she realized she might have offended her CEO. "And why did you assume she was an escort?" 

"I― the system didn't have her inside!" Cindy explained frantically. "I was just looking out for the company's interests!"

"Amelia Kentwood is not an escort. Make sure everyone knows she is a very important person to me," Matteo growled out, and Cindy nodded so quickly that her neck looked like it was about to snap. 

Amelia blinked in surprise at Matteo's words, her cheeks warming at the sincerity in his voice. If she didn't know better, she would think Matteo was confessing his feelings.

She told herself to stop overthinking― maybe Matteo was really desperate for a secretary. 

Either that or she really had some extra duties that weren't meant to see the light of day. 

"Let's go," Matteo said, and Amelia scurried behind him as he led the way back up his office. She couldn't help but notice that Matteo seemed to be a homing beacon for attention, men and women alike cast covetous and envious looks at him, wanting his attention and input.

The multiple curious eyes also turned towards Amelia, who made sure to look as friendly and approachable as possible. 

Soon, the door to Matteo's office closed with a thud, and Amelia gulped as she was left alone in the office with the man who was now her new boss. 

"You seem overwhelmed. Coffee?" Matteo asked, and Amelia watched as her new boss poured two cups, holding out one for her. She took it with shaky hands, staring down at the dark brown liquid as though it would give her more clarity.

Wasn't she supposed to be the one who made him coffee? It was starting to look like she was the boss instead!

"My apologies for not inputting your details in the system," Matteo continued. "Since it's your first day, you must have questions. I'll do my best to answer them. What do you wish to know?"

"Yes― I mean I have questions for you." Amelia cleared her throat and gathered her courage. "Mr. Montgomery, I wish to know the extent of my duties, especially with regard to my salary."

"Is the salary too low?" Matteo asked, "I can add another zero at the end if it helps." 

"No!" Amelia burst out, before realizing she had effectively raised her voice against her new boss. But while the extra zero was attractive, she didn't need her bank thinking that she was working for a shell company. "I mean, the salary is more than adequate. In fact, it's too high for a mere secretary."

Matteo stared back at her in silence, not understanding her point. There was nothing for it, Amelia would have to ask the tough questions by herself. 

"So, I guess what I am meaning to say is… am I supposed to sleep with you?" Amelia burst out, before slapping her hand over her mouth.

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