
I want to Know.

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." – Aristotle.

Hachiman's POV

Hachiman turned to face Chabashira as the homeroom teacher continued to speak on the rules of the class. "All students are required to live on campus and are forbidden from contacting anyone outside the school. These include immediate family members unless you have explicit permission from the school."

"And yes, this also means you cannot leave the school campus grounds. However, there are many other facilities so that students won't suffer from this restriction of movement. There are plenty of entertainment areas for students, including karaoke bars, theater rooms, cafes, you name it." Chabashira added as she observed the faces of every student.

For some reason, Hachiman was able to deduce that Chabashira Sae was looking specifically at Ayanokouji for a bit longer than the rest of the students in this class.

"Why did Chabashira just eye Ayanokouji for a while?" Hachiman told himself before Chabashira Sae continued.

"As you all have seen, I've handed out student ID cards. With these cards, you can buy anything from any of the shops and facilities around campus. It works effectively like a credit card. You can buy anything from this school. There is nothing you can't buy here at Advanced Nurturing High School. If there's something on school grounds, it is purchasable."

That confused Hachiman. What did she mean by that? Instinctively, Hachiman began to take out a piece of paper and began to write what he found suspicious regarding what Chabashira had spoken today from this small introduction she was giving the class.

"There is no way she is just saying all of this for nothing… There must be something behind the words she speaks." Hachiman thought to himself as he made sure he was hearing Chabashira correctly.

"These student cards are just used by simply swiping them on machines, not much trouble. If there are any problems with the machines, make sure you call a faculty member, they are your first recommended call for help." Chabashira added, "Everyone should already have 100,000 points on their card, and your allowance should be added at the beginning of each month. Each point is worth 1 yen."

That was the moment the class got loud. Hachiman instinctively got his earbuds as he didn't like the sudden change in volume of the class.

"Damnit teacher!" Hachiman silently cursed. "Why did you have to make the class excited with your way of wording things!"

It was like an epiphany hit Hachiman once he said that as his mind got into working already, "Wait a minute… The way she worded everything made it seem like she didn't want students questioning what she said… That's why she said the points were worth yen at the last statement… She wanted everyone to be shocked by that so that they forgot everything…" Hachiman theorized, as while many in the class were excited of the hundred thousand yen they had, Hachiman was confused.

"There has to be something that comes with this…" Hachiman thought. "100,000 yen is too much to be given a month for each student…"

Hachiman looked around, only to see a few students in the class not really celebrating over the sudden money they had. No doubt in Hachiman's mind that they were skeptical as well.

These included Ayanokouji, the long-haired blonde boy, the stern black-haired girl, and the hot boy Hachiman knew would be a popular leader for the class.

Perhaps some were also not celebrating, but the ones that clearly engulfed the class atmosphere.

But for Hachiman, there was another catch, that he was glad he had taken out a pen and paper for prior as he began to dabble.

Mathematics was not his strong suit, in fact, it was historically his weakest subject, but the math he was doing was rather simple.

"If they are giving 100,000 points away, equivalent to 1 yen, to 480 total students across the three years monthly, then they are just giving away 48 million yen away a month… And this isn't counting the faculty, teachers, and others that they probably must pay…" Hachiman thought. "Basically, it's highly unsustainable to give so many points to students." Hachiman told himself, as he felt there had to be something going on. How was the school able to afford enough to pay at the very least 48 million yen to its 480 students a month?

The short answer, it can't. 40 people per class, with four across the spectrum leading to 160 students. Not to mention the second- and third-year equivalents which totaled up to 480 students in this school.

Logic just said that it wasn't adding up. And Hachiman didn't understand this. "But then again, how much exactly is 48 million yen to the US dollar?"

"Were you all surprised by the number of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here who has passed the entrance exam has shown some level of worth to end up here, so congratulations, class D." Hachiman could see a small sneer and smile brough up in Chabashira's face, almost as if pitying them.

"That's another thing to bring up…" Hachiman thought, writing it down as to why Chabashira was giving them such a confusing look. Alone, it was nothing, but with all the confusion and hints given, he had to highlight that as well.

"How your points are spent is up to you. But just knowing the amount of money reflects your skills. Use them without holding back. There is no point in saving up the points. Use them however you like. If you feel that there is no use for your points, you can always transfer them to someone else." Chabashira continued, which only added to more contradictions that Hachiman was building towards Chabashira's statements.

"I will warn you however, that bullying other people for points is prohibited. The school is very strict on matters concerning bullying." Chabashira warned, before asking the class if they had any questions.

Hachiman looked on, seeing that everyone was either distracted or not caring regarding the contradictions and confusions that laid in the whole ordeal.

With, Hachiman watched as Chabashira accepted the lack of questions as she then said one more thing, "With no one having any questions, please lead a good student life."

Chabashira, rather than watching the students, decided to leave the classroom, and head somewhere, which already confused Hachiman.

There was a lot of stuff to point out. The sheer amount of points the school would have to dish out, the idea that it was not worth keeping the points when they literally were equivalent to a yen.

"It's weird, if it is like money, people save money, so why would she want us to spend it all?" Hachiman asked himself.

Then, to top it off, both the small facial expressions she was giving, and the way she had spoken about revealing everything. The fact she gave the points monetary value just after she spoke on merits and values.

It just seemed very… fishy… to Hachiman.

Therefore, instead of staying by and listening to the conversations that the other students were most likely putting themselves into, Hachiman decided it would be best to confront Chabashira alone.

That way, he wouldn't have to deal with the looks of the remaining class. After all, if he would rain on his parade and tell everyone that what they thought wasn't that, then he would be scorned and hated, again.

He couldn't allow that. And even then, Hachiman knew that what Chabashira said about the private points being able to buy anything was to be taken literally.

He had heard that and was immediately interested.

"So, if it works just like yen, then I could perhaps get a part time job making some private points. I can likely strike a deal with someone in working some hours for some private points a month. Then again, it depends on the individual running the place. If I offer private points to circumvent any prevention of students working part time jobs, then I can buy to remove the preventative measure. That way I can just build up private points." Hachiman theorized as he walked out the class and straight to Chabashira's office.

This was either something he had a keen eye on, or just something he would look like an idiot on. But hey, sometimes it is necessary to take these risks when necessary. In the meantime, Hachiman continued to think.

"Depending on how much private points the faculty gains, I can likely negotiate when necessary for being paid in private points, just like for money." Hachiman concluded, as he eventually knocked on the office, he had spotted Chabashira entering.

"Come in!" Instead of hearing the serious voice of Chabashira, Hachiman instead her a more energetic and excited voice.

When Hachiman opened the door, he was met with and short adult woman, although her height was somewhat below average for the females in Japan. Whereas in contrast to Sae Chabashira, this woman looked very cheerful and friendly.

The opposite of Chabashira.

And yet, despite being shorter than Sae Chabashira, Hachiman wasn't sure whether it was because of the more causal attire she wore, but he could have sworn that both their assets were equal in size. The woman had chest-length light brown hair, with some bangs and hair curls at the bottom.

He really wasn't sure which one was larger.

Regardless, Hachiman had questions he needed to figure out, for the sake of his wellbeing in this school moving forward.

"Oh! You already have an admirer, Sae!" The cheerful woman also seemed to already be a bit tipsy, as Hachiman could see that both woman seemed to be embroiled in their own unhealthy habits.

This woman seems to like drinking while Sae seems to like smoking.

"I wouldn't be surprised if both these women are single… But then again these are the most fearsome type of woman if Hiratsuka has ever taught me anything…" Hachiman sighed, knowing that now he had to deal with two women on a similar cadaver as Hiratsuka.

Sae did not entertain what the woman was saying before she sighed, and eyed Hachiman. "Hikigaya, right?"

Hachiman nodded in confirmation as he already could see the other woman speaking.

"Aww! You know his name! Are you sure you already aren't making a move on him?" The woman never got to say another line, as Sae immediately pulled the other woman to the other room, and likely laid her on a sofa to not move and say anything stupid anymore.

"Good riddance, perhaps maybe having two Hiratsuka's will cancel them out, leaving me to not deal with them…" Hachiman thought a bit comedically as he waited for Sae to come back, which she did after a minute or two.

"Is that woman… okay?" Hachiman asked Sae who nodded.

"Hoshinomiya always gets tipsy and drinks a lot…" Sae sighed as she placed a hand on her and lightly rubbed it. Hachiman now knew the other name of the woman, who was likely also a homeroom teacher, and a Hiratsuka-clone.

"I see…."

"Then how come she's still allowed to work here?" Hachiman asked silently before continuing. "Anyways, I had some questions regarding the school points and rules."

At this, Sae's eyebrows raised slightly, and her mouth formed a small oval. Very small that Hachiman realized Sae was likely wearing lipstick.

"Very red." Hachiman commented as he waited for Sae to respond.

"Go on…" Sae started, crossing her arms, clearly waiting for Hachiman to continue, as if a bit intrigued to see what was happening.

Hachiman took out a paper and gave it to Sae, with the questions and contradictions he felt needed to be answered.

The truth was, Hachiman didn't know anything about what truly was going on. He just saw loopholes and was curious enough to ask them. Whether he got answers or not, he knew he had to put in some work to figure it out.

And even if it meant asking senior students or even faculty members, Hachiman knew he needed to do this to secure himself for the next three years. He wouldn't trust something he knew nothing about to govern his life for the next three years.

Sae's eyes wandered to the paper before her eyes widened ever so slightly. "So what are the questions you want to ask me, Hikigaya?"

Hachiman nodded, "Well, the first thing, how can the school afford the amount of yen to pay every student 100,000 yen monthly?"

Sae looked on, clearly a bit disappointed at what Hachiman was asking.

"So, he still thinks that?" Sae thought to herself before carefully answering to Hachiman, "The school is government-funded, you know that?"

Hachiman nodded, "Yes, but there's like, 480 students here covering all three years, there's no way nobody has that much money to give away. I feel like I'm missing a critical part of receiving these points."

Sae seemed to be in thought once again before she spoke, "I've told you all I can, but you will have to figure the rest out."

"Is the school saying that or you?" Hachiman asked back, his own fisheyes narrowing and his arms crossed.

"It doesn't matter." Sae retorted, not really giving Hachiman any room to keep asking. But he still needed answers. He had already had a plan on properly and healthily receiving private points, so perhaps he could come by a bit later, once he secured a proper way of securing private points, before paying Sae to get answers straight up.

"But then again, perhaps it's best to ask a senior third year here rather than the teachers…" Hachiman thought. He knew he wouldn't get any of his questions answered by Sae, so he was currently stuck right now.

So, he decided to ask one more question. "Chabashira, how come you told us to spend our points however you want? If the points are akin to money, then shouldn't we be saving up our points?"

Sae seemed to be a bit impressed with that question. "Let me ask you that question, Hikigaya, what makes you incentivized to save money?"

Hikigaya didn't like how Sae was just answering his questions with more questions, but he played along. "It depends on external factors. Sometimes you never know what will happen. No matter how hard you work, sometimes it isn't enough."

"Is that so? So, you think something will happen that will force you to save points?" Sae asked Hachiman once again.

"Yes." Hachiman nodded. "It also bothers me how come we don't shuffle classes every year or even semester. How come we remain with the class we got for first year?"

Sae once again answered, "Again, that is for you to figure out."

At this, Hachiman's eyes narrowed. "Is there a connection between the class shuffling and the points we receive per month? Why is it so difficult for you to answer that?"

Chabashira however remained firm and just stayed silent as Hachiman began to think.

"Will the points change? You did say it depends on merits and worth. Also, why did you say that after telling us the points were like money? It is as you wanted everyone to be distracted by the term of cash and money so that they wouldn't hear what else you had to say."

Hachiman then finished, "It's as if giving candy to a child but telling them after they're already eating it that they have to do this page of a math textbook if they want more."

Sae's face eventually turned to one of a smile, as if she was about to chuckle. "Oh, Hikigaya… How interesting you are to confront me with these questions here and not in the class… you would have saved them so much pain… Alas, this is your defect showing itself right here."

Sae looked at Hachiman's fisheyes, clearly thinking and working over what he was being told. The information given.

"And yet, all those capabilities will be wasted if you never choose to openly work and socialize with others. Your horrible and cynical view on the world is what will prevent you from showcasing your worth." Sae thought as she recalled reading the comments given to her by the school regarding Hachiman.

Hikigaya Hachiman Student Evaluation:

Academic Ability: B+

Intelligence/Intellect: A

Decision-Making/Judgement Ability: A

Physical Ability: B+

Cooperativeness: F

Comments: While this student has the proper capabilities of being a B or even A-tiered class candidate, his antisocial and cynical view on others has severely hampered his ability to function properly in society without causing problems. Regardless of whether it's his fault or not, trouble and problems always follows Hachiman. This is especially shown during his Junior High days, where it was reflected in his volatile grades. We have no information on his parents, only on a guardian who runs a martial arts dojo named Aoki Teruo.

As Sae recalled the comments and evaluation for Hachiman, and the action he was performing right now, she knew that Hachiman was truly an interesting individual, but just as defective as the rest of the class.

Still, the potential she saw in Hachiman was limitless.

And so, as she watched Hachiman walk away, she silently placed Hachiman on her mental mind of someone in Class D to keep an eye on.


Now that I think about it, how come Hirata Yousuke is in Class D? I've never questioned his defect until now?

Next chapter