
How can she forgive us?

There were so many things Slater was grateful for. He had a loving and supportive family who would accept him no matter how unreasonable he could be. The people around him often cheered him up and believed in him.

Slater had a good career; his album had just hit the charts, and people wanted him for many reasons. His fans almost worshipped him, probably singing his songs while taking a bath, studying, or just singing them for no reason at all.

There was so much that could keep Slater going—so many good things. From another person's perspective, he was living the life. He should be happy. He had everything one would wish for and pray for.

But why did he feel so empty?

Was it because he was ungrateful? Was he just focusing on the wrong things? Or was it the lack of spark in his creativity? Or perhaps it was the nightmare that kept haunting him in his sleep?

To be honest, Slater had no idea.

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