
[Volume 1] Chapter 96- mysterious .

Back to reality, Esme's voice carried an intensity that held Helga's full attention. "You see, my ring connects me to the beyond, allowing us to hide these ornaments whenever we choose. But there's a catch: when we're possessed by a divine beast, these ornaments can't be removed. They become part of us—like organs. Even if we cut them off, they remain, surfacing only when we die, and they reappear when they find a new owner."

Helga felt the weight of Esme's words, a chill creeping up her spine. "And what happens if you encounter one of these beasts?"

Esme's expression darkened. "I've searched through every family known to possess divine beasts. In that process, I encountered one that attacked me—the white python. Or was it a cobra? I don't quite remember." She opened her laptop and turned it toward Helga.

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