
Stood up against his bully

The first day of the exam was exhausting, and everyone could tell that by the listless and haggard look of the Bennet children. 

Atlas, Hugo, Slater, and Penny couldn't even make it to their rooms as they melted on the couches in the living area. Their eyes were all blank. None of them was making the slightest sound. Even Butler Jen didn't know what to do!

"Kids?" Minutes later, Allison happily came in with a tray of sliced watermelons for her children. "Why don't you have some snacks first to recharge?"

She sat down on the couch where Penny was lying shamelessly. Looking down at Penny, Allison sighed. 

"Penny, is the exam that hard?" she asked, but Penny just frowned.

"Mommy, why did no one tell me that snack times during exams are thirty minutes shorter?" Penny lamented. "I couldn't even enjoy my snacks because Lily and Ginnie were always in a hurry."

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