
Potential Rank

"H-hey, Adam, wake up." Terry tried shaking Adam awake as the class had already ended.

The students slowly departed from the class but took one last good look at Adam.

After seeing him sleep so carefreely in the class, they thought he was quite the character.

No one else would dare to sleep in one of the lectures, or they might be sent to the Culling.

Irene finished up packing her things and looked at Adam, slightly annoyed that he just slept through her lecture. It made her feel like she was a boring teacher.

At that moment, Adam jolted awake and sat straight, looking around him in clear confusion.


"Adam…" Terry breathed a sigh of relief. "The class is over."

"Already?" Adam touched his head and shook it, then nodded to Terry and stood up to leave.

As Terry walked past Irene, when it was Adam's turn, she finally spoke out.

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