
Lunch with the boys

By the time that they had finished organising the papers in a way that Artie liked, she was almost certain that none of the former aides wanted to serve her. They were exhausted from all the work, and had drank several cups of the not water while Artie kept working away. Artie swore that they flinched every time she said the phrase 'that's great, but….'

Sir Lancelot didn't help her case either. He didn't help them organise, and instead took his job as her guard rather seriously today. He'd chuckle every once in a while at her antics, and also made sure that Artie also took breaks when the others did. Artie was worried that she was holding him back from doing another duty, and while on a break, she brought it up to him. He had frowned at her, and then asked her if there was anything more important than protecting the new king. He'd gotten her there. 

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