

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"I always have strong urges to sabotage myself. Whenever someone says they like something about my music, I tend to not want to do that anymore. It's not even that I don't like it anymore: it's that I keep trying to find ways for people to dislike me." - Mitski

Hachiman's POV

Considering the reputation of Sudou, who was a short-tempered individual who was quick to solve problems with his fists. Yamauchi, a constant liar who always bolstered himself to what he was. Ike, who was a clear flirt whose priorities were not warranted towards the actual priorities needed.

Hachiman could see that these three had their own respective problems.

However, what made them tolerable, at least for Hachiman, was the fact that they were capable when they worked together without much in the way.

If Sudou was motivated to learn the work and material, then Ike and Yamauchi had actually been trying to catch up to Sudou.

Sure, there were times when they struggled, and that was when Hachiman came in. He would identify areas that they struggled with, gave them a small recap on what it was and how significant it was towards everything, and finally, let them cooperate and study all over.

Hachiman watched, somewhat surprised at how easy it was to get them working.

Perhaps it was because he didn't judge them. He didn't call them anything, he didn't say anything. He was just a ghost observing and making sure they were studying. The only times he was involved were speaking and briefly teaching them some stuff and even giving them some sample problems.

For mathematics, Hachiman didn't like the subject either, so all he did was just provide the three boys with a following operation they needed to memorize. Simply put, if there were this in the equation, then follow these steps and you should be fine.

Of course, you could deviate out after a bit, and the boys had managed to find that out. Sudou, being motivated just because he wanted Hachiman to pick up a sport, not wanting his potential to go to waste, saw this as an opportunity.

Ike and Yamauchi just followed because Sudou was so motivated.

It was also because Ike had previously told Suzune that he had planned to cram study with Sudou before, but since Sudou was studying now, he likely realized he wouldn't study with Sudou if he left.

Yamauchi was on the same page, and thus the three were studying.

This was also shown when Hachiman picked up some random questions from a book and made them solve it.

Ike had managed to solve them adequately, Sudou was acceptable, and Yamauchi, besides a struggle, was fine. With a bit more, Yamauchi could catch up and be proper in that.

But it showed Hachiman that perhaps with a little ahem, motivation, with a sprinkle of selfish manipulation, Hachiman would be fine.

In the end of the first day, Ike and Yamauchi hadn't realized it was 7:30pm until Hachiman mentioned the library was closing soon.

When that occurred, they rushed out the door, clearly about to sleep or do anything else they do. Hachiman was completely fine with this. As stupid as they were, he was able to get them to perform fine on the small sample tests he would give.

Sudou had remained behind, and gave a small smile, "You know what, you being the leader is a lot more tolerable than that Horikita-girl."

Hachiman waved his hand, "Don't sweat it, I'm just helping you and the others with not failing and being expelled, okay?"

Sudou nodded, "But still, looking back at it, you didn't do much. All you did was just recap what we had to know, and then let us argue about how to solve a problem."

Hachiman shrugged, "Sometimes you just need to push some people for them to realize something isn't as bad as you think."

Sudou chuckled, hating that he was actually pushed to study. Sure, it was because Hachiman had resigned himself to maybe taking Sudou's advice and wishes to make use of his physical figure to play a sport, but perhaps it was also because he didn't get berated, or told to do something, and was allowed to debate with Ike and Yamauchi.

Sudou then gave Hachiman a shoulder pat, "Thanks for this. I know for sure the class would be on my ass if you hadn't intervened."

Hachiman shrugged, "Don't sweat it. I'm just ensuring you and the others don't get expelled. After all, the class will need everyone." Hachiman gave a small smile, watching as Sudou ran off.

Hachiman looked on before he thought to himself, "And also helping myself."

Hachiman watched as they ran off, before he felt a small tug on his sleeve. Hachiman turned to see Shiina pulling at his arm.

"Do you actually care for them?" Shiina asked curiously.

Hachiman looked confused by what she meant before he knew what she meant. Hachiman pondered, "Perhaps I do, but maybe it's not for the best reasons."

Shiina eyed Hachiman critically before she asked, "Do you have problems with some people in your class?"

Hachiman turned to face Shiina, unsure if he wanted to answer. Shiina seemed to understand, clearly flinching as she realized she had gone a bit too far.

"Oh… sorry, I didn't know it was a touchy subject…" Shiina mumbled, "I forgot you didn't have the best education before…"

Hachiman shook his head, "Don't worry about it. Just some girls blaming me for something I'm not at fault for."

Shiina looked confused now, "What is it about?"

Hachiman sighed, "Remember how we spoke about the private points of the class?"

Shiina nodded, curious as to where this was going.

Hachiman merely continued, "Simply put, when everything came out, the teacher threw me under the bus, and these three girls thought it would be best to put the blame purely on me due to our current class points."

Shiina looked surprised, clearly not agreeing with that. "That isn't fair on you."

Hachiman sighed, "It isn't. Perhaps I'm just using the three for my own benefit, but even then, it's to prove the rest of the class."

Shiina looked confused, "To prove the rest of the class…?" She tilted her head.

Hachiman nodded, "As of now, ironically the individuals from my perspective with the most problems, are not those people, but rather it's the very girls who had blamed me for the class problems."

Shiina pondered, "Hmm, I guess I can see what you are trying to do. I wish you luck on it."

Hachiman stopped, turning to Shiina, as if confused as to why she was not criticizing what he was doing. Sure, he hadn't told the entire detail, but it was still something anyone would have criticized him for.

Shiina turned to Hachiman, "Why did you stop?"

Hachiman sighed, "I'm just… surprised…"

"Surprised about what?" Shiina asked, grabbing his sleeve to make him face her. He looked down, seeing her confused innocent eyes staring back at him.

Hachiman looked on, unsure if he should be telling Shiina anything so soon. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"But then why did you bring it up? You looked affected somehow." Shiina responded back. Hachiman looked on, thinking of how he could avoid a conversation like this.

"I guess you're just a first when it comes to your reaction, that's all." Hachiman concluded as he decided to keep walking.

"Well, I trust Hikigaya a lot to know he's a kind person. I would trust you to protect me." Shiina gave Hachiman praise, surprising him again.

Hachiman sighed, "I've done nothing but read books with you, I don't deserve the kindness you give me."

"But then who's kindness do you deserve?" Shiina asked Hachiman, "If not me, then who?"

Hachiman stopped to think, as the images of Aoki, Komachi, and Kaori all filled his mind. Alas, the same faces were the same, full of regrets. Filled with painful reminders he didn't want to remember.

"Nobody." Hachiman said at last as he began to walk, his face down as if remembering something he had been forgetting without realizing it.

Shiina's face of confusion turned to concern as she ran up to catch up with him, panting slightly. "Well, I hope you don't let that deny the kindness I want to give you, okay?"

Hachiman hummed and nodded, before Shiina again grabbed him. "I'm serious Hikigaya. You're always nice and doing things to help others. Don't think I didn't see you keeping those boys in check from trying to flirt with me."

Hachiman stopped, surprised Shiina could tell that. "How did you know Yamauchi and Ike were like that?"

Shiina shrugged, "Some girls in my class kept talking about how much of a flirt they were."

Hachiman gave a nod of affirmation. "I see…"

As Shiina and Hachiman spoke a bit, clearly a bit tense due to the circumstances. In the end, they enjoyed the tranquil peace of the night.

That was until they both heard some form of commotion outside. Hachiman, a bit curious as to what was going on, calmly and silently walked towards the sound of commotion.

"What is going on?" Shiina whispered, causing Hachiman to place a hand to his mouth to Shiina, as he gently picked up the camera to his phone, and oddly began to record.

Hachiman had managed to pick up and record the moment the student council president was about to strike what appeared to be a first year, whom Hachiman had recognized was Suzune Horikita.

"Wait a second, Manabu Horikita, Suzune Horikita… They are likely siblings. That would make sense, they both have the hair and the stern glare." Hachiman quickly concluded as he figured this was basically a sibling fight, he was recording.

Shiina looked concerned, but Hachiman quickly stopped her from speaking, as he whispered in her ear so that the recording didn't pick him up. The message was clear, "I will protect you if needed."

What was supposed to be just a sibling fight escalated however, when somebody intervened. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun?!" Horikita exclaimed, clearly surprised.

"You really were about to throw your sister to the ground, weren't you?" Kiyotaka asked Manabu, his face again uncaring and not showing any emotion. "You do realize the floor here is concrete, right? You both may be siblings, but you should know the difference between right and wrong."

Manabu eyed Kiyotaka dangerously, that Hachiman shivered. "If I were you, I would dodge and back away, he seems intent on hitting someone."

And after a bit of back and forth, Manabu immediately backhanded Kiyotaka in the face, only for Kiyotaka to step back to avoid it. Hachiman's eyes widened slightly as he had expected that from Manabu, but not the quick reaction from Kiyotaka.

"Hmm, seems this Kiyotaka person is a lot more dangerous than I already perceived…" Hachiman thought. His eyes had also managed to identify that Manabu's legs had tightened considerably, muscles tensed, meaning he was either going to leap, or send a kick at Kiyotaka's direction.

Sure enough, Manabu launched a kick right at Kiyotaka's undefended side. Kiyotaka, however, also avoided that strike; again surprising Hachiman as Kiyotaka's eyes were now focused on what was going on.

Manabu's right arm was tensed, specifically the bicep and shoulder, meaning he was about to punch.

"But his wrist and fingers themselves aren't flexed, so is it open-handed?" Hachiman asked himself before Manabu had indeed gone for an open palm strike, extending his righ arm, but Kiyotaka merely slapped it away.

Hachiman watched as Manabu eventually decided to stop, chucklong, "Good reflexes, have you been taught?"

"Yeah, Piano and calligraphy." Kiyotaka responded, almost making Hachiman laugh.

In the end, Hachiman quietly ended the recording, and motioned for him and Shiina to get away from them now.

Shiina nodded, a bit uncertain before they made distance from that.

"Why did you record that?" Shiina asked.

Hachiman shrugged, "Simple. It's a nice way of keeping potential threats from threatening me."

Shiina turned to a bit of confusion, "You think there are people threatening you?"

Hachiman shook his head, "Not directly. But perhaps indirectly. Regardless of how alone I want to be, I must acknowledge that likely if the class I'm in gets targeted, then I will also be targeted. Therefore, I must take steps to secure myself."

Shiina hummed, "I see, but how do you plan on doing that?"

Hachiman shrugged, "It's simple. I will collect as much private points as possible."

"What will private points do to protect you?" Shiina asked.

"A lot more than you think." Hachiman told Shiina, leaving her a bit confused on what to think.

In the end, Hachiman and Shiina called it a day. Shiina had decided to head up for the night. Hachiman decided to accompany her, making sure she got their safe, however, afterwards he went down, ready to approach Manabu.

Manabu was still outside when Hachiman approached him.

Manabu eyed Hachiman, clearly staring the dead fisheyed individual down.

"Is there something you need now, Hikigaya?" Manabu asked.

Hachiman nodded, eyeing for anything critical on Manabu, before he took out his phone. Calmly, and at a safe distance, Hachiman showed Manabu the video he took of him acting out on his younger sister, Suzune, and Kiyotaka.

Instantly, Manabu's face turned to one of seriousness even more. "So, somebody was there when I had that interaction. What were you doing walking this late?"

Hachiman eyed Manabu, seeing that while he remained calm, his left arm had flexed, indicating he might lash out, trying to take Hachiman's phone as an attempt to rid the information and video.

"I see that… My dead fisheyes will catch that." Hachiman thought as he answered.

"I was accompanying a… friend of mine to ensure her safety." Hachiman explained briefly.

Manabu hummed, his left arm relaxed as he thought, "So what do you intend to do with such a video?"

Hachiman pondered for a bit, placing his phone in his pocket, hoping to get Manabu to attempt to try and capture his phone.

He had a plan if Manabu were to try something like that.

Hachiman then thought, "Well, the first idea and thought I had was blackmail." Hachiman started. "I was simply going to show you and inform you that I wanted more information about this school whenever the time came. However, I then realized something."

"And what is that?" Manabu asked.

Hachiman again brought out his phone, looking at the video. "Looking at the video, the uncanny similarities between you and your sister are alike. The same glare, the hair, even the lean body. Must run in the Horikita's."

"What are you getting at with this?" Manabu asked.

"Well think of it like this. If I can see the connections that you and your sister, are indeed family, and the video I have of you attempting to beat your sister, and another student in Ayanokouji, could theoretically cause all sorts of reactions, don't you think?" Hachiman asked.

Manabu's left arm tensed once again, as the outer parts of his fingers also tensed as if he was prepared to extend his arm to grab Hachiman's phone. "I think it would cause an uproar. Very well, what do you propose to ensure its deletion?"

Hachiman tilted his head, "That's it? No fighting for it?"

Manabu sighed, before raising his glasses, "What else can I do? You caught me on video recording. All I can do is bargain with you."

"Huh, that's much easier than I was anticipating…" Hachiman thought before he raised his head, noticing that now Manabu's right arm was tense, and his fingers were still retracted as if ready to grab his phone.

But Hachiman also noticed that Manabu's stance had changed slightly, with his left leg slightly back and facing away from Hachiman.

"Strange, is he planning to do two moves in rapid succession?" Hachiman asked himself before his eyes picked up on the movement.

A kick directed right at his liver. Below his ribcage where his liver was, with the intent on dealing a devastating blow right onto Hachiman.

But Hachiman had reconnaissance, and his eyes picked up the movement.

So, when Hachiman blocked the strike, he made sure to aim right at Manabu's plane joint, which was connecting the feet with the leg. However, despite being unable to move it, he focused on the phone, as he tried to grab it.

Hachiman quickly realized this was the plan, as he dropped Manabu's feet, placed his right leg back to keep his phone at a greater distance from Manabu, before grabbing Manabu's right wrist with his left. Manabu had realized now that Hachiman had grabbed his condyloid joint, preventing him from moving it more.

"A joint lock?" Manabu thought, as he realized Hachiman did indeed know some martial arts. Only one he could think of.

"So you do know martial arts." Manabu commented, "And I'd assume it's one that does a lot of joint locking and grappling."

"Not necessarily, but it is best used for defense." Hachiman explained, as he let go of Manabu's hand before shaking the pain off his hands and wrist. His teeth clenched as he waited for the pain to subside.

"Damn, this guy could have easily fractured my hands from the sheer strength he hides in that lean body of his, if not for me blocking them. One good hit from him was all it would have taken to decapacitate me to the ground in pain." Hachiman thought. "Alas, in a defensive combat, I'll have the advantage, thank you Aoki..."

Manabu sighed, "Very well, what do you want to rid that video?"

Hachiman nodded, "Private points."

"Should have expected that from you." Manabu commented.

"How many private points do you have?" Hachiman asked Manabu.

"Around 20 million private points." Manabu explained.

"What the… How does one get so many private points? I guess they are in Class A, so they must have high class points and other ventures…" Hachiman thought.

Regardless, he thought, rather risky, "And what is your class points?"

"1205 class points." Manabu answered.

"That means he gets 120,500 private points a month, and not to mention the likelihood he may be saving up through previous years, and likely gets paid for being a student council president."

"Also, for student council president, I gain around 200,000 private points a month." Manabu explained.

"And I'm assuming you do other stuff to gain private points." Hachiman assumed.

"Yes, there is a lot you can do, as you are finding out." Manabu explained.

"Very well." Hachiman sighed, "However, because you tried attacking me, I will up the amount of private points you must give me."

Manabu nodded, "Very well, alas, let me add another waver."

Hachiman looked at Manabu confused, "Sure, what is it?"

"I'll pay you even more private points, if you agree to spar with me." Manabu explained.

Hachiman's eyes shrank slightly, "What?"

"Did I stutter? You seem skilled in martial arts. I would like to see how far and skilled you are. I'm willing to pay extra private points for that." Manabu explained, leaving Hachiman with even more to think.

So as Hachiman continues with his somewhat selfish goal of dealing damage to Satsuki, Maya, and Kei, whilst also helping the class with Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou, we now have Hachiman being offered some stuff, including being involved in the basketball team, and having to now potentially do some sparring with Manabu. For those wondering how it will impact Hachiman's library job, it likely won't because Hachiman has a good relationship with Nao and she'll likely be raising his salary soon enough. Basketball practice I think would be 2 hours on Tuesday and Thursdays, and an hour on Friday, and the sparring with Manabu would just be an hour on Monday and Wednesday. Hachiman would be able to make the schedule work, so don't worry about that!

Therefore, you choose again! Do you think Hachiman should…

Accept the offer, and earn the highest possible private points and now have weekly sparrings with Manabu? (planning twice a week for like 30 minutes).

Just have Manabu pay a middle amount for both the video and attempting to attack Hachiman to delete the video?

Accept a lower amount but also have Manabu do him a favour any time in the future? That decision can be made up by you.

Finally, apologies for not updating for a bit, I've decided to take a bit of a break to avoid writer's block.

Next chapter