
Sword Techniques

After two months of relentless training inside the space-time cube, Ling Tian felt a profound sense of accomplishment.

He had not only solidified his foundation but also regained several powerful techniques from his past life.

However, he knew that his journey was far from over.

The mastery of his sword techniques, which had always been his true strength, was the next step in his rigorous training regime.

"Two months inside the cube have yielded incredible results," Ling Tian mused, a determined gleam in his eyes.

"Now it's time to dedicate another two months to honing my sword techniques. These skills were the pinnacle of my power in the Divine Realm, and I need to reclaim that mastery."

Once again, he activated the space-time cube, feeling the now-familiar tug of spatial distortion as he was transported to the serene cultivation space within.

This time, his focus was entirely on the sword.

Ling Tian started with the basics, revisiting the foundational forms and katas that had been ingrained in his muscle memory.

His Tianwu Sword moved fluidly, cutting through the air with precise, controlled movements.

"Perfection in the basics lays the foundation for advanced mastery," he reminded himself, repeating each form until it was flawless.

"I couldn't train in my sword techniques before due to lack of qi, now I can finally learn them again."

With the basics reaffirmed, Ling Tian moved on to more advanced techniques.

He recalled the intricate sword arts from his past life, each one more complex and powerful than the last.

Among these were the Heavenly Dragon Slash, a devastating technique that combined speed, power, and the ferocity of a dragon, and the Void Piercing Thrust, which utilized the space intent to strike through any defense.

Each day inside the cube, Ling Tian practiced these techniques with unwavering focus.

He trained in various conditions, sometimes under the simulated pressure of combat, other times in serene meditation, visualizing the movements and their execution.

His swordplay became a dance of death, each movement precise and deadly.

He spoke to himself often during his training, reinforcing his determination.

"The sword is an extension of my will. Through it, I channel my strength, my intent, and my very soul. I must become one with the blade."

One particularly challenging technique was the Celestial Sword Dance, a series of fluid, interconnected strikes that required perfect balance and timing.

It was a technique best suited for group battles.

Ling Tian spent days mastering each segment, stringing them together into a seamless flow.

As he practiced, he could feel the techniques becoming second nature, his body moving with instinctual precision.

In addition to these offensive techniques, Ling Tian also focused on defensive maneuvers and counter-attacks.

The Eclipsing Moon Defense was one such technique, utilizing swift, circular motions to deflect and redirect attacks.

It required impeccable timing and reflexes, both of which Ling Tian honed through rigorous drills.

"Every strike, every defense, must be executed with swiftness and clarity," he reminded himself, his voice echoing in the stillness of the cube. "Only then can I achieve true mastery."

As the second month drew to a close, Ling Tian felt the culmination of his efforts.

His sword techniques might not have regained their former glory, but they were close to perfection in what he could learn merely with intent.

He could feel the power coursing through him, the blade becoming an extension of his very being.

But more than just physical prowess, Ling Tian had also achieved a profound mastery over his sword intent, reaching the second level, a feat that few cultivators could claim in qi refining realm.

Mastering the second level of sword intent was no small feat.

Sword intent was the manifestation of a swordsman's will and understanding of the sword, a force that transcended mere physical technique.

At the first level, one could infuse their sword with their intent, making their strikes sharper and more powerful.

The second level, however, was a different realm altogether.

It involved imbuing the surrounding of their sword with sword intent, creating an aura that could suppress opponents and even affect the terrain.

Ling Tian spent countless hours meditating, focusing not just on the movements of his sword but on the essence of the sword itself.

He visualized his intent spreading out from his blade, merging with the air, the earth, and the very fabric of space around him.

His mind became a forge, shaping his will into a sharp, unyielding force that extended beyond the physical reach of his weapon.

One day, as he stood in the center of his training area within the space-time cube, Ling Tian felt a breakthrough.

He closed his eyes, gripping the Tianwu Sword lightly in his hand, and allowed his intent to flow freely.

The air around him began to hum with energy, the ground beneath his feet vibrating subtly.

Opening his eyes, he swung his sword in a slow, deliberate arc. A wave of invisible force rippled out, cutting cleanly through a row of training dummies set up several meters away.

"Phew, Finally," he whispered, feeling the power coursing through him. "The second level of sword intent."

With this new mastery, his sword strikes were no longer limited by the physical reach of his blade.

He could strike opponents from a distance, his intent slicing through the air with deadly precision.

The very presence of his sword intent could intimidate and suppress weaker opponents, making them hesitate and falter.

He practiced relentlessly, honing this new power.

Each swing of his sword sent waves of intent rippling out, carving through the training dummies and leaving deep gouges in the ground.

He experimented with different techniques, combining his sword intent with his newly learned Void Shadow Step to create devastating attacks.

With Void Shadow Step, he could teleport short distances, appearing behind an enemy and striking before they even realized he had moved.

"With this level of mastery, I can take on opponents far stronger than before," Ling Tian said to himself, a confident smile playing on his lips.

"My sword is an extension of my will, and my will shall be unbreakable throughout eternity."

Ask in the comments if you find something confusing or if I should improve on it.

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