
Ch 32: The kidnapping

"Ugh, that felt so long. But I think we had a good talk with that cashier. I am sure that she would never disrespect Rika like that again."

Emily sounded happy and content with what she had done. 

Her actions did ruin her 'coincidental' meeting with Rika, but she did not mind that. She would have more chances to meet Rika soon.

Now that she knew where Rika lived and worked, Emily would drop by a lot and keep an eye on Rika.

Damian, please give me the phone. I will contact Rika to see if she has reached home safely. What is wrong?"

Once Emily smelled Damian's furious pheromones, she immediately turned toward him. It was not often that her boyfriend behaved like this.

Damian was still expressionless, but there was a subtle hint of madness beneath his mask. Someone was going to die soon, but it would not be a clean or easy death.


Damian only said one word, but the screen he pointed toward Emily told her everything she needed to know.

Anger swelled inside her heart at the location of the GPS displayed on the screen. 

It was moving too fast to be human, and Emily's instincts roared at her, telling her that Rika was in danger. 

"Give me the phone. I will call Rika. You! Quickly contact every one and tell them this is an emergency. They should be ready to track down Rika at any second."

Emily ordered, and she was surprised when Damian agreed with her without much trouble.

His slight growl of protest at being ordered around did not feel intimidating under the daunting weight of what could have happened.


Rika's phone rang, but no one picked it up. 

The longer this happened, the more Rika became confident that something had happened.

After almost one minute of no one picking up the call, the phone disconnected, and the GPS lost its signal. 

The phone was likely turned off or damaged to prevent tracking, which made Emily confident that Rika was in trouble.

"Ha! It seems as if someone truly has a death wish. Damian, I will not stop you once we find the person who took Rika. You are free to do what you want this time."

Emily promised the taller alpha. 

She could see rage shimmering behind Damian's eyes, lighting them up just as much as Emily's own were lightened up.

Whosoever had decided to mess with them, they chose to go after the wrong person.

"Fuck! I feel so pissed off right now. I don't think the other side will survive this encounter."

It was rare for Emily to feel pissed enough to lose control like this. But messing with Rika was something that could make her feel like this.

And now, someone would see fully well the extent of her rage.

Not to mention, Damian was still seething quietly.

Emily had never seen him go all out before. But she had a feeling that she would be witnessing this side of the older alpha for the first time.


Rika felt her head throb as she woke up slowly.

The medicine that was used to knock her out was startling to lose its effect, and Rika's consciousness was slowly returning to her.

"Fuck this phone! I forgot all about it."

Rika's sleep-filled mind saw her phone being chucked out of the window by that kidnapper, and her heart leapt in her throat.

Maybe it was because she was still under the influence of the medicine, and it was making her brain slow down, but Rika leaned forward to be able to get her phone back.

It wasn't brilliant, but this was what Rika did anyway.

"No! Not my phone! Fuck! I needed…to pick up that call…"

Rika's limbs felt heavy, but she forced herself to move anyway. She just needed to get to her phone and make a call.

That was what she tried to do, but the kidnapper finally realised that Rika was awake, and he looked startled by her presence.

"What the-when did you…. well, it doesn't matter. It is a good thing that I bound you up. This way, you won't be able to move around much."

Rika tried to move, only to realise that the alpha was right about what he said.

Her limbs had been bound, and moving around felt impossible. But that did not mean that Rika wanted to give up. It was not even an option for her at this point.

"Why did you kidnap me? Is it because you want revenge? You will not be getting anything even if you come after me. It will be better for you to let me go now."

The kidnapper parked the car and ignored Rika's complaints. They were at an abandoned read with no one around. Rika could not even attract attention or call for help.

So, the only option she had left was to get this man to feel fed up with her and to free her.

Either that, or she would get killed by the kidnapper as soon as he realised that she was not helpful.

"You must think of me as a fool to not notice who you are, Rika Goodwill. Just because no one pays attention to you usually does not mean no records of you exist."

"It was surprising how easy it was to get all your records compared to your family. There was no security around your public information. I just had to look you up, and there it all was. Don't you think it is unfair?"

The alpha asked, and Rika flinched away from him. 

Her little flinch did nothing to discourage the hand from reaching for her head and yanking her hair.

"Rika Goodwill, the middle beta child of the Goodwill family. I was shocked when I first read your public information. Who knew the Goodwill had a middle child, much less a beta? Your relationship with your family must be great if they keep something like you around."

Pain erupted in Rika's head at the painful way she was being yanked around. It hurt, but the alpha in front of her did not care.

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