
Poison? I hardly know her

It was Sir Gaheris that saved her. 

He came waltzing over, a wide grin on his face. 

"Sire, your time is up! You did very well." It felt condescending coming from him, but Artie kept her comment to herself as she lowered her practise sword with a groan. Her arms felt like noodles, and she could feel the sympathetic gazes from the squires, while the knights tried to hold their laughter.

"I know it's important, but I hate holding those kinds of positions." She complained and Sir Gaheris patted her head. 

"You did great, Sire. You held out longer than everyone expected you too, except me of course. I always had faith in you." Artie hit his shoulder weakly and he laughed. "How terrifying Sire. I'm shivering in my shoes." 

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