
Of Some Actual Use

Samantha tapped her fingers nervously on the polished surface of the restaurant table, her frantic mind racing with thoughts of the conversation she had overheard earlier between Rebeccah and Jonathan Radcliffe.

Her entire body trembled with anxiety, and her hands shook slightly, causing her perfectly manicured nails to tap a staccato beat against the table.

She was so shocked that she hadn't even finished listening to their conversation; the moment she realized the depth of her maid's betrayal, she had immediately called Jason Sanason and arranged this meeting, prepared to give him a piece of her mind.

Now, as she waited, Samantha could hardly believe she was meeting Jason like this again. Just the thought of him made her skin crawl. She was irritated, both at the situation and at herself for having to face that man once more. She had thought she was done with this part of her life, but here she was, back in the muck.

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